Rising World - 0.6.3 - Dedicated Server Linux 3.13.0-43-generic Java 1.8.0_66 (amd64) Memory: 954 MB 05.12.2015 16:04 Items initialized! Plants initialized! NPCs initialized! Initialize Static Classes... Constructions initialized! Objects initialized! Picking initialized! Food-Definitions initialized! Crafting-Definitions initialized! Initializing world (sqlite) LOAD WORLD New World DATABASE TYPE: SqLite /home/gameserver/Steam/steamapps/common/rwserver/Worlds/New World:::New World CREATE WORLD STRUCTURE - DONE! WORLDINFO Gamemode :survival Gametype set to Survival WORLDINFO Seed :1438505268798 WORLDINFO Caves :true WORLDINFO Vegetations :true WORLDINFO OreAmount :4 WORLDINFO OreAmount :4 WORLDINFO DisabledNPCs : WORLDINFO Worldtype :Normal WORLDINFOS seed: 1438505268798 type: Normal caves: true vegetations: true oreamount: 4 disablednpc: [] WORLDINFO Time :1.4.11 7:26:0.7445683 set game time from string: 1.4.11 7:26:0.7445683 WORLDINFO Spawninventory :2 0 0 23 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 1 0 17 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 9 0 0 -93 0 16 -65 -128 0 0 0 1 0 99 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 98 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 24 0 -92 0 10 -65 -128 0 0 0 25 1 14 0 10 -65 -128 0 0 0 26 0 -109 0 10 -65 -128 0 0 0 27 0 -94 0 10 -65 -128 0 0 0 28 1 16 0 10 -65 -128 0 0 0 29 0 -111 0 10 -65 -128 0 0 0 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Biomepart generated: 0 - 0 CavePoints: 383544 Worldpart generated: 0 - 0 (1604ms) WORLDINFO Version :0.6.3_23 Worldconverter: Updating not required WORLDINFO Spawnposition :-11.727486 60.35166 459.72375 WORLDINFO Spawnrotation :0.014328843 0.71511877 -0.014665509 0.6987023 Loading custom images... 606 images successfully loaded! 1168 chests loaded from DB! 7 texts loaded from DB! 0 Plants loaded from DB! 97 Furnaces loaded from DB! 1719 NPCs loaded from DB! STARTING RISING WORLD SERVER... Server bind to IP: ***.***.***.***:4255 NetworkServer version 0.6 ThreadPoolSize 4255 TCP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4255 UDP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4256 UDP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4256 TCP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4257 UDP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4257 TCP: 1 (1) ThreadPoolSize 4258 TCP: 1 (1) 05.12.2015 16:04 C.g INFO: Default server permissions loaded successfully! 05.12.2015 16:04 C.g WARNING: Error while loading default server permissions java.lang.NullPointerException at C.g.d(SourceFile:245) at C.g.a(SourceFile:194) at C.g.c(SourceFile:107) at C.g.a(SourceFile:41) at server.b.d(SourceFile:728) at server.Main.c(SourceFile:332) at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:192) at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:82) at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread(NullContext.java:86) at com.jme3.system.NullContext.run(NullContext.java:129) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4255 StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4255 StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4256 StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4256 StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4257 StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4257 StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4258 CREATED SERVER SAVE THREAD RISING WORLD SERVER STARTED START /home/gameserver/Steam/steamapps/common/rwserver/scripts [LUA]Script "World Edit" loaded. Author: LordFoobar Team: [LUA][World Edit] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][World Edit] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][World Edit] Registered EventListener "PlayerChangePosition" successfully [LUA][World Edit] Loading locale de... [LUA][World Edit] Loading locale en... [LUA][World Edit] Script v0.5.85 loaded. [LUA]Script "HomeScript" loaded. Author: TutMeistensNix Team: TMN-Team [LUA][HomeScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][HomeScript] TMNs Home Script loaded successfully! [LUA]Script "BasicScript" loaded. Author: red51 Team: JIW-Games [LUA][BasicScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][BasicScript] BasicScript loaded successfully! [LUA]Script "plantScript" loaded. Author: Yahgiggle Team: Rising Citys [LUA][plantScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][plantScript] plantScript loaded successfully! [LUA]Script "Trustlist" loaded. Author: username Team: [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerBlockPlace" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerBlockDestroy" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionPlace" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionRemove" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionDestroy" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectPlace" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectRemove" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectDestroy" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectPickup" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerTerrainFill" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerTerrainDestroy" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestPlace" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestRemove" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestDestroy" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationPlace" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationDestroy" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationPickup" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerGrassRemove" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "InventoryToChest" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "ChestToInventory" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "ChestItemDrop" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "PlayerHit" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Registered EventListener "NpcHit" successfully [LUA][Trustlist] Trustlist loaded [LUA]Script "3D-Text" loaded. Author: TutMeistensNix Team: Kadaboom.de [LUA][3D-Text] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][3D-Text] 3D Text erfolgreich geladen! [LUA]Script "TP - Teleport 0.6" loaded. Author: s3mt3x Team: Pixelcoder [LUA][TP - Teleport 0.6] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][TP - Teleport 0.6] Teleport plugin loaded. [LUA]Script "AreaProtection 1.8" loaded. Author: KingGenius Team: JIW-Games [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerSpawn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChangePosition" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerEnterWorldpart" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerBlockPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerBlockDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectStatusChange" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectPickup" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerTerrainFill" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerTerrainDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationPickup" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerGrassRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "InventoryToChest" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "ChestToInventory" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "ChestItemDrop" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerRespawn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerDamage" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Registered EventListener "Update" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] AREA PROTECTION script started! [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded group:"Admin" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Default Group found "Guest" [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded group:"Guest" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded group:"Owner" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:145 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:150 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:151 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:152 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:153 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:183 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:184 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:185 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:186 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:187 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:188 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:189 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:190 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:202 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:231 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:243 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:244 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:245 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:246 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:247 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:259 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:260 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:271 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:274 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:275 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:280 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:281 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:282 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:283 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:284 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:285 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:286 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:287 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:288 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:289 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:290 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:291 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:292 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:295 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:296 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:297 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:298 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:300 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:301 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:302 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:303 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:304 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:305 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:306 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:307 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:308 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:309 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:310 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:311 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:312 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:314 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:315 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:316 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:317 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:318 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:322 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:323 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:358 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:359 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:360 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:362 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:371 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:372 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:373 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:374 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:377 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:378 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:379 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:380 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:381 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:382 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:385 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:386 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:387 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:388 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:392 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:396 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:399 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:401 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:402 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:403 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:405 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:406 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:407 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:408 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:412 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:413 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:415 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:416 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:417 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:418 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:419 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:420 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:421 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:423 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:424 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:429 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:433 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:434 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:437 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:439 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:441 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:442 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:444 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:448 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:449 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:454 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:455 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:456 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:457 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:458 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:459 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:460 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:461 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:462 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:463 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:465 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:469 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:470 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:471 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:472 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:473 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:474 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:475 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:476 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:477 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:478 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:479 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:480 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:481 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:535 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:541 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:542 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:543 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:544 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:545 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:546 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:547 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:549 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:553 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:554 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:557 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:558 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:559 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:560 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:561 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:562 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:565 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:566 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:567 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:568 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:572 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:573 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:575 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:576 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:577 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:578 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:581 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:585 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:586 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:587 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:588 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:589 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:590 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:591 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:592 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:593 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:594 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:598 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:600 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:602 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:603 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:604 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:605 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:607 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:617 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:618 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:619 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:620 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:621 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:622 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:623 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:624 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:627 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:628 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:629 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:630 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:631 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:632 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:633 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:634 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:635 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:636 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:637 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:638 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:643 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:644 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:645 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:646 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:647 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:648 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:649 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:650 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:651 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:652 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:665 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:666 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:735 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:736 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:737 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:738 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:739 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:740 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:741 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:742 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:743 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:744 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:745 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:746 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:747 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:748 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:749 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:750 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:751 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:752 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:753 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:754 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:755 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:756 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:757 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:758 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:759 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:760 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:761 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:762 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:763 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:764 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:765 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:766 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:767 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:768 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:769 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:770 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:771 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:772 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:773 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:774 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:775 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:776 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:777 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:778 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:779 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:780 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:781 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:782 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:783 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:784 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:785 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:786 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:787 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:788 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:789 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:790 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:791 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:792 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:793 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:794 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:795 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:796 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:797 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:798 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:799 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:800 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:801 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:802 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:803 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:804 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:806 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:807 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:808 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:809 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:810 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:811 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:812 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:813 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:814 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:815 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:816 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:817 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:818 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:819 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:820 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:821 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:822 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:823 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:824 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:825 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:826 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:827 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:828 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:829 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:830 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:831 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:832 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:833 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:834 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:835 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:836 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:837 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:838 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:839 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:840 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:841 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:842 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:843 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:844 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:845 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:846 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:847 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:848 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:849 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:850 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:851 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:852 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:853 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:854 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:855 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:856 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:857 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:858 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:859 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:860 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:861 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:862 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:863 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:864 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:865 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:866 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:867 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:868 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:869 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:870 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:871 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:872 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:873 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:874 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:875 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:876 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:877 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:878 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:879 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:880 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:882 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:883 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:884 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:885 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:886 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:887 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:888 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:889 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:890 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:891 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:892 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:893 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:894 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:896 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:898 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:899 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:900 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:901 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:902 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:903 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:904 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:905 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:906 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:907 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:908 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:909 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:910 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:911 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:912 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:913 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:914 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:915 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:916 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:917 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:918 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:919 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:920 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:921 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:922 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:923 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:924 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:925 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:926 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:927 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:928 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:929 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:930 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:931 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:932 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:933 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:934 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:935 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:936 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:937 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:938 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:939 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:940 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:941 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:942 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:943 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:944 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:945 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:946 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:947 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:948 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:949 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:950 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:951 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:952 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:953 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:954 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:955 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:956 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:957 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:958 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:959 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:960 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:961 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:962 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:963 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:964 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:965 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:966 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:967 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:968 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:969 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:970 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:971 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:972 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:973 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:974 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:975 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:976 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:977 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:978 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:979 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:980 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:981 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:982 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:983 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:984 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:986 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:987 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:988 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1016 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1025 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1026 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1027 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1029 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1030 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1031 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1032 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1033 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1034 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1035 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1036 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1037 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1038 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1039 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1042 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1043 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1044 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1045 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1046 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1047 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1048 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1049 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1050 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1051 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1052 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1053 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1054 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1055 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1056 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1057 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1062 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1063 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1064 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1065 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1066 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1067 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1068 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1069 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1070 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1075 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1076 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1077 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1078 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1079 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1080 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1081 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1082 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1083 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1084 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1086 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1087 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1090 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1094 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1095 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1100 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1101 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1116 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1117 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1118 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1119 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1120 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1121 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1122 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1123 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1124 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1125 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1126 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1127 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1128 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1129 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1130 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1131 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1132 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1133 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1134 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1135 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1136 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1137 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1138 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1139 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1140 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1141 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1142 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1143 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1144 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1145 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1146 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1147 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1148 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1149 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1150 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1151 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1152 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1153 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1154 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1155 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1156 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1169 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1170 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1171 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1172 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1173 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1174 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1175 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1176 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1177 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1178 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1179 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1180 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1181 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1182 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1183 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1184 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1185 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1186 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1187 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1188 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1189 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1190 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1191 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1192 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1198 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1199 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1200 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1201 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1202 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1203 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1213 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1216 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1217 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1218 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1219 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1220 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1222 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1227 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1228 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1236 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1240 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1244 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1248 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1249 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1250 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1251 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1252 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1253 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1254 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1255 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1256 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1257 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1258 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1259 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1260 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1261 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1262 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1263 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1264 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1265 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1266 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1267 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1268 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1277 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1278 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1279 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1280 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1281 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1282 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1284 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1285 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1287 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1288 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1289 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1290 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1291 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1292 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1293 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1295 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1298 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1299 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1300 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1301 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1302 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1303 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1316 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1320 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1323 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1324 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1325 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1326 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1327 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1328 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1329 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1330 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1331 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1332 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1346 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1347 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1348 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1376 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1377 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1378 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1379 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1386 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1387 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1388 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1389 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1390 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1391 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1393 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1394 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1395 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1397 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1398 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1399 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1403 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1404 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1417 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1419 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1420 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1421 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1422 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1423 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1424 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1433 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1434 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1477 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1480 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1493 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1494 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1497 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1498 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1505 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1506 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1507 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1508 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1517 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1518 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1519 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1524 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1525 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1526 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1527 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1536 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1537 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1538 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1539 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1540 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1541 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1542 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1543 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1544 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1545 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1546 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1547 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1548 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1549 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1550 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1551 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1552 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1553 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1554 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1555 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1556 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1557 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1558 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1559 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1560 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1561 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1562 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1563 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1564 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1565 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1566 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1567 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1568 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1570 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1571 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1572 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1573 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1574 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1575 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1576 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1577 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1578 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1579 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1580 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1581 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1582 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1583 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1584 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1585 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1586 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1587 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1588 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1589 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1590 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1591 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1592 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1593 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1594 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1595 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1596 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1597 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1599 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1600 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1601 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1602 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1603 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1604 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1605 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1606 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1613 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1614 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1617 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1618 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1620 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1629 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1633 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1637 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1639 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1640 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1642 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1643 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1644 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1646 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1647 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1648 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1649 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1650 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1651 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1652 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1656 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1659 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1661 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1662 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1663 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1664 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1665 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1666 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1667 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1668 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1669 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1670 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1671 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1672 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1673 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1674 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1675 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1676 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1677 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1678 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1679 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1682 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1683 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1684 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1686 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1687 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1689 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1690 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1691 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1692 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1693 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1694 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1695 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1696 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1697 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1698 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1699 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1700 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1701 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1702 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1703 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1704 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1705 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1706 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1707 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1708 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1709 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1710 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1711 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1712 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1713 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1714 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1715 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1717 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1727 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1728 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1729 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1735 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1736 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1737 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1738 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1742 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1743 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1744 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1745 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1746 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1753 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1754 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1761 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1762 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1763 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1764 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1765 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1767 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1769 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1770 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1771 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1772 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1774 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1775 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1776 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1777 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1778 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1779 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1780 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1781 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1785 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1786 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1787 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1788 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1789 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1790 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1791 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1795 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1805 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1816 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1823 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1824 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1825 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1826 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1827 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1828 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1829 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1830 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1831 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1832 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1833 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1834 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1835 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1836 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1837 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1838 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1839 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1840 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1841 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1842 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1843 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1844 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1846 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1847 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1848 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1849 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1850 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1851 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1852 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1853 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1854 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1855 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1856 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1857 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1858 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1859 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1860 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1861 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Load Chest ID:1862 [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ranaarvalis" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Eusin" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ranaarvalis" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ranaarvalis" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "sebi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "sebi" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "wdaDerantichrist" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ranaarvalis" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "bushaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "bushaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bushaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bushaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Feuerwehr" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Krankenhaus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BusHaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BusHaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BusHaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BusHaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BusHaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BusHaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BusHaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BusHaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BusHaltestelle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Geisterweg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "LagerTunnel_1" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weselestrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weselestrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weselestrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Christianstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Christianstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Christianstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Christianstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weselerstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sebastianstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sebastianstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sebastianstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sebastianstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "LagerTunnel_3" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weselestrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "RitterParkplatz" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Carlan" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "iVirus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Waldbühne" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lady_whynot" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "SebateBunny" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "SkareLP" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "SkareLP" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "SkareLP" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "TenRiox" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Siebenund70" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Park" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Rathaus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "KleineBusstation" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "KleineBusstation" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Haupstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Walterstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Walterstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sebastianstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sebastianstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weselerstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weselerstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "sicher" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "reserviert" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "hauptstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lady_whynotstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lady_whynotstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lady_whynotstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hotel_Am_Berg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lady_whynotstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Walterstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ritterstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Lady_whynotstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "U-Bahn-Station-1" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "JVA Rising World" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Carlanstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Carlanstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "wdaPERRY" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Ritterstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitarstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "RitterParklpatz" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstarsse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BaumSchule" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "mauer" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "JVA Plantage" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "U-bahn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BurgiVirus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BurgiVirus-1" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " Ausblick Zur Hölle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "wdaPERRY_Garten" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "wdaPERRY_Marktplatz" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bergsicherung" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bergsicherung" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bergsicherung" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "grünstreifen #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "KleineBusstation" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #R" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "WDA_Postzentralle" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Burg_iVirus #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg_iVirus #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Rathaus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "WaldKaffee #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Baustofhandel #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Krankenhaus #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Zeltlager #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BussWerkstat #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DomminikPL #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Henry_Stutzen" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DominikPL_MöbelHaus" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Zur_alten_Postschenke" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg1 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Genes7s" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "HotelamBerg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kirche_DominikPL #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Berg2 #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "avidsway #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Altes Dorf #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Alle #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Mauer #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Kirchenweg #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "gruen #Ra" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BountyFroog #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "BountyFroog - Haus #P " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Autohaus-PERRY" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "P|Grunstücksgrenze" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "P| Grunstücksgrenze" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "P| Grunstücksgrenze" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "P| Grunstücksgrenze" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " Min3conLP" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DomenikPL - Schule #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Akutris #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "matze616 #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hunter25 #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Quinte #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Schutz #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Stoffilp #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bergschutz #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bergschutz #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bergschutz #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bergschutz #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Recker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Recker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Recker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Reserviert #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Haupstrasse#c" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "wdaPERRY-Mietshaus #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "JVA-Garten#c" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Waldschänke_mit_Sauna#c" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitar Tunnel " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitar Tunnel " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitarstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitarstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitar Tunnel " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitar Tunnel " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitar Tunnel " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitar Tunnel " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Solitar Tunnel " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area " kgcool" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bauhof 2#c" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Linguinix #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "*" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "*" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "*" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Hauptstrasse #c" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Efeumeister #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Pfingstrose #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Grenze " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Grenze " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Grenze" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Grenze" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* -p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Grenze *p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Grenze *p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Walterstrasse" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weg *p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weg *p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weg *p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weg *p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weg *p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weg *p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weg *p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weg *p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Weg *p" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Wendepunkt #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Wendepunkt #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Wendepunkt #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "weg #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sicherung #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Adios#c" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Reserviert #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bergsicherung" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Bergsicherung #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Reserviert #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Reserviert #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Sport - Flugplatz #C-P-H" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "*" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "DominiksPL-Botschaft #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "AndreasMine #P" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* Grenze" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* Grenze" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* Grenze" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "* Grenze" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 1.8] Loaded area "Windräder #c" successfully [LUA]Script "Zcript" loaded. Author: Zabka and h0tw1r3 Team: [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerSpawn" successfully [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerDisconnect" successfully [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerDeath" successfully [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerText" successfully [LUA][Zcript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:04:39 Loaded HTTP Server bind to IP: 05.12.2015 16:04 server.Main INFO: Server successfully authenticated! *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** pendingCloseEvents.add 4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage NEXT CLIENT ID: 1 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** 05.12.2015 16:05 A.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@51aa57f6 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@51aa57f6 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@51aa57f6 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@523294d9 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@120fc1c1 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@16305758 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@2c94c532 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@5332cbfa 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@657a2168 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@31d30d80 1 05.12.2015 16:05 A.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT wdaDerantichrist *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** LOADPLAYER: wdaDerantichrist SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:05:28 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (45, 'wdaDerantichrist', '', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival PLAYER CONNECT DONE! CREATE CHUNK STRUCTURE - DONE! CREATE CHUNK STRUCTURE - DONE! *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** CREATE CHUNK STRUCTURE - DONE! CREATE CHUNK STRUCTURE - DONE! *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:05:50 ** wdaDerantichrist - joined the world Server DisconnectMessage closeConnection TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE pendingCloseEvents.add 4255 TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE closeConnection pendingCloseEvents.add 4256 TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE pendingCloseEvents.add 4257 --------------------------- pendingCloseEvents.add 4258 4255 (TCP) 4256 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) 4257 (TCP) 4258 (TCP) ---------------------------6 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4256 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) 4257 (TCP) ---------------------------5 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4256 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------4 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4256 (UDP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------3 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------2 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) ---------------------------1 closeConnection --------------------------- ---------------------------0 Client: 1 removed 05.12.2015 16:06 A.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:06:24 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = '' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:06:24 ** wdaDerantichrist - disconnected pendingCloseEvents.add 4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 05.12.2015 16:09 A.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@5f6da3b3 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@5f6da3b3 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@5f6da3b3 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@1f0301bd 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@368d647e 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@d6e6a01 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@56b986db 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@1ed24166 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@21ecbb1e 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@68c2c9d0 1 05.12.2015 16:09 A.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT wdaDerantichrist *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** LOADPLAYER: wdaDerantichrist SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:09:37 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (45, 'wdaDerantichrist', '', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival PLAYER CONNECT DONE! [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:09:59 ** wdaDerantichrist - joined the world Set group of player 'wdaDerantichrist' to '' dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage NEXT CLIENT ID: 2 05.12.2015 16:12 A.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 2 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@5b523c86 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@5b523c86 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@5b523c86 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@4eda3599 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@204c0dee 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@59e21a9c 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@2e747306 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@190c2f7 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@59e861c1 2 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@1092e682 2 05.12.2015 16:12 A.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 2 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Solitar *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** LOADPLAYER: Solitar SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT SEND TT [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:12:53 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (107, 'Solitar', '', strftime('%s', 'now')); serverPlayerListener -> Survival PLAYER CONNECT DONE! CREATE CHUNK STRUCTURE - DONE! CREATE CHUNK STRUCTURE - DONE! [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:13:13 ** Solitar - joined the world ...Chunks saved to DB! Server DisconnectMessage closeConnection TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE closeConnection --------------------------- TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE pendingCloseEvents.add 4257 pendingCloseEvents.add 4256 pendingCloseEvents.add 4255 pendingCloseEvents.add 4258 4255 (TCP) 4256 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) 4257 (TCP) 4258 (TCP) ---------------------------6 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4256 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) 4257 (TCP) ---------------------------5 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4256 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------4 closeConnection --------------------------- 4256 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------3 closeConnection --------------------------- 4256 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) ---------------------------2 closeConnection --------------------------- 4256 (UDP) ---------------------------1 closeConnection --------------------------- ---------------------------0 Client: 1 removed 05.12.2015 16:14 A.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:14:42 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = '' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:14:42 ** wdaDerantichrist - disconnected ...Chunks saved to DB! Server DisconnectMessage closeConnection TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE closeConnection --------------------------- pendingCloseEvents.add 4255 TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE pendingCloseEvents.add 4256 4255 (TCP) pendingCloseEvents.add 4257 pendingCloseEvents.add 4258 4255 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) 4257 (TCP) 4258 (TCP) ---------------------------6 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4255 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) 4257 (TCP) ---------------------------5 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) 4257 (TCP) ---------------------------4 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------3 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (UDP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------2 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (UDP) ---------------------------1 closeConnection --------------------------- ---------------------------0 Client: 2 removed 05.12.2015 16:24 A.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 2 [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:24:46 UPDATE `lastlog` SET `disconnect_at` = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `lastlog` WHERE `ip` = '' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1); *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** [LUA][Zcript] 12/05/15 16:24:46 ** Solitar - disconnected dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 05.12.2015 17:55 A.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1e50a988 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1e50a988 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1e50a988 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@1ec5db7f 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@3868b03d 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@71176b56 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@1793f073 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@761788f9 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@18a3c4 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@6e333f75 1 05.12.2015 17:55 A.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT vegeta *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** Server DisconnectMessage closeConnection TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE closeConnection --------------------------- pendingCloseEvents.add 4257 TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE pendingCloseEvents.add 4256 pendingCloseEvents.add 4255 pendingCloseEvents.add 4258 4255 (TCP) 4255 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) 4257 (TCP) 4258 (TCP) ---------------------------6 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4255 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) 4257 (TCP) ---------------------------5 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4255 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------4 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------3 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (UDP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------2 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (UDP) ---------------------------1 closeConnection --------------------------- ---------------------------0 Client: 1 removed 05.12.2015 17:55 A.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterMessage 05.12.2015 20:01 A.c INFO: ConnectionPending: 1 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4256 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 3 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1d464853 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4257 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 5 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1d464853 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage TCP Port:4258 SET HOSTED CONNECTION FOR CHANNEL: 6 de.jiw.network.base.HostedConnection@1d464853 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4257 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4255 dispatch: ClientRegisterChannelMessage UDP Port:4256 registerClientChannel isComplete Endpoints length: 7 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@1a582da2 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@5136891d 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@2c22225e 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@3570db81 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.udp.UdpEndpoint@6625b157 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@42ec08a8 1 register endpoint: de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpEndpoint@b96cb5a 1 05.12.2015 20:01 A.c INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT vegeta *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** Server DisconnectMessage closeConnection TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) pendingCloseEvents.add 4255 TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE 4256 (UDP) pendingCloseEvents.add 4256 TCP ENDPOINT CLOSE 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) 4257 (TCP) 4258 (TCP) ---------------------------6 pendingCloseEvents.add 4257 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4256 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) 4258 (TCP) ---------------------------5 pendingCloseEvents.add 4258 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4256 (UDP) 4256 (TCP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------4 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4256 (UDP) 4257 (UDP) ---------------------------3 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) 4256 (UDP) ---------------------------2 closeConnection --------------------------- 4255 (TCP) ---------------------------1 closeConnection --------------------------- ---------------------------0 Client: 1 removed 05.12.2015 20:01 A.c INFO: Delete Client ID: 1