## Rising World Version (6) Settings ## ## GRAPHICS SETTINGS # Enables or disables the ambient occlusion effect Graphic_AmbientOcclusion=True # Ambient occlusion intensity (0-4) Graphic_AmbientOcclusionIntensity=2 # Ambient occlusion quality (0-3) Graphic_AmbientOcclusionQuality=2 # Enables or disables anisotropic filtering for textures Graphic_AnisotropicFilter=True # Anti-Aliasing mode. 0 = off, 1 = FXAA, 2 = TAA, 3 = SMAA Graphic_AntiAliasingMode=3 # Enables or disables the bloom effect Graphic_Bloom=True # Bloom effect intensity (0-1). Default: 0.56 Graphic_BloomIntensity=0.56 # Bloom effect quality (0-2). Default: 1 Graphic_BloomQuality=1 # Bloom effect threshold. Default: 1.0 Graphic_BloomThreshold=0.56 # Enables or disables the blur effect (which is visible when the menu is active, for example) Graphic_Blur=True # Global brightness (between -1.0 and 1.0) Graphic_Brightness=0.25 # Enables or disables the chromatic aberration effect Graphic_ChromaticAberration=False # Chromatic aberration quality (0-1) Graphic_ChromaticAberrationIntensity=0.25 # Size (pixels) of optional cinematic bars (at the top and bottom of the screen). Set to 0 to disable Graphic_CinematicBars=0 # Color (RGBA hex value) for optional cinematic bars. Default: 0x000000FF Graphic_CinematicBarsColor=0x000000FF # Global contrast (between -100 and 100). Default: 0 Graphic_Contrast=0 # Enables or disables decals. Default: true Graphic_Decals=True # Enables or disables the depth-of-field effect Graphic_DepthOfField=True # Depth-of-field intensity (0-2). Default: 1.0 Graphic_DepthOfFieldIntensity=1 # Display mode. 0 = Fullscreen, 1 = Borderless fullscreen (default), 2 = Maximized window, 3 = Windowed Graphic_DisplayMode=1 # Enables or disables dithering to reduce color banding Graphic_Dithering=False # If true, light effects (like flickering lights etc) will be active. Has minor impact on performance Graphic_EnableLightEffects=True # If true, chunks will be smoothly faded out when detaching Graphic_FadeChunkDetach=False # Enables or disables the film grain effect Graphic_FilmGrain=True # Film grain intensity (0-1) Graphic_FilmGrainIntensity=0.05 # Film grain response (0-1) Graphic_FilmGrainResponse=0 # Film grain type (0-9) Graphic_FilmGrainType=4 # Field-of-view (FOV) of camera. Default: 75 Graphic_FOV=75 # Global gamma (between -1.0 and 1.0) Graphic_Gamma=0 # Determines if grass should be enabled. It's highly recommended to keep that set to true Graphic_GrassEnabled=True # Enables or disables shadow casting for grass. 0 = off, 1 = basic, 2 = full shadowing Graphic_GrassShadows=1 # Enables or disables HDR (High Dynamic Range Rendering) Graphic_HDR=True # If true, buildings stay visible until distance > LOD view distance Graphic_KeepBuildingsVisible=True # Global LOD bias. Default: 1.0 Graphic_LODBias=2 # If true, there will be a smooth cross-fade when changing LOD levels. Has impact on performance Graphic_LODCrossFade=True # Duration of transitions between different LOD levels Graphic_LODFadeDuration=2 # Max LOD level. Default: 0 Graphic_LODMaxLevel=0 # LOD terrain mesh resolution (1 = full, 2 = half, 4 = quarter etc) Graphic_LODTerrainMesh=2 # Max ingame frames per second (use this to cap your framerate artificially) Graphic_MaxFPS=75 # Visible distance for punctual lights. Higher values have a big impact on performance Graphic_MaxLightDistance=50 # Max number of active punctual lights. Higher values have a big impact on performance Graphic_MaxLights=60 # Visible distance for punctual light shadows, relative to light distance (0-1) Graphic_MaxShadowDistanceFactor=1 # Monitor which should display the game (default: 0). Only relevant when having more than one monitor Graphic_Monitor=1 # Enables or disables motion blur effect Graphic_MotionBlur=True # If true, camera motion is also affected by motion blur, else just object motion Graphic_MotionBlurFromCameraMotion=True # Motion blur intensity. Default: 1 Graphic_MotionBlurIntensity=1 # If true, objects will also be generated in LOD chunks. Default: false Graphic_ObjectsInLODChunks=False # Intensity for panini projection. Attempts to reduce distortions when using wide field-of-view. Default: 0 Graphic_Panini=0 # Enables or disables refractions (e.g. caused by glass, water etc) Graphic_Refractions=True # Refresh rate (default: 0 = automatic handling) Graphic_RefreshRate=0 # Optionally resizes the output resolution. Use a lower value (< 1) to improve performance. Default: 1 Graphic_ResolutionScale=1 # Screen width (horizontal resolution). Most screens are 1920 Graphic_ResolutionX=2560 # Screen height (vertical resolution). Most screens are 1080 Graphic_ResolutionY=1440 # Global saturation (between -100 and 100). Default: 10 Graphic_Saturation=10 # Screen-space reflection quality. 0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high, 3 = very high Graphic_ScreenSpaceReflectionQuality=2 # Screen-space Reflections. Can only reflect objects which are currently visible on screen Graphic_ScreenSpaceReflections=True # Total view distance for shadows Graphic_ShadowDistance=250 # Shadow quality. 0 = off, 1 = very low, 2 = low, 3 = medium, 4 = high, 5 = custom Graphic_ShadowQuality=4 # Enables or disables shadows completely. Shadows have a considerable impact on performance Graphic_ShadowsEnabled=True # Bone count for mesh skinning. 1, 2 or 4 Graphic_SkinWeights=2 # SMAA quality. 0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high Graphic_SMAAQuality=2 # Enables or disables soft blending for particles Graphic_SoftParticles=True # Enables or disables direct specular lighting Graphic_SpecularLight=True # Enable this only if you experience render issues (screen flickering or black screen) Graphic_StopNaNs=False # TAA sharpen strength (0-2). Only relevant when anti-aliasing mode is set to TAA Graphic_TAASharpenStrength=0.75 # Enables or disables distance blending for terrain to avoid tiling. Has a small impact on performance Graphic_TerrainDistanceBlend=True # Enables or disables height-based terrain blending Graphic_TerrainHeightBlend=True # Enables or disables shadow casting for LOD terrain. 0 = off, 1 = basic, 2 = full shadowing Graphic_TerrainLODShadows=2 # Enables or disables shadow casting for terrain. 0 = off, 1 = basic, 2 = full shadowing Graphic_TerrainShadows=2 # General texture quality (0-2) Graphic_TextureQuality=2 # Texture quality for construction elements (0-4) Graphic_TextureQualityConstructions=3 # Texture quality for terrain / ground materials (0-4) Graphic_TextureQualityTerrain=3 # Enables or disables mipmap streaming. Reduces VRAM consumption Graphic_TextureStreaming=False # Max number of texture file io calls (only if streaming is enabled). Default is 1024 Graphic_TextureStreamingMaxIO=1024 # Max miplevel reduction per texture (only if streaming is enabled). Default is 2 Graphic_TextureStreamingMaxReduction=2 # Max memory budget for texture streaming (only if streaming is enabled). Default is 512 Graphic_TextureStreamingMemory=512 # Controls whether or not the view should be blurred if the player is underwater Graphic_UnderwaterBlur=True # If true, vegetation will also be generated in LOD chunks. Default: true Graphic_VegetationInLODChunks=True # Detail view distance (number of chunks visible in each direction) Graphic_ViewDistance=5 # View distance for buildings, i.e. blocks and constructions (number of chunks visible in each direction) Graphic_ViewDistanceBuildings=5 # View distance for felled trees / tree logs (in block units) Graphic_ViewDistanceFelledTrees=150 # Total LOD view distance (number of chunks visible in each direction) Graphic_ViewDistanceLOD=40 # View distance for vehicles (in block units) Graphic_ViewDistanceVehicles=150 # Enables or disables a slight "vignette" effect Graphic_Vignette=True # Enables or disables volumetric clouds Graphic_VolumetricClouds=True # Determines the quality of volumetric clouds Graphic_VolumetricCloudsQuality=4 # Volumetric light quality (0 = low, 1 = default) Graphic_VolumetricLightQuality=1 # Enables or disables volumetric lights. Has a considerable impact on performance Graphic_VolumetricLights=True # VSync (enabling this prevents 'tearing' on your screen, but has impact on performance). Default: 0 Graphic_VSync=0 # Wind quality (affects grass and vegetation). 0 = off, 1 = simple, 2 = full (default) Graphic_Wind=2 ## AUDIO SETTINGS # Audio output device. Set to -1 for auto-detection (default) Audio_Driver=-1 # FMOD preload sample data for most events Audio_FMODPreloadSampleData=False # FMOD number of real channels Audio_FMODRealChannels=64 # FMOD sample rate of the mixer (default: 48000) Audio_FMODSampleRate=48000 # FMOD speaker mode (default 0) Audio_FMODSpeakerMode=0 # FMOD stream buffer size in bytes (default: 32768) Audio_FMODStreamBufferSize=32768 # FMOD number of virtual channels Audio_FMODVirtualChannels=1024 # Master music volume (0-1) Audio_MasterMusicVolume=0.75 # Master sound volume (0-1) Audio_MasterSoundVolume=1 # If false, the game will not play the game theme in main menu Audio_PlayMenuMusic=True # Level of audio details. 0 = lowest, 1 = medium, 2 = full (default) Audio_SoundDetails=2 # Enables or disables voice chat (recording of your own voice) Audio_VOIP=True # If true, you will hear your own voice when using VOIP Audio_VOIPSelf=False # Voice chat volume (0-1), i.e. volume of other player voices Audio_VOIPVolume=0.75 ## GAME SETTINGS # If true, the player is allowed to enter console commands Game_AllowConsoleCommands=True # If true, the player is allowed to use the fly mode (in survival mode) Game_AllowFlyMode=False # If true, a grid will always be rendered on terrain Game_AlwaysShowTerrainGrid=False # If true, mesh colliders will be baked in a separate thread. Default: true Game_BakeCollidersThreaded=True # Determines which center / pivot should be used for blueprints. 0 = center of blueprint, 1 = center of originally selected area Game_BlueprintsCenterMode=0 # Determines whether or not Java blueprints should be converted to the new version automatically Game_BlueprintsConvertJavaBlueprints=True # If true, elements smaller than 0.01 will be ignored when placing blueprints Game_BlueprintsIgnoreSmallElements=True # Determines whether or not construction elements should be stored in blueprints Game_BlueprintsIncludeConstructions=True # Determines whether or not objects (like furniture) should be stored in blueprints Game_BlueprintsIncludeObjects=True # Determines whether or not plants and trees should be stored in blueprints Game_BlueprintsIncludePlants=False # Determines whether or not terrain should be stored in blueprints Game_BlueprintsIncludeTerrain=False # Determines when blueprint files should be reloaded. 0 = on filesystem change (default), 1 = always, 2 = only once Game_BlueprintsLoadMode=0 # If true, the bounds of a blueprint will be visualized while placing it Game_BlueprintsVisualizeBounds=True # Determines if collision for the blueprint selector should be enabled. Default: false Game_BuildingBlueprintCollision=False # Move precision for blueprint placement (move distance per step). Default: 0.5 Game_BuildingBlueprintMovePrecision=0.5 # Rotate precision for blueprint placement (degrees per step). Default: 15 Game_BuildingBlueprintRotatePrecision=15 # Scale precision for blueprint placement (resize amount per step). Default: 0.05 Game_BuildingBlueprintScalePrecision=0.05 # Determines if collision for the selector should be enabled. Default: true Game_BuildingCollision=True # Default size for new construction elements (separated by whitespace). Leave blank for default ("1.0 1.0 1.0") Game_BuildingDefaultSize= # If true, building radial menu shows fixed precision values (instead of add/subtract values) Game_BuildingMenuFixedPrecision=True # Last selected movement mode for manual element placement. 0 = world (default), 1 = local Game_BuildingMoveMode=0 # Move precision (move distance per step). Default: 0.1 Game_BuildingMovePrecision=0.1 # Max allowed directions when placing multiple construction elements in a row. Either 1, 2 or 3. Default: 2 Game_BuildingMultiPlaceDirections=2 # Last selected pivot mode. 0 = automatic, 1 = manual Game_BuildingPivotMode=0 # Building resize mode. 0 = legacy, 1 = default Game_BuildingResizeMode=1 # Rotate precision (degrees per step). Default: 15 Game_BuildingRotatePrecision=15 # Last selected rotation mode. 0 = world, 1 = local, 2 = default Game_BuildingRotationMode=1 # Scale precision (resize amount per step). Default: 0.1 Game_BuildingScalePrecision=1 # Determines if the grid should be visible while building Game_BuildingShowGrid=True # Determines if the grid should be visible on the preview element while building Game_BuildingShowGridOnSelector=False # Determines if the building information on the left side of the screen should be visible Game_BuildingShowInformation=True # Determines if the red cross should be visible while building Game_BuildingShowMarker=True # Determines if pivots should be visible if modular snapping is active while building Game_BuildingShowPivots=True # If true, element will snap to X, Y or Z axes when rotating it Game_BuildingSnapRotationToAxes=True # Determines if collision for the vegetation selector should be enabled. Default: false Game_BuildingVegetationCollision=False # Move precision for vegetation placement (move distance per step). Default: 0.5 Game_BuildingVegetationMovePrecision=0.5 # If true, vegation will always be placed with a random rotation. Default: false Game_BuildingVegetationRandomRotation=True # Rotate precision for vegetation placement (degrees per step). Default: 30 Game_BuildingVegetationRotatePrecision=30 # Scale precision for vegetation placement (resize amount per step). Default: 0.05 Game_BuildingVegetationScalePrecision=0.05 # If true, rendered icons will be stored in the cache folder Game_CacheIcons=True # Font size used for chat. Default is 17 Game_ChatFontSize=15 # Number of lines shown in chat. If 0, the value is determined automatically Game_ChatRowCount=0 # If there are too many pending chunks (> threshold), game temporarily switches to fast generation mode Game_ChunkFastThreshold=5000 # Amount of time per frame (0-1) which is spent for world generation. Only used in "Dynamic" mode Game_ChunkGenerationFactor=0.05 # Sets the chunk generation type. 0 = Slow, 1 = Fast, 2 = Dynamic. Default: 2 Game_ChunkGenerationType=2 # Sets the number of chunk worker threads. 0 means auto detection (depending on CPU cores) Game_ChunkWorkerThreads=0 # If true, the game will not save comments in the config file anymore Game_ConfigNoComments=False # An optional connect target. This skips the main menu and instantly connects to a server (or loads a world) Game_ConnectTo= # Enables or disables console suggestions (i.e. suggestions while typing) Game_ConsoleSuggestions=True # Enables or disables console tooltips (i.e. hints about the command you're typing) Game_ConsoleTooltips=True # Determines the amount of blocks you get when using the "Copy block" function in creative mode Game_CopyBlockCount=1 # If true, the game creates a shortcut to the logs folder in the game dir Game_CreateLogsShortcut=True # Intensity of creative mode headlight. Default: 1.0 Game_CreativeLightIntensity=1 # Crosshair id (0-8). Default: 0 Game_Crosshair=0 # Console command that can be executed by pressing a key ("Input_CustomCommand1") Game_CustomCommand1= # Console command that can be executed by pressing a key ("Input_CustomCommand2") Game_CustomCommand2= # Console command that can be executed by pressing a key ("Input_CustomCommand3") Game_CustomCommand3= # Console command that can be executed by pressing a key ("Input_CustomCommand4") Game_CustomCommand4= # Console command that can be executed by pressing a key ("Input_CustomCommand5") Game_CustomCommand5= # Determines how long you have to hold a key in order to execute a custom command Game_CustomCommandDelay=0 # Time in seconds until dead bodies despawn. Default: 1800 (30 minutes) Game_DeadBodyDespawnTime=1800 # Determines if destroying construction elements should spawn debris Game_DebrisConstructions=True # Time in seconds until physical debris despawns. Default: 10 Game_DebrisDespawnTime=10 # Enables or disables the debug console Game_DebugConsole=True # Time in seconds until decals (like bullet holes) despawn. Default: 25 Game_DecalDespawnTime=25 # If true, the camera rotation will stay steady when dying Game_DisableDeadBodyRotation=False # If true, the player no longer gets damage when falling from a great height (in survival mode) Game_DisableFallDamage=True # If true, hunger and thirst is disabled (in survival mode) Game_DisableHungerThirst=True # If true, the game only offers a classic LAN game intead of P2P Game_DisableP2P=False # If true, player has unlimited stamina (in survival mode) Game_DisableStamina=True # If true, temperature has no effect on the player (in survival mode) Game_DisableTemperature=False # If true, WMI query calls (used to detect graphics adapters) on Windows will be disabled. Default: false Game_DisableWMIQuery=False # Determines whether or not water should be dynamic (flowing). If false, water will always be static Game_DynamicWater=True # Fly mode speed control type. 0 = sprint/walk for fast/slow flying, 1 = shift+mousewheel to change speed Game_FlymodeSpeedControl=1 # Fly mode type. 0 = fly towards view direction, 1 = keep elevation Game_FlymodeType=0 # Time in seconds until footprints (on snow or sand) despawn. Set to 0 to disable footprints. Default: 300 Game_FootprintDespawnTime=300 # If true, the player is invulnerable (in survival mode) Game_GodMode=False # If true, floating objects (like furniture) break under certain circumstances Game_GravityAffectsObjects=True # If true, floating plants break under certain circumstances Game_GravityAffectsPlants=True # Enables or disables head bobbing (note that this effect is very subtile) Game_Headbobbing=True # If true, friends will not be able to join your game through the friends list (Steam only). Default: false Game_HideRichPresence=False # Color for the crosshair (RGBA hex value). Default: 0xFFFFFFFF Game_HUDCrosshairColor=0xFFFFFFFF # Size for the crosshair (in pixels). Default: 20 Game_HUDCrosshairSize=20 # Color for quickslots (RGB hex value). Default: 0x303030 Game_HUDQuickslotColor=0x303030 # Opacity for quickslots (0-1). Default: 0.5 Game_HUDQuickslotOpacity=0.5 # Size for quickslots (in pixels). Default: 80 Game_HUDQuickslotPixelSize=80 # Determines if the creative mode toolbar (F4, F5, F6 etc) should be visible in creative mode Game_HUDShowCreativeModeTools=True # Determines if the creative submode toolbar (e.g. terrain edit tools) should be visible Game_HUDShowCreativeSubModeTools=True # Determines how long the quickslot bar should be visible (in seconds). Set -1 to never hide it Game_HUDShowQuickslotsDuration=2 # If true, the currently equipped item will be displayed in the top right corner on the HUD Game_HUDShowSelectedItem=True # If true, terrain can be mined in a single hit (in survival mode) Game_InstantDigging=False # Time in seconds until a dropped item despawns. Default: 600 (10 minutes) Game_ItemDespawnTime=600 # If true, the player keeps his inventory after death Game_KeepInventory=True # Determines the key rebind mode. Only change that if you run into issues with key rebinding. Default: 1 Game_KeyRebindMode=1 # Game language. If blank, the platform language will be used Game_Language= # LAN port (only relevant when hosting a LAN session) Game_LANPort=4255 # Max amount of simultaneously active debris in the world. Default: 25 Game_MaxDebris=20 # Unit for measurement (e.g. when using the measuring tape). 0 = default (blocks), 1 = metric, 2 = imperial Game_MeasureUnit=0 # Precision of measuring tape (number of decimal places). Default: 1 Game_MeasuringTapePrecision=1 # Enables or disables no-clipping for fly mode Game_NoClipping=False # If true, the background scene in main menu will not be loaded Game_NoMenuBackground=False # If a floating object breaks, it will spawn as item if its place time is less than this value (seconds) Game_ObjectRecoveryTime=4 # If true, double doors are always opened simultaneously. If false, you can open the doors individually Game_OpenDoubleDoorsSimultaneously=True # Factor to modify the duration it takes to smelt ores. Default is 1. If you set it to 0.5, smelting takes half the time etc. Game_OreSmeltingDurationFactor=1 # Determines if other players should leave footprints when walking on snow or sand. Warning: May cause performance issues! Game_OtherPlayerFootprints=False # If true, the game will pause while the ingame menu (ESC) is open (only works in singleplayer) Game_PauseInMenu=True # If true, enemies no longer attack you (unless you attack them first) Game_PeacefulMode=True # Factor to modify the duration it takes for plants to grow. Default is 1. If you set it to 0.5, growth is twice as fast etc. Game_PlantGrowthDurationFactor=1 # Determines if other player (in multiplayer) should have visible nametags Game_PlayerNametags=True # If true, all available resolutions will be printed. Use for debug purposes Game_PrintResolutions=False # Determines if the game should run in background if not focused Game_RunInBackground=False # If false, changes to the world (including player data) will no longer be saved in singleplayer Game_SaveWorld=True # If true, a thumbnail will also be created when taking a screenshot Game_ScreenshotCreateThumbnail=True # If true, the game overrides the default platform screenshot handling (e.g. Steam screenshots) Game_ScreenshotHook=True # Sets the screenshot quality (1-100) Game_ScreenshotQuality=100 # Sets the desired resolution for screenshots (100 = full resolution, 50 = half etc) Game_ScreenshotResolution=100 # If true, the HUD will be visible on the screenshot Game_ScreenshotShowHUD=False # Determines whether or not the end position of a selection tool should automatically be set with the first click Game_SelectorAutoSetEndPoint=True # Timeout (in seconds) when querying multiplayer servers in server list Game_ServerBrowserTimeout=3 # Enables or disables the fps counter (lower right corner) Game_ShowFps=False # If true, the news banner in the main menu will be shown (if any news are available) Game_ShowNewsInMainMenu=False # If true, the game does not check if the hardware is capable of running the game Game_SkipHardwareCheck=False # If true, the loading procedure does not wait until the world is fully loaded Game_SkipLoading=False # Optional rotation (in degrees) of the sky (determines where the sun rises and sets). Default: 0 Game_SkyRotation=0 # Player spawn protection. When spawning, you won't get attacked by npcs during that time. Default: 15 (seconds) Game_SpawnProtection=15 # Sets the Steam Networking API for P2P. 1 = SteamP2P (legacy), 2 = SteamNetworkingMessages (experimental), 3 = SteamNetworkingSockets (default) Game_SteamNetworkType=3 # Duration (real time minutes) of one ingame day. Default: 60 (minutes) Game_TimeDuration=60 # If true, you don't have to hold the secondary action key to keep aiming with a firearm Game_ToggleWeaponAim=False # If true, categories in crafting menu will be collapsed by default Game_UICollapseCraftingCategories=True # If true, UI layers smoothly fade in/out Game_UILayersSmoothFade=True # If true, a sound effect is played when the world location label (lower left corner) changes Game_UILocationLabelSound=True # If true, the radial menu closes automatically when releasing the interaction key Game_UIRadialMenuAutoClose=True # If true, the currently hovered item gets selected when releasing the interaction key Game_UIRadialMenuSelectOnClose=False # Determines if the mouse cursor should be visible in radial menus Game_UIRadialMenuShowCursor=True # If true, there will be an indicator in the crafting menu showing how many recipes are available and unlocked per category Game_UIShowCraftingRecipeCounter=True # If true, a small notification will be shown when picking up an item Game_UIShowPickupNotifications=True # Determines how many "undo" steps are tracked Game_UndoSteps=50 # Ingame name (if empty, the game uses the platform user name) Game_Username= # Determines how often flowing water should be updated (seconds). Default: 0.05 Game_WaterUpdateInterval=0.05 # Number of water worker threads (responsible for handling water updates). Set to 0 for automatic assignment Game_WaterWorkerThreads=0 # Factor to modify the time until the weather changes. Default is 1. If you set it to 0.5, weather changes twices as frequently etc. Game_WeatherDurationFactor=1 # Weather preset. 1 = default, 2 = sunny, 3 = unsettled, 0 = off (no weather changes) Game_WeatherPreset=1 ## INPUT - KEYBOARD SETTINGS # Force enable/disable keyboard input Input_Keyboard_Enabled=True ## INPUT - MOUSE SETTINGS # If true, the mouse cursor will never leave the game window Input_Mouse_Confined=False # Force enable/disable mouse input Input_Mouse_Enabled=True # Invert mouse Y axis Input_Mouse_InvertY=False # Mouse sensitivity Input_Mouse_Sensitivity=0.5 ## INPUT - GAMEPAD SETTINGS # Deadzone for analog sticks (0-1) Input_Gamepad_Deadzone=0.15 # Deadzone type of left analog stick (0 = axial, 1 = radial). Default: 0 Input_Gamepad_DeadzoneTypeLeftStick=0 # Deadzone type of right analog stick (0 = axial, 1 = radial). Default: 1 Input_Gamepad_DeadzoneTypeRightStick=1 # Force enable/disable gamepad input Input_Gamepad_Enabled=True # Invert gamepad Y axis Input_Gamepad_InvertY=False # If true, the deadzone will be normalized Input_Gamepad_NormalizeDeadzone=True # Intensity of gamepad rumble (to disable rumble, set to 0) Input_Gamepad_RumbleIntensity=1 # Gamepad analog sticks sensitivity Input_Gamepad_Sensitivity=0.5 ## INPUT - GENERAL SETTINGS # Time to detect a double tap (only relevant for input keys with a '2x' prefix) Input_General_DoubleTapTime=0.2 ## INPUT - KEY BINDINGS Input_AutoRun= Input_Blueprints= Input_BuildingAdapt=key_insert Input_BuildingBackward=key_downArrow Input_BuildingContext=key_c, mouse_forwardButton Input_BuildingDelete=key_delete Input_BuildingDown=key_pageDown Input_BuildingEditSurface=key_rightAlt Input_BuildingFlip=key_end Input_BuildingForward=key_upArrow Input_BuildingGrid=key_g Input_BuildingLeft=key_leftArrow Input_BuildingManual=key_rightCtrl, mouse_middleButton Input_BuildingMinus=key_numpadMinus Input_BuildingModular=key_enter Input_BuildingMove=gamepad_rightStick/up Input_BuildingNextPivot=key_period Input_BuildingPlus=key_numpadPlus Input_BuildingPreviousPivot=key_comma Input_BuildingReset=key_backspace Input_BuildingResize=key_equals, key_minus, gamepad_dpad/down Input_BuildingRight=key_rightArrow Input_BuildingRotate=gamepad_dpad/right Input_BuildingRotationMode=key_numpadMultiply Input_BuildingUp=key_pageUp Input_ChangeBlockShape=key_x Input_Chat=key_t Input_Console=key_backquote, gamepad_select Input_CopyBlock=mouse_middleButton Input_Crafting=key_e, 2x gamepad_buttonNorth Input_CreativeModeAreas=key_f9 Input_CreativeModeEdit=key_f8 Input_CreativeModeNormal=key_f4 Input_CreativeModePlacement=key_f6 Input_CreativeModeRemoval=key_f7 Input_CreativeModeTerrain=key_f5 Input_Crouch=key_leftCtrl Input_CrouchToggle=gamepad_buttonEast Input_CustomCommand1= Input_CustomCommand2= Input_CustomCommand3= Input_CustomCommand4= Input_CustomCommand5= Input_Debug=key_f3 Input_Down=key_downArrow, gamepad_dpad/down Input_DropItem=key_numpadPeriod, gamepad_dpad/down Input_Enter=key_enter Input_FlyMode=key_f2, 2x gamepad_buttonSouth Input_FpsCounter=key_f11 Input_Help=key_f1 Input_Interaction=key_f, mouse_middleButton, gamepad_buttonWest Input_Inventory=key_tab, gamepad_buttonNorth Input_ItemDuplicate= Input_ItemQuickMove=key_leftShift, key_rightShift, 2x mouse_leftButton Input_ItemSplit= Input_Journal=key_j Input_Jump=key_space, gamepad_buttonSouth Input_Key0=key_0 Input_Key1=key_1 Input_Key2=key_2 Input_Key3=key_3 Input_Key4=key_4 Input_Key5=key_5 Input_Key6=key_6 Input_Key7=key_7 Input_Key8=key_8 Input_Key9=key_9 Input_Left=key_leftArrow, gamepad_dpad/left Input_Look=mouse_delta, gamepad_rightStick Input_Menu=key_escape, gamepad_start Input_Move=gamepad_leftStick Input_MoveBackward=key_s Input_MoveForward=key_w Input_MoveLeft=key_a Input_MoveRight=key_d Input_NextItem=gamepad_rightShoulder Input_Pause=key_pause Input_PlayerList=key_i Input_PreviousItem=gamepad_leftShoulder Input_PrimaryAction=mouse_leftButton, gamepad_rightTrigger Input_QuickClock=key_o Input_QuickCompass=key_k Input_QuickLight=key_l Input_Right=key_rightArrow, gamepad_dpad/right Input_Screenshot=key_f12 Input_ScrollDown=mouse_scroll/y- Input_ScrollUp=mouse_scroll/y+ Input_SecondaryAction=mouse_rightButton, gamepad_leftTrigger Input_Sprint=key_leftShift Input_SprintToggle=gamepad_leftStickPress Input_StopInteraction=key_escape, gamepad_buttonEast Input_UIAxis=mouse_delta, gamepad_rightStick Input_UIAxisDown=key_downArrow, gamepad_dpad/down Input_UIAxisLeft=key_leftArrow, gamepad_dpad/left Input_UIAxisRight=key_rightArrow, gamepad_dpad/right Input_UIAxisUp=key_upArrow, gamepad_dpad/up Input_UIButtonAccept=key_y, key_j, gamepad_buttonNorth Input_UIButtonCancel=key_escape, gamepad_buttonEast, gamepad_start Input_UIButtonDecline=key_n, gamepad_buttonEast Input_UIButtonLeft=mouse_leftButton Input_UIButtonMiddle=mouse_middleButton Input_UIButtonRight=mouse_rightButton Input_UIButtonSubmit=key_enter, gamepad_buttonSouth Input_UIScroll=mouse_scroll/y Input_UIScrollDown=key_pageDown Input_UIScrollUp=key_pageUp Input_UnequipItem=key_h Input_Up=key_upArrow, gamepad_dpad/up Input_VehicleEngine=key_i, gamepad_buttonNorth Input_VehicleGearDown=key_q, gamepad_leftShoulder Input_VehicleGearUp=key_e, gamepad_rightShoulder Input_VehicleNextSeat=key_x, gamepad_dpad/right Input_VehiclePreviousSeat=gamepad_dpad/left Input_VehicleTurbo=key_leftShift Input_VOIP=key_v Input_Walk=key_leftAlt, gamepad_rightStickPress Input_WalkToggle= Input_Zoom=key_y Input_ZoomToggle=2x key_y ## PLUGIN SETTINGS # Determines whether or not plugins should be loaded. If false, no JVM will be created Plugins_Enabled=True # Max number of plugin errors until the game throws an exception Plugins_ErrorThreshold=10 # Max amount of heap memory (MB) for the Java VM. Default: 1024 Plugins_Memory=1024