Rising World - 0.9.6 (Steam) 11.11.2019 15:19 Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 0.9.6_39 -H:4096 -D:3072 (Steam) Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, H370 Pro4, 16305 MB (4260 MB Heap) AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 20191101000000.000000-000 26.20.13031.10003 ______________________________________________________________________ JVM Arguments: -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Xms512m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=3072m -Xmx4096m -DMemDirect=3072 -DMemHeap=4096 Start game... Start context... PixelFormatChanged: false com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay WARNING: Selected display mode: 1920 x 1080 x 0 @0Hz LWJGL: 2.9.4 Display Scaling: 1.0 CURRENT RENDERER: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (ATI Technologies Inc.) 4.6.13572 Compatibility Profile Context 19.11.1 26.20.13031.10003 GL_ARB_draw_instanced = true GL_ARB_instanced_arrays = true Initialize Static Classes... Collision Shapes initialized! Constructions initialized! Items initialized! Projectile-Definitions initialized! Weapon-Definitions initialized! Record-Definitions initialized! Objects initialized! Clothing initialized! Plants initialized! Picking initialized! Food-Definitions initialized! NPCs initialized! Storages initialized! Record-Definitions initialized! Vehicles initialized! Crafting-Definitions initialized! Initializing client item information... Initializing client object information... Initializing client construction information... Initializing client plant information... Initializing client npc information... SETUP SPECIAL COLLISION SHAPE FOR giraffe Initializing client vehicle information... Initializing client records information... Initializing client clothing information... Initialize Default Options... LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ 1920 X 1080 LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ Initialize Bulletphysics... Initialize IngameContext... Initialize Materials... FMOD - INITIALIZE Initialize FMod for Windows64 ... FMod - Load native library: fmod64.dll Filesize: 1752064 bytes FMod - Load native library: fmodstudio64.dll Filesize: 1414144 bytes FMod - Load native library: fmodL64.dll Filesize: 1954816 bytes FMod - Load native library: fmodstudioL64.dll Filesize: 2157056 bytes FMod - Load native library: JavaFMod64.dll Filesize: 158720 bytes ... finished FMOD - CREATE STUDIOSYSTEM FMOD - GET LOWLEVELSYSTEM Construction elements quality 256 (0) Lautsprecher (Realtek(R) Audio), STEREO, 2, 48000 (1) 1 - SMT27A300 (2- AMD High Definition Audio Devi..., STEREO, 2, 48000 ______________________________________________________________________ FMOD - SET DRIVER 0 FMOD - SET OUTPUT TYPE FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_AUTODETECT FMOD - INITIALIZE STUDIOSYSTEM (CHANNELS: 64) Initialize Music... Initialize Sounds... Sound initialization done! Initialize RenderingSettings... Initialize SerializerRegistrations... Initialize InputMappings... Initialize LocalPlayer... Playername: Fobsily com.jme3.input.InputManager WARNING: Attempted to add mapping "SelectorPgUp" twice to trigger. com.jme3.input.InputManager WARNING: Attempted to add mapping "SelectorPgDown" twice to trigger. 125443256 bytes loaded MATERIALS INITIALIZED SET ANISOTROPIC FILTER TO 8 Initialize AppStates... Initialize GuiStates... warning CollisionDispatcher.needsCollision: static-static collision! Initialize GUI... LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ friendlist show: false Loaded 8 Steam friends LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ friendlist show: false com.jme3.texture.plugins.DDSLoader WARNING: Got 11 mipmaps, expected 12 LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ clothing element update player LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ screenresolution 1920x1080 aspect ratio 16:9 loading texture dimension: 1920x1080 friendlist show: false NEW CONSTRUCTON SELECTOR Initialize PostProcessFilters... -> reattach WaterProcessor initialized! WeatherOccludeProcessor initialized! SSAO Filter disabled SET REFRACTIONS ENABLED: false SSAO Filter disabled SSAO Filter disabled Loadingtime: 9,94 seconds SET REFLECTIONS ENABLED false 1894 blueprints initialized! SSAO Filter disabled set lightscattering samples: 100 REFRESH screenresolution 1920x1080 aspect ratio 16:9 loading texture dimension: 1920x1080 LOAD WORLD Gackelandia DATABASE TYPE: SQLite C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld/Worlds/Gackelandia:::Gackelandia CREATE WORLD STRUCTURE - DONE! WORLDINFO Gamemode: survival Gametype set to Survival WORLDINFO Seed: 31106985236840 WORLDINFO Caves: true WORLDINFO Vegetations: true WORLDINFO OreAmount: 4 WORLDINFO DisabledNPCs: WORLDINFO DisabledDungeons: WORLDINFO DisabledWaterSources: WORLDINFO Worldtype: Normal WORLDINFOS seed: 31106985236840 type: Normal caves: true vegetations: true oreamount: 4 startbiome: null disablednpc: [] disableddungeons: [] disabledwatersources: [] WORLDINFO Time: 15.5.10 2:57:1.4802818 aS.a INFO: WORLDINFO Creationdate: 1424258119703 DatabaseTaskManager started with ThreadPoolSize 1 WORLDINFO Version: TRIGGER UPDATE Worldconverter: Updating not required WORLDINFO Spawninventory: 2 0 0 9 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WORLDINFO Spawnclothing: 5 -1 -1 1 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 2 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - 0 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart (v1) from cache: 0 - 0 (75ms) WORLDINFO Spawnposition: -156.17027 64.42714 962.5997 WORLDINFO Spawnrotation: 0.6581441 -0.18764873 0.17444548 0.70795697 Loading custom images... 335 images successfully loaded! INITIAL WEATHER Default 1400.0 746 chests loaded from DB! 86 texts loaded from DB! 0 Plants loaded from DB! 30 Furnaces loaded from DB! 3838 NPCs loaded from DB! 6 Vehicles loaded from DB! LocalClient: addChannel 0 TCP 4255 STARTING RISING WORLD SINGLEPLAYERSERVER... LocalClient: addChannel 1 UDP 4256 LocalClient: addChannel 2 TCP 4256 LocalClient: addChannel 3 UDP 4257 LocalClient: addChannel 4 TCP 4257 LocalClient: addChannel 5 UDP 4258 LocalClient: addChannel 6 TCP 4258 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.255 Type:TCP Index:0 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.256 Type:UDP Index:1 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.256 Type:TCP Index:2 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.257 Type:UDP Index:3 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.257 Type:TCP Index:4 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.258 Type:UDP Index:5 JIW-Network INFO: [LocalServer] Add channel Port:4.258 Type:TCP Index:6 bb.g INFO: No default server permissions found! aZ.g INFO: CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> Connected Client Connected ID: 1 IP: RISING WORLD SINGLEPLAYERSERVER STARTED Steam - Load native library: steam_api64.dll Filesize: 250656 bytes Steam - Load native library: steamworks4j64.dll Filesize: 273920 bytes Steam - Load native library: steamworks4j-server64.dll Filesize: 145920 bytes STEAM BIND TO 0 (), PORT 4255, 4259 MODE: NoAuthentication SteamID: 76561197960265728 (0) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\scripts [LUA]Script "PflanzenScript" loaded. Author: TutMeistensNix Team: Kadaboom [LUA][PflanzenScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][PflanzenScript] PflanzenScript loaded successfully! [LUA]Script "AltimeterScript" loaded. Author: TutMeistensNix Team: TMN-Team [LUA][AltimeterScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][AltimeterScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][AltimeterScript] Registered EventListener "PlayerChangePosition" successfully [LUA][AltimeterScript] TMNs Altimeter loaded successfully! :::::CLIENT CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> Connecting :::::CLIENT CHANGE STATE: Connecting -> Connected CONNECT TO SERVER Authentication name: Fobsily SteamID: 76561198017836825 PLAYER REQUEST AUTHENTICATION 1 Client 1 send ReturnAuthenticationMessage SEND PLAYER CONNECT MESSAGE PLAYER CONNECT: Fobsily LOADPLAYER: Fobsily (76561198017836825) RECEIVE SERVERINFOS LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ LAN server: false Host: true disabledNPCs: disabledDungeons: disabledWaterSources: clientGeneralListener -> Survival CHANGE GAMETYPE TO 'Survival' CHANGE CREATIVE MODE: Normal null Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -4... Change ingame screen to 'Survival' Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -4 image: Dahlie 2.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097096 client imagefilecheck successful for Dahlie 2.JPG 1 1636601135 image: Hibiscus 15.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097096 client imagefilecheck successful for Hibiscus 15.JPG 2 812100387 image: 1.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097097 client imagefilecheck successful for 1.jpg 4 1124081729 image: 2.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097098 client imagefilecheck successful for 2.jpg 5 897803579 image: 3.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097098 client imagefilecheck successful for 3.jpg 6 1521939955 image: 4.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097098 client imagefilecheck successful for 4.jpg 7 -1392618392 image: 13.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097098 client imagefilecheck successful for 13.jpg 9 310686098 image: 5.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097098 client imagefilecheck successful for 5.jpg 11 -1384757575 image: 6.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097099 client imagefilecheck successful for 6.jpg 12 -2006796008 image: 7.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097099 client imagefilecheck successful for 7.jpg 13 13918328 image: 8.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097099 client imagefilecheck successful for 8.jpg 14 1879808640 image: 9.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097099 client imagefilecheck successful for 9.jpg 15 329542158 image: IMG_0322.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097100 client imagefilecheck successful for IMG_0322.jpg 16 -217028814 image: IMG_0320.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097100 client imagefilecheck successful for IMG_0320.jpg 17 -1625253856 image: IMG_0386.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097100 client imagefilecheck successful for IMG_0386.jpg 18 574056006 image: IMG_0448.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097100 client imagefilecheck successful for IMG_0448.jpg 19 357863853 image: IMG_0449.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097101 client imagefilecheck successful for IMG_0449.jpg 20 1920906937 image: IMG_0445.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097101 client imagefilecheck successful for IMG_0445.jpg 21 883454424 image: IMG_0758.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097102 client imagefilecheck successful for IMG_0758.jpg 22 1284644772 image: IMG_0779.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097102 client imagefilecheck successful for IMG_0779.jpg 23 -119753425 image: Gerbera-Absolventenfeier 4.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097102 client imagefilecheck successful for Gerbera-Absolventenfeier 4.jpg 24 1139351624 image: Gerbera 2.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097105 client imagefilecheck successful for Gerbera 2.JPG 25 104179651 image: Hortensie - Endless Summer 4.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097105 client imagefilecheck successful for Hortensie - Endless Summer 4.JPG 26 1095404051 image: IMG_3208.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097105 client imagefilecheck successful for IMG_3208.JPG 27 -938492712 image: IMG_0808.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097106 client imagefilecheck successful for IMG_0808.jpg 28 1403149999 image: joker_165.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097106 client imagefilecheck successful for joker_165.jpg 29 1034787827 image: laeufer-mohammadi-taebriz-echt-orient-handgearbeitet-wolle-rot-6267223.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097106 client imagefilecheck successful for laeufer-mohammadi-taebriz-echt-orient-handgearbeitet-wolle-rot-6267223.jpg 31 772196932 image: Teppich-201100283364.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097106 client imagefilecheck successful for Teppich-201100283364.jpg 32 1656230571 image: Teppich-201100283364.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097107 client imagefilecheck successful for Teppich-201100283364.jpg 33 410567168 image: Perserteppich-201020549634.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097107 client imagefilecheck successful for Perserteppich-201020549634.jpg 34 -1092402438 image: 607_5.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097107 client imagefilecheck successful for 607_5.JPG 36 -1790367863 image: Teppichlaeufer_Smiley-Multi.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097107 client imagefilecheck successful for Teppichlaeufer_Smiley-Multi.jpg 37 1024283581 image: 7172347-Laeufer-Vintage-Roses.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097109 client imagefilecheck successful for 7172347-Laeufer-Vintage-Roses.jpg 38 -1478576626 image: sanwood-badteppich-wc-badvorleger-tp_417183002618092143f.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097111 client imagefilecheck successful for sanwood-badteppich-wc-badvorleger-tp_417183002618092143f.jpg 39 -1445495265 image: 3-garderobenhaken-messing.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097111 client imagefilecheck successful for 3-garderobenhaken-messing.jpg 40 -301798462 image: trend-aufputz-duscharmatur-03.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097112 client imagefilecheck successful for trend-aufputz-duscharmatur-03.jpg 41 1538119867 image: drachen001.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097112 client imagefilecheck successful for drachen001.jpg 42 1155135281 image: 92f3fae76215fb55c49243efb21d366a_720x600.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097112 client imagefilecheck successful for 92f3fae76215fb55c49243efb21d366a_720x600.jpg 43 600999615 image: Bodenkissen_40x40x8cm_rot.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097113 client imagefilecheck successful for Bodenkissen_40x40x8cm_rot.jpg 44 1569675872 image: oriental_collection_kashan_rot_76017.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097114 client imagefilecheck successful for oriental_collection_kashan_rot_76017.jpg 45 1089994564 image: tutanchamun1.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097115 client imagefilecheck successful for tutanchamun1.jpg 56 1460212090 image: 76z010a.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097115 client imagefilecheck successful for 76z010a.jpg 58 160056240 image: Rainer-Maria-Latzke-Egypt3.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097115 client imagefilecheck successful for Rainer-Maria-Latzke-Egypt3.jpg 59 -385112597 image: ä 1.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097115 client imagefilecheck successful for ä 1.jpg 60 -1566439988 image: prozession-fresko.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097116 client imagefilecheck successful for prozession-fresko.jpg 61 1285645103 image: prozession-fresko.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097116 client imagefilecheck successful for prozession-fresko.jpg 62 1931172308 image: 16269767-Egypt-Egyptian-murals-Anubis-the-jackal-headed-deity--Stock-Vector.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097116 client imagefilecheck successful for 16269767-Egypt-Egyptian-murals-Anubis-the-jackal-headed-deity--Stock-Vector.jpg 63 1701836657 image: 7945746-old-egypt-hieroglyphs.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097116 client imagefilecheck successful for 7945746-old-egypt-hieroglyphs.jpg 65 -1699861519 image: griechisches-fries-muster-mit-steinen-27815230.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097116 client imagefilecheck successful for griechisches-fries-muster-mit-steinen-27815230.jpg 66 1325467362 image: griechisches-fries-muster-mit-steinen-278152301.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097117 client imagefilecheck successful for griechisches-fries-muster-mit-steinen-278152301.jpg 67 -1249185742 image: griechisches-fries-muster-mit-steinen-278152301.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097117 client imagefilecheck successful for griechisches-fries-muster-mit-steinen-278152301.jpg 68 1981357411 image: abu-simbel-tempel-von-hathor-nefertari-ägypten-15808451.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097124 client imagefilecheck successful for abu-simbel-tempel-von-hathor-nefertari-ägypten-15808451.jpg 69 493379978 image: 813ca35255112a72.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097124 client imagefilecheck successful for 813ca35255112a72.jpg 70 -2140809303 image: samsung_3d-tv_ue55d7090_fernbedienung.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097124 client imagefilecheck successful for samsung_3d-tv_ue55d7090_fernbedienung.jpg 71 -941354385 image: tv_movie_1.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097125 client imagefilecheck successful for tv_movie_1.jpg 72 -1584858766 image: 9105244-image-0.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097125 client imagefilecheck successful for 9105244-image-0.jpg 74 -1650929757 image: Boxen.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097125 client imagefilecheck successful for Boxen.jpg 76 1361576553 image: Stereo.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097125 client imagefilecheck successful for Stereo.jpg 77 -1660095158 image: pioneer-dv-220-k-region-free-dvd-player.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097127 client imagefilecheck successful for pioneer-dv-220-k-region-free-dvd-player.jpg 78 761923746 image: eagle_owl_web.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097127 client imagefilecheck successful for eagle_owl_web.jpg 79 -491751909 image: Ekelund-Tischlaeufer-Attebladrose-rot.png.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097127 client imagefilecheck successful for Ekelund-Tischlaeufer-Attebladrose-rot.png.jpg 80 9179003 image: Buch 13.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097127 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 13.jpg 87 124555712 image: Buch 14.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097128 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 14.jpg 88 2167244 image: Buch 7.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097128 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 7.jpg 89 1527565328 image: Buch 8.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097130 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 8.jpg 91 -1784236758 image: Buch 9.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097131 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 9.jpg 92 -208112619 image: Buch 10.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097131 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 10.jpg 93 2063285765 image: Buch 38.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097131 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 38.jpg 94 -1520725486 image: Buch 39.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097131 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 39.jpg 95 -2127227641 image: Buch 40.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097131 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 40.jpg 96 430088935 image: Buch 41.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097132 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 41.jpg 97 792387966 image: Buch 11.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097132 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 11.jpg 98 -213979439 image: Buch 12.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097132 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 12.jpg 99 -70453592 image: Buch 15.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097132 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 15.jpg 100 -1520640461 image: Buch 16.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097132 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 16.jpg 101 -326209429 image: Buch 17.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097133 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 17.jpg 102 -745165170 image: Buch 18.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097133 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 18.jpg 103 70859315 image: Buch 19.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097133 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 19.jpg 104 -487728888 image: Buch 20.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097133 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 20.jpg 105 237993985 image: Buch 21.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097133 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 21.jpg 106 -2058853851 image: Buch 22.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097134 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 22.jpg 107 -1403992295 image: Buch 23.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097134 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 23.jpg 108 1762725417 image: Buch 24.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097134 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 24.jpg 109 1761176403 image: Buch 25.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097136 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 25.jpg 112 -1230029796 image: Buch 28.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097136 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 28.jpg 114 -79168564 image: Buch 29.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097136 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 29.jpg 115 986207581 image: Buch 31.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097137 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 31.jpg 117 -551157908 image: Buch 32.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097137 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 32.jpg 119 888786415 image: Buch 33.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097137 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 33.jpg 120 -692151190 image: Buch 34.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097137 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 34.jpg 121 -94044993 image: Buch 35.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097137 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 35.jpg 122 -1685013184 image: Buch 36.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097137 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 36.jpg 123 -2082650162 image: Buch 37.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097137 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 37.jpg 124 735189450 image: Buch 42.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097138 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 42.jpg 125 2010786590 image: Buch30.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097138 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch30.jpg 126 1668088157 image: Buch41.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097142 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch41.jpg 127 -1282682626 image: Buch 43.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097142 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 43.jpg 128 1208040196 image: Buch 44.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097142 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 44.jpg 129 -866343505 image: Buch 45.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097142 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 45.jpg 130 -286896857 image: Buch 46.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097142 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 46.jpg 131 989003447 image: Buch 47.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097143 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 47.jpg 132 1604855523 image: Buch 48.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097143 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 48.jpg 133 1578352348 image: Buch 49.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097143 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 49.jpg 134 1381887494 image: Buch 50.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097143 client imagefilecheck successful for Buch 50.jpg 135 1932482333 image: b1.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097143 client imagefilecheck successful for b1.jpg 136 -1204537151 image: b2.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097144 client imagefilecheck successful for b2.jpg 137 1276653360 image: b3.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097145 client imagefilecheck successful for b3.jpg 138 -1583653507 image: b4.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097146 client imagefilecheck successful for b4.jpg 139 456123589 image: b5.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097146 client imagefilecheck successful for b5.jpg 140 1274806280 image: b6.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097146 client imagefilecheck successful for b6.jpg 141 2138864880 image: b7.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097146 client imagefilecheck successful for b7.jpg 142 -1811291836 image: b8.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097147 client imagefilecheck successful for b8.JPG 143 -1231453461 image: b9.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097147 client imagefilecheck successful for b9.JPG 144 781886747 image: b10.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097147 client imagefilecheck successful for b10.jpg 145 1298254218 image: b11.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097147 client imagefilecheck successful for b11.jpg 146 -1436576903 image: b12.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097148 client imagefilecheck successful for b12.jpg 147 -504705212 image: b14.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097149 client imagefilecheck successful for b14.jpg 149 248788857 image: b15.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097149 client imagefilecheck successful for b15.jpg 150 -1946153807 image: b16.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097149 client imagefilecheck successful for b16.jpg 151 1829512646 image: b13..jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097149 client imagefilecheck successful for b13..jpg 153 -758750206 11.11.2019 15:21: Steam Servers Connected (772114621 -> image: b14..jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097149 client imagefilecheck successful for b14..jpg 154 416241163 image: b15..jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097149 client imagefilecheck successful for b15..jpg 155 1045264597 image: b16..jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097150 client imagefilecheck successful for b16..jpg 156 908554682 image: b18.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097150 client imagefilecheck successful for b18.jpg 158 600557279 image: b19.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097150 client imagefilecheck successful for b19.jpg 159 428409647 image: b20.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097150 client imagefilecheck successful for b20.jpg 160 -70974467 image: b22.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097150 client imagefilecheck successful for b22.jpg 163 -402744434 image: b23.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097150 client imagefilecheck successful for b23.jpg 164 1703149768 image: b24.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097150 client imagefilecheck successful for b24.jpg 165 -1201395448 image: b25.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097151 client imagefilecheck successful for b25.jpg 166 -1831038717 image: b26.jpg 512px Fobsily 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Fobsily 1449749097193 client imagefilecheck successful for Rising-Villa-Gackel.jpg 404 -2019966332 image: Bluejays 2..jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097193 client imagefilecheck successful for Bluejays 2..jpg 405 1519352193 image: Milchkanne Kolibris 1.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097193 client imagefilecheck successful for Milchkanne Kolibris 1.JPG 406 1396062634 image: Milchkanne Kolibris 18.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097193 client imagefilecheck successful for Milchkanne Kolibris 18.JPG 407 1400021484 image: Milchkanne Kolibris 17.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097194 client imagefilecheck successful for Milchkanne Kolibris 17.JPG 408 -1601460334 image: Milchkanne Kolibris 14.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097194 client imagefilecheck successful for Milchkanne Kolibris 14.JPG 409 -2096161754 image: Milchkanne Kolibris 16.JPG 512px Fobsily 1449749097194 client imagefilecheck successful for Milchkanne Kolibris 16.JPG 410 -910468315 image: Goldfisch 1.png 512px Fobsily 1449749097194 client imagefilecheck successful for Goldfisch 1.png 411 -1150214647 image: Goldfisch 2.png 512px Fobsily 1449749097194 client imagefilecheck successful for Goldfisch 2.png 412 -1233388069 image: Goldfisch 3.png 512px Fobsily 1449749097194 client imagefilecheck successful for Goldfisch 3.png 413 -736765215 image: Goldfisch 4.png 512px Fobsily 1449749097194 client imagefilecheck successful for Goldfisch 4.png 414 -628395310 image: Die vier Künste - Der Tanz.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097194 client imagefilecheck successful for Die vier Künste - Der Tanz.jpg 415 1065610303 image: Die vier Künste - Die Musik.jpg 512px Fobsily 1449749097194 client imagefilecheck successful for Die vier Künste - Die Musik.jpg 416 -1433168703 image: Banner 6.png 512px Fobsily 1453395324394 client imagefilecheck successful for Banner 6.png 417 -1813162873 image: Kuhfell 1.png 512px Fobsily 1453396290531 client imagefilecheck successful for Kuhfell 1.png 418 -251880801 image: Kuhfell 2.png 512px Fobsily 1453396381830 client imagefilecheck successful for Kuhfell 2.png 419 -581068450 image: Schaffell 2.png 512px Fobsily 1453396505255 client imagefilecheck successful for Schaffell 2.png 420 -1731093590 image: Schaffell 1.png 512px Fobsily 1453396545696 client imagefilecheck successful for Schaffell 1.png 421 -566179668 image: Schaffell 3.png 512px Fobsily 1453396570855 client imagefilecheck successful for Schaffell 3.png 422 -232738108 image: Schaffell 4.png 512px Fobsily 1453396592088 client imagefilecheck successful for Schaffell 4.png 423 -107401966 image: Normans_Bayeux.jpg 512px Fobsily 1453399966878 client imagefilecheck successful for Normans_Bayeux.jpg 424 319697444 image: W1030-Ehret-die-Frauen.jpg 512px Fobsily 1453400210745 client imagefilecheck successful for W1030-Ehret-die-Frauen.jpg 425 -687523919 Received NPC init spawn: 1274 Received NPC init spawn: 1273 Received NPC init spawn: 1235 Received NPC init spawn: 56 Received vehicle init spawn: 6 PERMISSION SET true GetPlayerInformation Skin + Clothing Player was not dead, old Spawn setup -> total npcs: 1274 (0) -> total npcs: 2547 (12) -> total npcs: 3782 (19) -> total npcs: 3838 (19) Client sync weather: 0 -1 0.0 true Load WorldPartSQLite -1 0... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 0 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - 0 (1ms) Loaded Worldpart (v1) from cache: -1 - 0 (82ms) Load WorldPartSQLite 0 0... Load WorldPartSQLite 0 0... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 0 RCA 24 32 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 0) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68029) send rca part (id: 0) offset: 64000 len: 4029 (total: 68029) rcap download (id: 0) received offset: 0 len: 64000 totallen: 68029 rcap download (id: 0) received offset: 64000 len: 4029 totallen: 68029 rcap (24,32) download (id: 0) completed! len: 68029 RCA 23 19 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 1) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 67154) send rca part (id: 1) offset: 64000 len: 3154 (total: 67154) RCA 23 18 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! rcap download (id: 1) received offset: 0 len: 64000 totallen: 67154 rcap download (id: 1) received offset: 64000 len: 3154 totallen: 67154 rcap (23,19) download (id: 1) completed! len: 67154 send rca part (id: 2) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 72735) send rca part (id: 2) offset: 64000 len: 8735 (total: 72735) rcap download (id: 2) received offset: 0 len: 64000 totallen: 72735 rcap download (id: 2) received offset: 64000 len: 8735 totallen: 72735 rcap (23,18) download (id: 2) completed! len: 72735 Return WorldPartSQLite 0 0 LOAD CUSTOM BITMAP FONT: de/jiw/gui/resources/Fonts/ RCA 4 55 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 3) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 65172) send rca part (id: 3) offset: 64000 len: 1172 (total: 65172) rcap download (id: 3) received offset: 0 len: 64000 totallen: 65172 rcap download (id: 3) received offset: 64000 len: 1172 totallen: 65172 rcap (4,55) download (id: 3) completed! len: 65172 Loaded image: 4.jpg Loaded image: 5.jpg Loaded image: 1.jpg Loaded image: 2.jpg Loaded image: 3.jpg Loaded image: 8.jpg Loaded image: Hibiscus 15.JPG Loaded image: 6.jpg Loaded image: 7.jpg Loaded image: fell 1.png Loaded image: Dahlie 2.JPG Loaded image: Chewie.png Loaded image: fell 1.png Loaded image: handtuchstapel.png Loaded image: Goldfisch 2.png Loaded image: Goldfisch 1.png Loaded image: Goldfisch 3.png Loaded image: Goldfisch 4.png Loaded image: Goldschrift-Truhe.png Loaded image: Silberschrift-Truhe.png Loaded image: Wolframschrift-Truhe.png Loaded image: Eisenschrift-Truhe.png Loaded image: Kobaltschrift-Truhe.png Loaded image: Mithrilschrift-Truhe.png Loaded image: Aluschrift-Truhe.png Loaded image: Höllensteinschrift-Truhe.png SET REFLECTIONS ENABLED true Loaded world in 9.342425 seconds! Change ingame screen to 'Survival' LOAD MAP DATABASE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld/Map/sp_Gackelandia-1316125340/ load all maptiles from files: 102 ms Falldistance = 1.4006233 PLAYER TEMP: 30 (INS: 4) TARGET: 19 (HEAT: 0) PLAYER TEMP: 26 (INS: 4) TARGET: 19 (HEAT: 0) PLAYER TEMP: 23 (INS: 4) TARGET: 19 (HEAT: 0) commons.world.j INFO: Play music 'piece_night_5' Removed Worldpart at 0, 0 commons.world.j INFO: Removed Biomepart at -1, 0 PLAYER TEMP: 21 (INS: 4) TARGET: 19 (HEAT: 0) PLAYER TEMP: 20 (INS: 4) TARGET: 19 (HEAT: 0) commons.world.j INFO: Removed Worldpart at -1, 0