## Rising World - Dedicated Server Version 0.3 (1) Settings ## ## SERVER SETTINGS # UIDs of server admins (separated by semicolon) Server_Admins= # Folder where the game stores backups. If blank, the game does not create any backups Server_BackupFolder= # If true, the console window gets cleared on startup Server_ClearConsole=True # If true, the server.properties file will not include comments Server_ConfigNoComments=False # Optional contact mail address or website (where players may contact you) Server_Contact= # Relative path to an optional server header image (shown in server browser if user selects the server) Server_CustomHeaderImage= # Determines after how many days old server logs should be deleted. -1 to keep all logs Server_DeleteOldLogsDays=7 # Optional server description (max 4096 characters). Visible in server browser (when player selects a server) Server_Description= # Server target framerate (only affects the main thread). Default: 60 Server_Framerate=60 # If true, the server process listens for direct console input Server_Input=True # Server IP. Leave blank if you want the server to bind to all addresses Server_IP= # If true, the server creates log files in the 'Logs' subfolder Server_Logs=True # Server name (shows up in server list) Server_Name=Default Rising World Server # Server password. If set, users are prompted to enter the pw to join the server. Leave blank for no pw Server_Password= # Server port (TCP and UDP) Server_Port=4255 # If true, the server performs an actual restart if the "restart" command is issued. Else it just shuts the server down Server_RestartEnabled=True # Optional short server name (max 32 characters). Leave blank to use regular server name Server_ShortName= # If true, the server blocks all players (UID) who are blacklisted ("blacklist" file in server dir) Server_UseBlacklist=False # If true, the server ensures that no player uses a reserved name (unless his UID matches) Server_UseReservedNames=False # If true, the server only accepts players (UID) who are whitelisted ("whitelist" file in server dir) Server_UseWhitelist=False # Determines whether or not the server should be visible in the server list (remember to change the server name) Server_Visible=True # Determines if the integrated webserver should be started. Required for RCON and queries Server_WebserverEnabled=True # Number of worker threads for integrated webserver. Default: 2 Server_WebserverThreads=2 ## WORLD SETTINGS # Default world game mode (only used when a new world is created). Either "Survival" or "Creative" World_GameMode=Survival # Name of the world which should be loaded (if it does not exist, it will be created) World_Name=New World # If false, the game will no longer save world changes World_SaveWorld=True # Seed that's used for world creation (only when a new world is created). Blank for random seed World_Seed= ## GENERAL SETTINGS # Determines if the global chat should be active Settings_ChatEnabled=True # If true, emojis will be shown in chat (depending on player permission) Settings_ChatShowEmojis=True # Amount of seconds until an unused chunk gets disposed. Low values reduce memory consumption, high values improve performance Settings_ChunkLifeSpan=60 # Amount of chunk worker threads. Set to 0 for automatic assignment Settings_ChunkWorkerThreads=0 # Time in seconds until dead bodies despawn. Default: 1800 (30 minutes) Settings_DeadBodyDespawnTime=1800 # Determines after how many days old world event entries should be deleted. -1 to keep all entries Settings_DeleteWorldEventLogsDays=7 # Game mode (0 = survival, 1 = creative) Settings_GameMode=0 # If true, floating objects (like furniture) break under certain circumstances Settings_GravityAffectsObjects=True # If true, floating plants break under certain circumstances Settings_GravityAffectsPlants=True # If too many illegal states are detected for a player, he will be kicked from the server Settings_IllegalStateLimit=100 # Time in seconds until a dropped item despawns Settings_ItemDespawnTime=600 # If true, player world events (e.g. place or remove elements or terrain) will be tracked and logged Settings_LogWorldEvents=True # Maximum number of online players on the server Settings_MaxPlayers=64 # Set this if you want to override the deep underground location name ("Deep Underground") Settings_OverrideDeepUndergroundLocationName= # Set this if you want to override the default location name ("Wilderness") Settings_OverrideDefaultLocationName= # Set this if you want to override the hell location name ("Hell") Settings_OverrideHellLocationName= # Set this if you want to override the orbit location name ("Orbit") Settings_OverrideOrbitLocationName= # Set this if you want to override the underground location name ("Underground") Settings_OverrideUndergroundLocationName= # When spawning several world items at once, the server tries to merge them (performance reasons) if set to true Settings_PackWorldItemStacks=False # Determines if peaceful mode should be active, i.e. enemies do not attack (unless provoked) Settings_PeacefulMode=False # If true, the player list (tab) will show the distance to other players Settings_PlayerListShowDistance=True # If true, the player list (tab) will show the permission group of other players Settings_PlayerListShowPermissionGroup=True # If true, the player list (tab) will show the total playtime of other players Settings_PlayerListShowPlayTime=True # If true, this server is advertised as PvE server (this alone does not affect the gameplay) Settings_PvE=True # If true, this server is advertised as PvP server (this alone does not affect the gameplay) Settings_PvP=True # If true, general messages (time of day or weather changed) will show up in the chat Settings_ShowGeneralMessages=True # Determines how long the current location should be shown to the player (in seconds). Set -1 to always show the location Settings_ShowLocationDuration=5 # If true, all players will be notified when a player connects to the server Settings_ShowPlayerConnectMessage=True # If true, all players will be notified when a player dies Settings_ShowPlayerDeathMessage=True # If true, all players will see why a player died (only if ShowPlayerDeathMessage is true) Settings_ShowPlayerDeathMessageReason=True # If true, all players will be notified when a player leaves the server Settings_ShowPlayerDisconnectMessage=True # If true, a restart reminder will be sent to all admins if the server is running for more than 24 hours Settings_ShowRestartReminder=True # Player spawn protection. Newly spawned players won't get attacked by npcs during the spawn protection. Default: 5 (seconds) Settings_SpawnProtection=10 # Initial weather effect (e.g. "fog", "rain" etc). Leave blank for default weather Settings_StartWeather= # Determines whether or not weather is enabled. If false, the server never changes weather automatically Settings_WeatherEnabled=True ## DATABASE SETTINGS # If true, the database runs in RAM (faster) and is only stored periodically on disc. Increases memory usage Database_InMemory=False # When using memory database, it's periodically saved to disc. Change the save interval (seconds) with this value (default: 60) Database_InMemoryBackupInterval=60 # Sets the journal mode. It's recommended to use WAL. 0 = off, 1 = memory, 2 = delete, 3 = truncate, 4 = persist, 5 = WAL (default) Database_JournalMode=5 # Synchronous flag. 0 = off, 1 = normal (default), 2 = full Database_SynchronousMode=1 ## RCON SETTINGS # Only set this to true if you want to use a custom RCON tool (this disables the built-in RCON tool) RCON_APIOnly=False # Determines whether or not the RCON tool should be enabled RCON_Enabled=False # RCON IP. Leave blank to use default server IP RCON_IP= # Password required for RCON login. Min 6 characters (!) RCON_Password=8912683 # RCON port (TCP) RCON_Port=4253 # If set, only these IPs (separated by semicolon) may access the RCON tool RCON_WhitelistIP= ## PLUGIN SETTINGS # Determines whether or not plugins should be loaded. If false, no JVM will be created Plugins_Enabled=True # Max number of plugin errors until the server throws an exception Plugins_ErrorThreshold=10 # Amount of heap memory (MB) for the Java VM. Default: 1024 Plugins_Memory=1024 ## PERMISSION SETTINGS # If true, server admins get full permissions, irrespective of their actual permission group Permissions_AdminsFullPermissions=True # Default permission group for new players. Leave blank to apply default permissions Permissions_DefaultNewPlayerPermissionGroup=