Rising World - 0.9.6 (Steam) 11.11.2019 13:26 Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 0.9.6_39 -H:4096 -D:3072 (Steam) Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, H370 Pro4, 16305 MB (4277 MB Heap) AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 20191101000000.000000-000 26.20.13031.10003 ______________________________________________________________________ JVM Arguments: -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Xms512m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=3072m -Xmx4096m -DMemDirect=3072 -DMemHeap=4096 Start game... Start context... com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay PixelFormatChanged: false WARNING: Selected display mode: 1920 x 1080 x 32 @59Hz LWJGL: 2.9.4 Display Scaling: 1.0 CURRENT RENDERER: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (ATI Technologies Inc.) 4.6.13572 Compatibility Profile Context 19.11.1 26.20.13031.10003 GL_ARB_draw_instanced = true GL_ARB_instanced_arrays = true Initialize Static Classes... Collision Shapes initialized! Constructions initialized! Items initialized! Projectile-Definitions initialized! Weapon-Definitions initialized! Record-Definitions initialized! Objects initialized! Clothing initialized! Plants initialized! Picking initialized! Food-Definitions initialized! NPCs initialized! Storages initialized! Record-Definitions initialized! Vehicles initialized! Crafting-Definitions initialized! Initializing client item information... Initializing client object information... Initializing client construction information... Initializing client plant information... Initializing client npc information... SETUP SPECIAL COLLISION SHAPE FOR giraffe Initializing client vehicle information... Initializing client records information... Initializing client clothing information... Initialize Default Options... LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ 1920 X 1080 LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ Initialize Bulletphysics... Initialize IngameContext... Initialize Materials... FMOD - INITIALIZE Initialize FMod for Windows64 ... FMod - Load native library: fmod64.dll Filesize: 1752064 bytes FMod - Load native library: fmodstudio64.dll Filesize: 1414144 bytes FMod - Load native library: fmodL64.dll Filesize: 1954816 bytes FMod - Load native library: fmodstudioL64.dll Filesize: 2157056 bytes FMod - Load native library: JavaFMod64.dll Filesize: 158720 bytes ... finished FMOD - CREATE STUDIOSYSTEM FMOD - GET LOWLEVELSYSTEM (0) Lautsprecher (Realtek(R) Audio), 7POINT1, 8, 192000 (1) 1 - SMT27A300 (2- AMD High Definition Audio Devi..., STEREO, 2, 48000 ______________________________________________________________________ FMOD - SET DRIVER 0 FMOD - SET OUTPUT TYPE FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_AUTODETECT FMOD - INITIALIZE STUDIOSYSTEM (CHANNELS: 64) Construction elements quality 256 Initialize Music... Initialize Sounds... Sound initialization done! Initialize RenderingSettings... Initialize SerializerRegistrations... Initialize InputMappings... Initialize LocalPlayer... Playername: Gackeley 125443256 bytes loaded MATERIALS INITIALIZED SET ANISOTROPIC FILTER TO 1 Initialize AppStates... Initialize GuiStates... warning CollisionDispatcher.needsCollision: static-static collision! Initialize GUI... LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ friendlist show: false Loaded 8 Steam friends LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ friendlist show: false com.jme3.texture.plugins.DDSLoader WARNING: Got 11 mipmaps, expected 12 LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ clothing element update player LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ screenresolution 1920x1080 aspect ratio 16:9 loading texture dimension: 1920x1080 friendlist show: false NEW CONSTRUCTON SELECTOR Initialize PostProcessFilters... -> reattach WaterProcessor initialized! GrassOccludeProcessor initialized! WeatherOccludeProcessor initialized! SSAO Filter disabled SET REFRACTIONS ENABLED: false SSAO Filter enabled SET REFRACTIONS ENABLED: true SSAO Filter disabled Loadingtime: 9,26 seconds 1894 blueprints initialized! SET REFLECTIONS ENABLED false SET REFRACTIONS ENABLED: false SSAO Filter enabled set lightscattering samples: 80 REFRESH screenresolution 1920x1080 aspect ratio 16:9 loading texture dimension: 1920x1080 LOAD WORLD Neuer PC DATABASE TYPE: SQLite C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld/Worlds/Neuer PC:::Neuer PC CREATE WORLD STRUCTURE - DONE! WORLDINFO Gamemode: Survival Gametype set to Survival WORLDINFO Seed: -6914612481300 WORLDINFO Caves: true WORLDINFO Vegetations: true WORLDINFO OreAmount: 3 WORLDINFO StartBiome: null WORLDINFO DisabledNPCs: WORLDINFO DisabledDungeons: WORLDINFO DisabledWaterSources: WORLDINFO Worldtype: Normal WORLDINFOS seed: -6914612481300 type: Normal caves: true vegetations: true oreamount: 3 startbiome: null disablednpc: [] disableddungeons: [] disabledwatersources: [] WORLDINFO Time: 6.1.0 2:47:1.0175546 WORLDINFO Creationdate: 1573423653185 WORLDINFO Version: 0.9.6_39 TRIGGER UPDATE Worldconverter: Updating not required WORLDINFO Spawninventory: 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WORLDINFO Spawnclothing: 5 -1 -1 1 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 2 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 aS.a INFO: DatabaseTaskManager started with ThreadPoolSize 1 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - 0 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - 0 (100ms) WORLDINFO Spawnposition: 4.0 64.0 128.0 WORLDINFO Spawnrotation: 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 dir does not exist: Worlds/Neuer PC/customImages/ INITIAL WEATHER Default 2978.0 0 chests loaded from DB! 0 texts loaded from DB! 14 Plants loaded from DB! 4 Furnaces loaded from DB! 275 NPCs loaded from DB! 0 Vehicles loaded from DB! LocalClient: addChannel 0 TCP 4255 STARTING RISING WORLD SINGLEPLAYERSERVER... LocalClient: addChannel 1 UDP 4256 LocalClient: addChannel 2 TCP 4256 LocalClient: addChannel 3 UDP 4257 LocalClient: addChannel 4 TCP 4257 LocalClient: addChannel 5 UDP 4258 LocalClient: addChannel 6 TCP 4258 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.255 Type:TCP Index:0 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.256 Type:UDP Index:1 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.256 Type:TCP Index:2 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.257 Type:UDP Index:3 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.257 Type:TCP Index:4 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.258 Type:UDP Index:5 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.258 Type:TCP Index:6 bb.g INFO: No default server permissions found! aZ.g INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> Connected RISING WORLD SINGLEPLAYERSERVER STARTED Steam - Load native library: steam_api64.dll Filesize: 250656 bytes Steam - Load native library: steamworks4j64.dll Filesize: 273920 bytes Steam - Load native library: steamworks4j-server64.dll Filesize: 145920 bytes STEAM BIND TO 0 (), PORT 4255, 4259 MODE: NoAuthentication SteamID: 76561197960265728 (0) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\scripts :::::CLIENT CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> Connecting :::::CLIENT CHANGE STATE: Connecting -> Connected CONNECT TO SERVER Authentication name: Gackeley SteamID: 76561198017836825 PLAYER REQUEST AUTHENTICATION 1 Client 1 send ReturnAuthenticationMessage SEND PLAYER CONNECT MESSAGE PLAYER CONNECT: Gackeley LOADPLAYER: Gackeley (76561198017836825) Load WorldPartSQLite 0 0... RECEIVE SERVERINFOS Return WorldPartSQLite 0 0 LAN server: false Host: true disabledNPCs: disabledDungeons: disabledWaterSources: clientGeneralListener -> Survival CHANGE GAMETYPE TO 'Survival' CHANGE CREATIVE MODE: Normal null Change ingame screen to 'Survival' PERMISSION SET false GetPlayerInformation Skin + Clothing Received NPC init spawn: 275 Player was not dead, old Spawn setup -> total npcs: 275 (1) Client sync weather: 0 -1 0.0 true Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -1... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -1 Worldpart generating... Load WorldPartSQLite -2 0... Return WorldPartSQLite -2 0 Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - -1 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - -1 (72ms) Worldpart generating... Load WorldPartSQLite -1 0... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 0 Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - 0 (2ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -2 - 0 (139ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - 0 (59ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -2 - -1 (87ms) Load WorldPartSQLite -2 -1... Return WorldPartSQLite -2 -1 11.11.2019 13:28: Steam Servers Connected (772114621 -> SET REFLECTIONS ENABLED true SET REFRACTIONS ENABLED: true Loaded world in 5.788954 seconds! Change ingame screen to 'Survival' LOAD MAP DATABASE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld/Map/sp_Neuer PC933295050/ load all maptiles from files: 0 ms change moon texture to: moon_full.dds (FullMoon) Falldistance = 1.4006233 PLAYER TEMP: 30 (INS: -7) TARGET: 13 (HEAT: 0) PLAYER TEMP: 24 (INS: -7) TARGET: 13 (HEAT: 0) -> Remove spawn collision helper PLAYER TEMP: 20 (INS: -7) TARGET: 13 (HEAT: 0) commons.world.j INFO: Play music 'piece_night_9' Removed Worldpart at 0, 0 commons.world.j INFO: Removed Biomepart at 0, 0 Furnace 4 ran out of fuel... ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!