Rising World - - Dedicated Server Windows Server 2016 10.0 Java 1.8.0_161 (amd64) Memory: 7635 MB 2018/02/04 06:00 AM ____________________________________________________ Start context... Items initialized! Plants initialized! NPCs initialized! Initialize Static Classes... Constructions initialized! Projectile-Definitions initialized! Weapon-Definitions initialized! Objects initialized! Clothing initialized! Picking initialized! Food-Definitions initialized! Crafting-Definitions initialized! Record-Definitions initialized! read bytes from resource: 354 read bytes from resource: 11417 read bytes from resource: 7342 read bytes from resource: 5351 read bytes from resource: 32120 Initializing world (sqlite) LOAD WORLD The Village of Rosalia DATABASE TYPE: SQLite C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677/Worlds/The Village of Rosalia:::The Village of Rosalia CREATE WORLD STRUCTURE - DONE! 2018/02/04 06:00 AM y.a INFO: DatabaseTaskManager started with ThreadPoolSize 1 WORLDINFO Gamemode: Survival Gametype set to Survival WORLDINFO Seed: Rosalia WORLDINFO Caves: true WORLDINFO Vegetations: true WORLDINFO OreAmount: 3 WORLDINFO DisabledNPCs: WORLDINFO DisabledDungeons: WORLDINFO DisabledWaterSources: WORLDINFO Worldtype: Normal WORLDINFOS seed: Rosalia type: Normal caves: true vegetations: true oreamount: 3 disablednpc: [] disableddungeons: [] disabledwatersources: [] WORLDINFO Time: 10.3.2820 4:28:1.324346 WORLDINFO Creationdate: 1493381666640 WORLDINFO Version: TRIGGER UPDATE Worldconverter: Updating not required WORLDINFO Spawninventory: 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 -22 0 0 2 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 42 1 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 3 0 105 0 0 2 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 79 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 44 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 37 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 3 37 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 4 0 12 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 3 37 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 4 0 7 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 0 104 0 0 8 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 WORLDINFO Spawnclothing: 5 -1 -1 1 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 2 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - 0 (12ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - 0 (252ms) WORLDINFO Spawnposition: -10.15242 71.779526 -6.7044034 WORLDINFO Spawnrotation: 0.011581776 0.9366683 -0.3486405 0.031115955 Loading custom images... Image 11.png 1026 27567498.cimg corrupted or file format out of date Image 14.png 2743 -943778228.cimg corrupted or file format out of date Image art4.jpg 661 -1861935828.cimg corrupted or file format out of date Image map.png 1425 -456165270.cimg corrupted or file format out of date Image strawberries.png 3927 -1773705667.cimg corrupted or file format out of date 4196 images successfully loaded! INITIAL WEATHER Clear 2504.0 9755 chests loaded from DB! 4803 texts loaded from DB! 118 Plants loaded from DB! 594 Furnaces loaded from DB! 2018/02/04 06:01 AM h.a INFO: Custom journal loaded (29)! 15091 NPCs loaded from DB! STARTING RISING WORLD SERVER... Server bind to IP: 2018/02/04 06:01 AM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,255 Type:TCP Index:0 2018/02/04 06:01 AM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,255 Type:UDP Index:1 2018/02/04 06:01 AM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,256 Type:UDP Index:2 2018/02/04 06:01 AM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,256 Type:TCP Index:3 2018/02/04 06:01 AM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,257 Type:UDP Index:4 2018/02/04 06:01 AM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,257 Type:TCP Index:5 2018/02/04 06:01 AM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,258 Type:TCP Index:6 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g INFO: Default server permissions loaded successfully! Found 9 files in groups folder clear items_crafting_denied clear items_drop_general_denied 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g INFO: Group "admin" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g WARNING: Invalid color: D50F37 clear items_crafting_denied clear items_drop_general_denied 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g INFO: Group "alice" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g INFO: Group "builder" permissions loaded successfully! clear items_crafting_denied clear items_drop_general_denied 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g INFO: Group "Cheshirecat" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g INFO: Group "default" permissions loaded successfully! clear items_drop_general_denied 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g INFO: Group "moderator" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g WARNING: Invalid color: D50F37 clear items_crafting_denied clear items_drop_general_denied 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g INFO: Group "owner" permissions loaded successfully! clear items_crafting_denied clear items_drop_general_denied 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g INFO: Group "ranger" permissions loaded successfully! 2018/02/04 06:01 AM H.g INFO: Group "resident" permissions loaded successfully! RISING WORLD SERVER STARTED C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\scripts [LUA]Script "AreaProtection 3.0" loaded. Author: KingGenius and yahgiggle Team: JIW-Games [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerConnect" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerSpawn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerChangePosition" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerEnterWorldpart" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerBlockPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerBlockDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerConstructionDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectStatusChange" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerObjectPickup" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerTerrainFill" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerTerrainDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerChestDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationPlace" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationDestroy" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerVegetationPickup" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerGrassRemove" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "InventoryToChest" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "ChestToInventory" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "ChestItemDrop" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerRespawn" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerDamage" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "PlayerCommand" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Registered EventListener "Update" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] AREA PROTECTION script started! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded group:"Admin" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Default Group found "Guest" [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded group:"Guest" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded group:"Owner" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded group:"Shopper" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded group:"Lockup" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded group:"Lockout" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded group:"Miner" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded group:"Friend" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:133 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:137 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:138 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:180 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:183 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:184 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:185 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:187 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:188 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:189 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:191 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:192 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:193 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:203 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:204 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:205 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:207 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:244 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:342 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:343 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:344 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:346 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:347 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:348 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:349 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:350 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:354 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:359 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:360 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:361 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:362 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:363 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:364 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:365 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:366 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:367 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:368 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:369 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:370 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:371 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:374 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:375 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:376 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:377 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:391 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:395 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:396 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:397 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:398 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:399 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:414 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:421 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:423 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:424 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:425 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:427 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:428 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:429 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:430 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:431 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:432 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:433 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:434 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:435 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:497 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:500 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:521 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:568 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:578 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:716 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:730 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:731 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:732 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:733 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:734 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:735 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:736 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:737 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:738 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:739 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:740 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:741 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:742 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:743 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:744 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:745 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:746 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:747 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:748 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:749 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:751 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:752 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:753 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:754 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:755 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:756 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:757 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:758 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:759 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:760 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:761 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:762 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:763 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:764 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:765 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:770 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:834 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:835 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:836 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:837 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:838 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:839 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:840 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:841 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:842 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:843 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:844 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:845 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:846 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:847 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:848 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:849 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:850 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:851 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:852 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:853 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:854 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:855 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:856 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:857 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1008 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1009 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1047 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1075 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1086 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1088 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1089 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1092 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1093 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1094 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1095 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1096 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1098 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1099 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1100 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1101 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1102 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1136 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1142 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1195 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1196 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1198 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1239 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1240 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1241 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1242 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1248 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1265 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1313 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1314 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1315 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1316 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1317 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1318 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1319 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1320 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1321 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1323 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1324 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1325 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1326 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1327 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1328 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1329 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1330 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1331 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1334 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1335 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1336 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1337 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1338 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1339 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1340 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1341 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1342 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1343 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1344 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1345 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1346 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1347 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1348 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1349 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1350 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1351 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1352 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1353 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1475 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1510 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1511 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1512 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1513 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1514 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1517 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1518 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1526 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1527 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1528 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1529 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1530 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1531 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1532 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1533 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1534 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1535 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1536 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1537 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1554 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1558 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1561 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1562 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1619 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1644 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1668 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1689 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1708 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1709 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1710 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1711 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1712 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1713 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1714 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1723 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1724 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1725 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1726 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1727 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1728 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1729 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1730 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1731 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1732 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1733 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1755 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1756 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1757 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1758 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1759 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1760 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1775 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1792 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1793 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1794 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1795 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1796 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1797 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1798 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1799 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1800 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1801 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1802 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1803 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1804 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1805 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1806 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1807 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1808 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1809 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1810 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1811 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1812 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1813 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1814 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1815 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1816 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1817 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1818 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1819 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1820 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1821 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1823 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1824 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1825 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1826 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1827 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1828 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1829 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1830 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1831 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1832 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1833 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1834 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1884 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1939 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1968 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1978 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1979 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:1980 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2004 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2005 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2006 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2007 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2008 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2009 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2010 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2011 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2012 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2013 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2014 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2015 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2016 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2078 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2140 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2154 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2175 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2183 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2184 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2190 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2193 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2290 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2291 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2292 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2293 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2294 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2295 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2296 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2297 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2298 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2299 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2300 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2301 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2302 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2303 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2304 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2305 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2306 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2307 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2308 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2309 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2310 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2311 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2312 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2313 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2314 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2315 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2316 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2317 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2318 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2319 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2320 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2321 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2322 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2323 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2359 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2360 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2361 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2362 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2363 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2364 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2365 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2366 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2367 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2368 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2369 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2370 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2371 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2374 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2375 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2376 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2377 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2378 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2379 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2380 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2381 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2382 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2383 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2384 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2385 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2386 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2391 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2392 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2394 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2395 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2396 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2397 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2398 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2399 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2400 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2401 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2403 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2404 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2405 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2406 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2407 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2408 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2409 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2410 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2411 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2412 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2413 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2414 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2415 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2416 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2419 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2420 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2421 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2422 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2423 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2424 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2425 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2426 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2427 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2429 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2430 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2431 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2432 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2433 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2434 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2435 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2436 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2437 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2439 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2440 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2441 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2442 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2443 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2444 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2448 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2449 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2450 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2451 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2452 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2453 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2454 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2455 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2456 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2457 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2458 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2459 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2460 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2461 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2462 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2463 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2464 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2473 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2474 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2484 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2485 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2486 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2487 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2490 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2501 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2502 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2503 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2504 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2505 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2506 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2507 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2508 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2509 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2510 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2511 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2512 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2513 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2514 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2515 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2516 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2517 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2518 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2519 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2520 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2521 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2522 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2523 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2524 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2527 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2528 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2529 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2530 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2531 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2532 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2533 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2534 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2535 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2538 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2539 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2540 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2541 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2542 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2543 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2544 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2545 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2546 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2547 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2548 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2549 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2550 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2551 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2552 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2553 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2554 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2555 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2557 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2558 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2559 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2560 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2561 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2562 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2563 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2564 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2565 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2566 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2567 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2568 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2569 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2570 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2571 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2572 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2573 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2616 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2617 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2618 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2619 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2620 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2621 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2622 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2623 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2624 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2625 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2626 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2627 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2628 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2629 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2631 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2632 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2633 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2634 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2635 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2636 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2637 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2638 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2639 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2640 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2641 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2642 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2643 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2644 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2645 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2646 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2647 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2648 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2649 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2650 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2653 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2654 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2655 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2656 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2657 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2658 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2659 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2660 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2661 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2662 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2663 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2664 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2665 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2666 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2667 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2668 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2669 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2670 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2671 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2672 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2673 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2674 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2675 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2676 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2677 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2678 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2679 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2680 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2681 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2682 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2683 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2684 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2685 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2686 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2698 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2699 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2700 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2701 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2702 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2703 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2710 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2711 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2712 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2713 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2735 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2736 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2737 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2738 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2762 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2763 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2764 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2765 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2770 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2773 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2774 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2775 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2782 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2783 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2784 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2785 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2786 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2817 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2818 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2819 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2820 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2821 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2823 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2824 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2825 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2826 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2827 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2829 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2830 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2831 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2832 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2833 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2834 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2835 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2836 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2837 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2838 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2839 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2840 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2841 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2842 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2843 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2844 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2845 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2846 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2847 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2848 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2849 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2850 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2851 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2852 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2853 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2858 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2866 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2867 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2879 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2880 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2907 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2914 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2916 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:2980 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3007 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3008 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3009 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3010 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3011 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3012 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3013 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3014 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3024 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3026 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3027 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3028 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3029 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3030 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3041 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3042 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3053 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3054 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3056 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3060 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3071 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3072 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3092 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3093 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3100 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3109 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3110 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3156 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3235 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3237 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3238 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3239 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3240 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3241 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3260 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3269 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3270 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3271 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3273 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3274 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3275 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3276 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3290 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3326 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3339 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3353 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3362 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3375 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3382 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3383 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3385 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3401 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3403 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3404 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3407 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3408 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3410 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3411 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3415 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3416 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3419 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3429 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3435 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3436 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3437 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3438 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3439 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3440 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3441 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3442 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3443 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3444 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3448 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3484 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3501 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3503 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3510 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3511 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3512 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3513 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3514 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3515 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3516 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3517 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3518 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3519 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3520 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3521 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3522 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3523 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3524 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3525 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3527 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3528 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3529 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3530 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3531 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3532 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3533 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3534 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3535 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3536 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3537 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3538 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3539 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3540 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3541 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3542 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3543 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3544 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3549 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3550 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3564 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3571 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3572 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3614 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3631 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3632 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3633 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3634 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3635 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3636 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3668 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3669 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3714 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3723 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3764 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3765 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3770 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3773 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3782 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3792 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3891 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3927 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3928 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3929 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3930 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3931 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3932 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3933 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3934 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3935 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3936 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3937 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3938 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3939 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3940 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3941 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3942 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3943 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3944 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3945 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3946 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3947 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3948 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3949 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3950 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3951 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3952 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3953 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3954 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3955 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3956 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3957 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3958 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3959 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3960 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3961 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3962 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3963 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3964 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3965 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3966 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3967 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3968 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3969 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3986 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3989 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3990 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3991 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:3992 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4020 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4038 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4154 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4177 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4178 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4179 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4182 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4227 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4245 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4249 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4268 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4295 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4296 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4318 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4319 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4321 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4369 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4381 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4382 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4383 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4384 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4385 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4386 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4392 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4400 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4401 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4402 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4403 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4404 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4405 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4406 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4407 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4408 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4409 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4410 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4411 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4412 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4413 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4414 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4415 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4416 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4419 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4420 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4421 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4422 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4424 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4426 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4427 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4429 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4430 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4431 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4432 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4433 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4434 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4435 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4436 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4437 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4438 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4439 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4440 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4441 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4442 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4487 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4488 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4495 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4496 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4519 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4520 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4521 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4522 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4525 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4527 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4528 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4563 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4569 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4570 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4578 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4579 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4580 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4581 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4582 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4583 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4584 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4585 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4586 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4589 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4590 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4591 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4592 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4593 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4595 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4596 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4598 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4599 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4600 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4601 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4602 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4603 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4604 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4605 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4616 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4679 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4680 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4686 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4687 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4688 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4691 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4702 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4720 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4725 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4739 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4741 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4742 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4743 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4747 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4748 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4749 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4751 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4752 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4753 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4761 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4762 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4764 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4779 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4780 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4801 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4802 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4803 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4818 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4819 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4830 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4831 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4834 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4858 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4859 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4860 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4883 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4884 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4911 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4914 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4915 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4916 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4917 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4918 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4936 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4940 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:4941 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5000 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5002 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5031 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5032 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5041 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5042 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5043 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5045 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5046 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5055 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5056 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5100 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5124 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5296 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5297 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5298 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5300 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5315 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5325 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5327 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5328 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5329 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5336 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5337 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5338 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5339 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5340 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5341 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5342 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5344 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5345 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5346 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5347 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5348 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5351 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5358 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5359 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5360 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5361 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5362 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5363 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5365 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5366 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5367 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5368 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5370 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5371 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5374 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5375 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5376 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5377 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5378 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5379 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5380 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5381 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5382 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5383 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5384 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5385 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5386 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5391 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5392 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5394 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5395 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5396 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5397 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5398 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5399 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5400 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5404 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5405 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5407 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5408 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5409 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5410 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5411 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5412 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5413 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5414 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5415 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5416 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5419 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5420 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5421 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5422 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5423 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5424 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5425 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5426 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5427 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5428 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5429 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5430 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5431 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5432 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5433 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5434 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5435 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5436 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5437 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5439 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5440 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5441 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5442 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5443 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5444 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5448 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5449 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5450 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5451 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5452 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5453 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5454 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5455 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5456 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5457 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5458 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5459 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5460 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5461 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5462 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5463 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5464 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5465 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5466 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5467 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5468 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5469 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5470 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5471 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5472 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5473 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5474 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5475 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5476 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5477 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5479 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5480 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5481 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5482 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5483 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5484 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5485 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5486 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5487 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5488 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5489 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5490 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5491 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5493 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5494 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5495 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5496 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5497 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5498 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5501 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5502 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5503 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5504 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5505 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5506 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5507 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5508 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5509 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5510 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5511 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5512 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5513 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5514 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5515 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5516 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5517 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5518 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5519 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5520 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5521 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5522 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5523 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5524 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5525 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5526 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5527 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5528 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5529 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5530 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5531 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5532 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5534 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5536 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5540 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5541 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5542 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5546 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5547 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5548 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5553 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5554 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5556 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5557 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5558 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5559 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5560 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5561 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5562 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5563 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5564 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5565 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5566 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5567 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5568 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5569 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5570 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5571 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5573 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5574 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5575 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5576 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5577 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5578 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5579 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5582 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5583 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5585 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5586 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5587 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5588 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5589 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5590 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5591 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5592 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5593 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5595 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5596 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5597 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5598 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5599 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5600 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5601 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5602 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5603 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5604 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5605 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5606 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5607 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5608 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5609 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5611 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5612 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5613 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5614 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5615 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5616 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5617 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5618 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5619 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5620 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5621 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5622 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5623 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5624 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5625 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5626 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5627 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5628 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5629 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5630 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5631 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5632 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5633 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5635 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5636 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5637 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5638 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5639 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5640 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5641 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5642 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5643 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5644 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5645 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5648 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5649 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5650 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5651 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5652 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5653 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5654 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5655 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5656 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5657 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5658 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5659 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5661 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5662 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5663 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5664 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5665 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5666 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5667 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5668 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5669 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5670 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5671 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5672 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5673 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5674 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5675 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5676 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5677 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5678 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5679 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5680 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5681 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5682 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5683 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5684 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5685 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5686 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5687 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5688 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5689 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5690 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5691 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5692 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5693 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5694 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5695 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5696 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5697 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5698 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5699 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5700 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5701 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5702 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5703 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5704 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5705 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5706 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5707 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5709 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5710 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5711 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5719 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5720 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5729 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5731 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5732 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5733 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5734 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5735 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5736 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5737 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5738 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5740 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5741 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5742 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:5743 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6075 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6145 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6146 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6147 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6148 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6149 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6152 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6153 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6154 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6155 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6156 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6157 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6158 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6159 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6160 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6161 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6162 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6163 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6394 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6406 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6407 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6590 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6591 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6592 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6593 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6595 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6596 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6598 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6599 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6600 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6601 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6602 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6603 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6604 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6605 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6606 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6607 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6608 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6609 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6610 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6611 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6612 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6613 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6614 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6615 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6616 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6617 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6618 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6619 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6620 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6624 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6625 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6626 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6627 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6628 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6629 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6634 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6635 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6636 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6637 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6638 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6639 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6640 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6641 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6642 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6643 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6644 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6645 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6646 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6647 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6648 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6649 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6650 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6651 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6652 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6653 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6655 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6656 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6658 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6659 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6660 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6661 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6662 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6663 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6665 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6666 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6671 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6672 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6673 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6674 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6675 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6676 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6678 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6679 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6680 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6681 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6682 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6683 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6684 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6685 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6686 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6687 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6688 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6689 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6690 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6691 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6692 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6693 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6694 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6695 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6696 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6697 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6698 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6699 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6700 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6701 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6702 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6703 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6704 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6705 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6706 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6707 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6708 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6709 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6710 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6711 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6712 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6713 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6714 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6715 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6716 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6718 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6719 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6720 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6721 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6723 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6724 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6725 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6726 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6727 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6728 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6729 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6730 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6731 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6732 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6733 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6734 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6735 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6736 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6737 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6738 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6739 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6740 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6741 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6742 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6743 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6744 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6745 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6746 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6747 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6749 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6752 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6753 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6754 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6755 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6756 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6757 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6758 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6759 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6760 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6761 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6762 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6763 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6764 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6765 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6770 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6773 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6774 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6775 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6777 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6778 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6780 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6918 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6919 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6920 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6925 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6954 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:6996 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7005 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7031 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7032 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7033 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7034 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7035 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7036 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7037 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7038 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7039 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7040 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7041 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7042 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7043 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7044 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7046 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7060 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7061 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7062 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7063 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7064 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7065 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7066 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7122 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7129 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7131 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7132 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7133 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7134 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7135 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7138 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7139 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7140 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7141 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7142 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7143 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7144 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7146 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7147 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7148 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7149 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7150 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7151 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7152 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7153 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7154 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7155 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7157 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7158 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7159 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7160 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7161 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7162 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7163 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7164 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7165 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7166 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7167 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7168 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7169 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7170 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7171 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7172 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7173 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7174 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7175 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7176 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7177 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7178 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7181 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7182 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7183 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7184 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7185 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7186 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7187 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7188 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7189 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7190 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7191 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7192 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7193 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7194 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7195 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7196 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7197 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7198 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7199 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7201 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7202 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7203 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7204 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7205 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7207 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7208 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7209 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7210 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7211 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7212 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7213 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7214 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7215 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7216 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7217 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7218 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7219 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7220 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7221 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7223 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7224 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7225 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7226 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7227 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7228 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7229 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7230 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7231 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7232 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7233 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7234 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7235 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7236 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7237 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7238 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7239 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7240 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7241 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7242 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7244 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7245 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7248 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7249 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7250 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7251 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7252 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7254 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7256 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7258 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7259 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7260 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7261 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7263 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7265 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7266 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7267 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7268 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7269 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7270 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7273 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7274 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7275 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7276 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7277 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7278 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7279 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7280 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7281 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7282 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7284 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7285 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7286 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7287 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7288 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7289 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7290 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7291 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7292 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7293 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7294 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7295 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7296 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7297 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7298 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7299 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7300 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7301 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7302 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7322 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7325 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7326 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7378 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7379 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7384 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7465 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7502 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7529 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7534 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7535 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7536 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7548 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7549 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7550 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7552 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7554 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7555 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7572 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7573 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7574 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7575 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7576 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7577 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7602 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7603 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7605 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7610 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7625 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7626 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7629 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7677 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7681 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7748 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7749 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7751 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7752 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7753 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7754 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7755 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7756 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7757 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7758 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7759 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7760 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7761 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7762 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7763 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7764 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7765 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7770 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7773 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7774 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7775 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7777 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7778 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7779 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7780 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7781 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7782 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7783 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7784 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7786 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7787 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7791 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7792 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7793 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7794 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7795 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7796 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7797 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7798 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7799 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7800 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7801 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7802 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7803 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7804 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7806 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7807 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7808 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7810 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7811 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7812 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7813 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7814 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7815 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7816 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7817 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7818 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7819 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7820 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7821 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7822 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7829 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7830 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7831 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7832 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7833 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7834 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7835 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7836 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7837 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7838 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7839 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7840 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7841 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7842 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7843 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7844 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7845 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7846 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7847 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7848 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7849 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7850 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7851 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7852 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7853 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7854 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7855 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7856 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7857 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7858 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7859 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7860 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7861 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7862 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7863 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7864 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7865 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7866 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7867 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7868 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7869 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7870 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7871 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7872 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7873 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7874 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7875 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7876 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7877 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7878 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7879 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7880 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7884 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7885 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7886 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7887 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7888 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7889 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7890 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7891 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7892 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7893 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7894 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7895 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7896 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7897 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7898 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7902 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7903 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7904 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7905 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7906 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7907 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7908 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7909 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7910 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7911 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7912 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7913 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7914 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7915 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7916 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7917 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7918 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7919 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7920 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7921 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7923 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7924 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7925 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7926 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7930 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7931 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7932 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7933 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7934 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7942 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7966 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7967 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7968 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7969 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7970 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:7999 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8015 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8018 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8030 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8031 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8064 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8071 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8073 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8076 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8088 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8090 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8100 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8102 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8105 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8110 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8111 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8112 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8113 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8133 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8134 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8147 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8155 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8157 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8174 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8221 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8222 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8234 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8235 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8254 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8255 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8256 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8258 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8259 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8260 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8266 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8267 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8268 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8269 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8270 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8273 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8274 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8275 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8276 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8277 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8278 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8279 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8280 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8281 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8282 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8283 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8284 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8285 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8286 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8287 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8288 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8289 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8290 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8293 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8294 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8295 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8296 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8297 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8298 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8299 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8300 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8303 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8304 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8305 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8306 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8307 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8308 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8309 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8310 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8314 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8315 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8316 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8317 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8318 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8319 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8320 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8321 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8322 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8323 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8326 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8327 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8328 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8329 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8330 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8331 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8332 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8333 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8334 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8335 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8336 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8337 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8338 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8340 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8341 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8342 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8343 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8344 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8345 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8346 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8347 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8348 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8349 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8350 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8351 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8352 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8353 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8354 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8355 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8358 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8359 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8362 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8363 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8364 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8365 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8366 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8367 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8368 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8369 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8375 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8376 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8379 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8380 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8381 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8382 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8386 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8474 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8532 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8533 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8534 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8535 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8536 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8537 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8538 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8539 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8540 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8541 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8542 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8543 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8544 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8545 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8547 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8548 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8549 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8550 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8551 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8552 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8553 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8554 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8555 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8556 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8557 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8558 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8559 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8560 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8561 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8562 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8564 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8568 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8569 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8570 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8571 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8572 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8573 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8574 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8575 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8578 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8579 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8580 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8581 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8582 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8583 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8584 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8585 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8586 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8587 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8588 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8589 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8590 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8591 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8592 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8593 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8595 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8596 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8597 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8598 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8599 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8600 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8601 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8602 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8603 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8604 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8605 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8606 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8607 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8608 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8609 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8610 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8611 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8612 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8613 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8614 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8615 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8616 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8617 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8618 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8619 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8620 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8621 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8622 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8623 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8624 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8625 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8626 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8627 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8629 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8630 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8631 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8632 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8633 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8634 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8635 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8636 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8637 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8638 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8639 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8640 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8641 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8642 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8643 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8644 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8645 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8646 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8647 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8648 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8649 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8650 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8651 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8652 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8653 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8654 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8655 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8656 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8657 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8658 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8659 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8660 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8661 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8662 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8663 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8664 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8665 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8667 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8668 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8669 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8670 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8671 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8673 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8674 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8675 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8676 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8677 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8678 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8679 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8680 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8681 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8682 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8683 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8684 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8685 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8688 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8689 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8690 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8691 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8692 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8693 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8694 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8695 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8696 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8697 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8698 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8699 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8700 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8701 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8702 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8703 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8704 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8705 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8706 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8707 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8708 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8709 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8711 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8712 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8726 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8732 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8736 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8889 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8982 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8983 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8984 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8985 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8986 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8987 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8989 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8990 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8991 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8992 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8998 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:8999 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9000 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9005 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9006 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9007 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9008 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9009 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9010 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9011 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9012 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9013 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9014 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9015 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9016 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9017 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9018 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9019 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9063 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9072 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9085 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9087 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9088 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9089 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9090 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9091 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9092 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9095 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9096 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9097 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9098 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9099 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9100 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9101 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9102 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9103 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9104 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9105 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9106 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9108 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9109 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9110 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9111 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9112 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9113 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9114 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9115 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9116 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9117 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9118 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9119 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9120 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9121 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9122 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9124 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9125 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9126 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9127 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9128 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9129 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9130 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9131 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9132 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9133 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9134 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9135 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9136 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9138 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9139 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9140 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9141 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9142 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9143 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9144 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9145 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9146 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9147 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9148 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9149 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9150 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9151 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9152 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9153 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9154 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9155 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9156 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9157 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9158 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9159 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9160 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9161 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9162 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9164 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9165 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9166 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9167 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9168 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9169 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9170 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9171 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9172 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9173 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9174 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9175 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9176 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9177 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9178 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9179 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9180 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9181 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9182 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9183 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9185 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9186 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9189 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9190 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9191 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9192 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9193 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9194 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9197 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9198 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9199 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9201 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9202 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9203 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9204 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9205 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9207 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9208 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9210 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9211 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9212 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9213 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9214 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9215 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9216 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9217 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9218 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9219 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9220 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9221 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9222 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9223 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9224 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9225 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9226 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9227 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9228 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9229 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9230 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9231 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9232 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9233 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9234 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9235 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9236 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9237 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9238 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9239 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9241 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9242 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9244 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9248 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9249 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9250 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9251 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9252 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9254 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9255 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9256 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9258 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9259 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9260 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9261 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9262 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9263 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9265 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9266 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9267 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9268 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9269 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9270 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9271 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9273 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9274 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9277 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9278 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9279 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9285 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9306 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9308 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9320 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9322 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9341 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9353 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9357 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9358 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9371 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9378 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9381 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9412 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9413 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9435 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9452 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9519 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9543 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9545 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9558 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9559 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9563 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9565 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9569 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9570 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9574 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9575 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9590 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9598 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9613 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9614 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9615 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9616 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9617 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9618 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9619 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9720 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9722 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9723 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9724 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9725 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9726 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9727 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9728 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9729 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9730 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9731 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9732 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9733 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9734 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9735 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9736 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9737 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9739 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9740 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9741 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9742 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9743 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9744 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9745 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9746 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9747 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9748 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9749 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9751 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9752 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9753 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9754 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9755 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9756 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9757 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9758 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9759 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9760 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9761 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9762 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9763 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9764 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9765 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9770 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9773 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9774 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9775 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9777 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9778 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9779 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9780 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9781 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9782 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9783 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9784 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9785 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9786 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9787 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9788 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9789 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9790 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9791 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9792 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9793 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9794 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9795 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9796 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9797 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9798 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9799 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9803 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9804 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9805 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9806 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9818 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9819 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9820 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9821 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9831 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9841 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9842 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9843 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9844 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9845 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9846 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9864 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9865 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9876 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9877 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9879 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9881 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9882 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9883 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9884 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9886 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9954 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:9965 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10047 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10048 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10049 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10050 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10051 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10052 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10053 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10054 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10055 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10056 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10057 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10058 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10059 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10060 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10061 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10062 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10063 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10064 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10065 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10066 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10067 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10068 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10069 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10070 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10071 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10072 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10073 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10074 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10075 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10076 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10077 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10078 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10079 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10080 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10081 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10082 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10083 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10084 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10085 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10086 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10087 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10088 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10089 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10090 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10091 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10092 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10093 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10094 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10095 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10096 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10179 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10245 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10248 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10249 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10250 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10261 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10263 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10265 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10280 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10324 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10326 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10340 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10341 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10374 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10375 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10395 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10396 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10397 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10399 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10407 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10408 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10411 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10424 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10425 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10426 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10427 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10428 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10429 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10430 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10431 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10432 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10433 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10434 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10435 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10436 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10437 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10438 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10439 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10440 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10441 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10442 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10443 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10444 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10448 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10449 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10450 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10451 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10452 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10453 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10454 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10455 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10456 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10457 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10458 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10459 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10460 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10461 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10462 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10463 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10464 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10465 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10466 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10467 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10468 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10469 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10470 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10471 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10472 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10473 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10474 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10475 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10476 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10505 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10506 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10507 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10508 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10516 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10518 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10528 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10529 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10530 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10531 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10532 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10533 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10534 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10535 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10536 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10544 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10545 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10549 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10550 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10551 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10631 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10638 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10644 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10658 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10858 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10924 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10929 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10930 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10931 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10946 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10952 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10955 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10956 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10957 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10959 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10960 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10962 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10963 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10964 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10965 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10966 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10968 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10970 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10992 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10993 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10994 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10995 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10996 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10997 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10998 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:10999 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11001 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11012 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11031 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11032 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11033 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11049 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11069 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11083 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11156 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11157 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11158 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11159 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11160 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11161 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11162 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11163 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11164 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11165 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11166 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11167 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11168 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11169 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11170 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11171 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11172 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11173 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11174 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11175 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11176 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11177 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11178 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11179 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11180 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11181 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11182 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11183 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11184 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11185 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11186 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11187 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11188 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11189 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11190 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11191 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11192 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11193 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11194 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11195 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11196 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11197 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11198 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11199 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11201 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11202 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11203 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11204 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11205 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11207 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11208 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11209 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11210 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11211 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11212 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11213 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11214 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11215 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11216 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11217 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11218 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11219 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11220 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11221 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11222 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11223 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11224 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11225 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11226 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11227 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11229 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11230 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11231 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11232 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11233 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11234 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11235 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11236 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11237 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11238 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11239 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11240 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11241 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11242 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11244 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11245 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11248 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11249 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11250 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11251 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11252 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11254 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11255 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11256 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11258 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11259 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11265 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11266 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11267 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11268 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11269 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11270 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11271 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11273 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11274 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11275 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11276 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11277 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11278 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11279 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11280 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11281 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11282 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11283 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11284 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11285 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11286 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11287 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11288 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11289 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11290 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11291 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11292 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11293 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11294 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11295 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11296 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11297 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11298 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11299 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11300 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11301 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11302 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11303 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11304 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11305 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11306 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11307 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11308 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11309 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11310 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11311 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11313 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11314 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11315 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11316 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11317 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11318 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11319 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11320 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11321 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11322 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11323 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11324 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11325 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11326 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11327 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11328 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11329 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11330 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11331 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11332 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11333 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11334 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11335 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11336 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11337 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11338 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11339 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11340 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11341 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11342 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11343 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11344 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11345 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11346 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11347 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11349 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11352 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11354 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11355 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11356 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11357 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11358 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11359 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11360 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11361 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11362 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11363 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11364 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11365 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11366 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11367 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11368 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11369 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11370 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11374 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11376 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11377 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11378 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11379 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11380 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11381 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11382 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11383 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11384 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11385 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11386 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11394 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11401 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11442 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11443 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11444 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11448 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11449 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11452 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11453 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11454 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11462 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11463 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11467 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11473 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11477 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11479 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11480 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11481 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11482 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11483 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11484 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11485 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11486 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11487 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11488 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11489 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11490 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11491 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11492 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11493 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11496 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11497 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11498 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11499 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11500 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11501 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11502 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11503 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11504 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11505 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11506 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11507 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11508 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11512 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11513 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11514 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11515 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11516 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11517 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11518 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11520 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11521 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11522 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11523 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11524 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11525 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11526 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11527 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11528 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11529 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11530 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11531 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11532 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11533 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11534 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11535 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11536 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11537 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11538 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11539 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11540 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11541 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11542 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11543 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11544 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11545 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11546 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11547 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11548 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11549 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11550 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11551 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11552 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11553 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11554 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11555 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11556 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11557 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11558 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11559 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11560 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11561 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11562 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11563 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11564 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11565 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11566 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11567 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11568 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11569 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11570 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11571 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11572 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11573 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11574 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11575 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11576 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11577 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11578 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11579 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11580 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11581 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11582 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11583 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11584 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11585 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11586 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11587 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11588 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11589 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11590 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11591 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11592 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11593 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11595 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11596 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11597 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11598 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11599 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11600 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11601 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11602 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11603 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11604 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11605 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11606 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11607 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11608 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11609 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11610 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11611 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11612 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11613 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11614 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11615 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11616 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11617 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11618 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11619 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11620 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11621 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11622 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11623 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11624 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11625 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11629 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11630 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11631 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11632 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11633 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11634 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11635 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11636 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11637 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11638 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11639 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11640 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11641 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11642 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11643 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11644 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11645 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11646 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11647 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11648 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11649 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11650 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11651 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11653 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11654 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11655 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11656 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11657 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11658 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11659 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11660 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11661 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11662 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11663 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11664 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11665 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11666 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11667 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11668 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11669 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11670 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11671 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11672 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11673 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11674 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11675 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11676 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11677 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11678 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11679 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11682 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11683 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11684 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11685 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11686 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11687 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11688 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11689 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11690 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11691 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11692 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11693 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11694 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11695 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11696 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11697 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11698 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11699 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11700 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11701 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11706 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11707 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11708 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11709 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11714 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11715 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11716 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11718 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11719 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11720 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11721 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11722 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11723 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11724 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11725 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11726 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11727 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11728 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11729 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11730 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11731 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11732 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11733 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11734 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11735 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11736 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11737 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11738 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11739 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11740 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11741 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11742 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11743 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11744 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11745 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11746 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11747 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11748 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11749 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11751 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11752 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11753 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11754 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11755 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11756 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11757 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11758 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11759 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11760 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11761 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11762 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11763 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11764 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11765 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11770 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11773 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11774 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11775 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11777 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11778 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11779 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11780 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11781 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11785 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11786 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11787 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11788 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11789 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11790 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11791 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11792 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11793 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11794 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11795 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11796 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11797 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11798 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11799 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11800 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11801 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11802 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11803 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11804 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11805 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11806 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11807 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11810 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11811 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11812 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11813 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11814 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11815 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11816 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11817 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11818 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11819 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11820 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11821 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11822 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11823 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11824 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11825 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11826 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11827 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11828 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11829 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11830 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11831 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11832 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11833 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11834 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11835 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11836 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11837 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11838 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11839 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11840 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11841 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11842 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11843 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11844 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11845 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11846 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11847 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11848 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11849 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11850 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11851 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11852 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11853 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11854 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11855 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11856 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11858 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11859 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11860 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11861 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11862 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11863 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11865 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11866 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11867 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11868 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11869 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11870 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11871 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11872 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11873 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11874 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11875 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11876 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11877 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11878 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11879 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11880 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11881 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11882 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11883 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11884 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11885 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11886 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11887 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11888 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11889 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11890 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11891 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11892 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11893 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11894 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11895 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11896 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11898 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11899 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11900 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11901 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11902 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11903 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11904 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11905 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11906 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11907 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11908 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11909 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11910 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11911 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11912 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11913 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11914 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11917 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11918 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11919 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11920 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11921 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11922 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11923 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11924 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11925 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11926 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11927 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11928 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11929 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11930 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11931 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11932 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11933 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11934 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11935 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11936 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11937 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11938 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11939 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11940 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11941 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11942 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11943 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11944 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11945 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11946 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11947 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11948 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11949 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11950 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11951 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11952 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11953 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11954 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11955 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11956 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11957 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11958 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11959 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11960 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11961 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11962 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11963 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11964 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11965 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11967 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11968 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11969 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11970 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11971 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11972 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11973 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11974 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11975 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11976 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11977 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11978 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11979 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11980 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11981 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11982 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11983 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11984 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11985 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11986 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11987 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11988 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11989 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11990 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11991 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11992 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11993 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11994 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11995 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11996 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11997 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11998 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:11999 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12000 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12001 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12002 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12003 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12004 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12005 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12007 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12008 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12009 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12010 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12011 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12012 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12013 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12014 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12015 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12016 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12017 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12018 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12019 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12020 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12021 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12022 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12023 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12024 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12037 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12041 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12042 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12063 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12064 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12066 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12068 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12069 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12072 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12073 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12103 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12109 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12110 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12111 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12112 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12115 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12116 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12122 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12124 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12125 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12135 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12137 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12180 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12197 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12198 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12199 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12201 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12203 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12209 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12210 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12211 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12219 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12220 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12222 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12223 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12333 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12335 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12336 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12360 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12361 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12391 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12392 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12437 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12438 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12439 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12440 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12441 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12442 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12443 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12444 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12448 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12450 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12451 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12453 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12454 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12455 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12456 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12481 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12482 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12483 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12484 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12485 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12486 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12487 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12525 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12548 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12550 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12564 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12570 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12571 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12572 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12575 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12578 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12582 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12583 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12598 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12599 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12601 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12605 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12647 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12648 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12649 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12652 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12655 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12656 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12657 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12666 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12667 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12668 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12670 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12680 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12688 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12694 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12703 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12704 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12722 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12731 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12751 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12752 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12754 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12755 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12756 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12774 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12775 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12778 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12817 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12818 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12819 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12820 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12821 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12822 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12824 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12825 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12826 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12827 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12828 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12829 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12830 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12832 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12833 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12834 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12835 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12836 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12837 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12844 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12853 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12854 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12855 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12856 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12857 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12858 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12885 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12890 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12891 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12896 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12898 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12901 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12907 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12910 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12914 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12915 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12935 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12936 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12937 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12988 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12991 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12992 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12993 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12994 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12995 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12996 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12997 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12998 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:12999 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13000 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13001 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13002 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13003 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13004 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13005 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13006 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13007 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13008 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13009 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13010 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13011 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13012 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13013 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13014 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13015 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13016 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13017 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13028 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13029 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13042 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13043 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13045 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13046 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13047 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13048 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13049 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13050 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13051 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13052 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13053 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13054 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13055 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13056 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13057 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13058 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13059 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13060 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13061 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13062 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13063 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13064 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13065 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13066 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13067 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13068 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13069 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13070 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13071 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13072 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13073 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13074 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13075 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13076 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13077 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13078 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13079 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13080 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13081 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13082 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13083 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13084 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13085 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13086 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13087 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13088 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13089 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13090 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13091 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13092 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13093 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13094 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13095 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13096 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13097 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13098 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13099 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13100 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13101 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13105 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13106 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13107 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13126 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13130 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13131 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13132 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13133 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13134 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13135 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13136 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13137 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13138 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13139 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13140 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13141 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13142 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13143 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13144 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13145 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13146 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13148 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13149 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13150 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13151 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13152 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13153 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13154 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13155 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13156 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13157 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13158 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13163 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13164 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13165 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13166 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13167 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13168 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13169 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13170 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13176 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13177 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13178 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13179 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13180 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13181 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13182 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13183 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13184 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13185 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13186 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13187 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13188 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13197 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13198 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13199 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13201 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13202 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13203 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13204 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13205 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13207 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13208 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13209 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13210 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13211 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13212 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13213 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13214 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13215 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13216 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13217 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13218 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13220 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13221 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13222 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13223 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13225 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13226 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13227 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13228 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13229 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13230 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13231 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13232 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13233 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13234 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13235 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13236 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13237 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13238 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13239 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13240 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13241 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13242 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13244 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13245 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13248 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13249 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13250 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13251 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13252 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13254 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13255 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13256 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13258 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13262 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13263 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13265 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13268 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13269 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13270 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13271 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13273 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13374 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13375 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13376 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13377 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13378 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13379 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13380 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13381 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13382 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13383 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13384 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13385 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13386 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13391 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13392 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13394 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13395 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13396 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13397 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13551 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13582 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13583 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13596 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13597 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13598 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13599 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13600 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13601 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13603 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13622 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13623 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13633 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13634 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13691 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13695 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13696 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13716 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13718 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13770 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13773 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13774 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13780 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13787 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13788 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13789 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13790 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13791 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13792 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13793 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13794 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13795 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13796 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13797 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13798 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13799 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13800 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13801 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13802 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13803 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13809 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13810 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13812 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13813 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13814 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13815 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13820 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13821 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13822 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13823 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13861 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13910 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13952 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:13997 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14008 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14009 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14010 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14011 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14046 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14050 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14052 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14092 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14095 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14110 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14118 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14129 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14130 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14146 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14168 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14172 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14176 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14177 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14178 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14179 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14187 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14194 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14196 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14198 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14201 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14204 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14209 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14210 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14217 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14218 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14219 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14220 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14221 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14222 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14223 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14224 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14225 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14263 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14308 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14315 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14424 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14433 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14434 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14435 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14452 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14453 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14482 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14483 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14484 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14491 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14508 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14516 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14517 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14591 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14604 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14605 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14610 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14611 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14612 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14613 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14614 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14615 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14616 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14650 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14651 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14660 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14666 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14668 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14669 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14670 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14704 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14711 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14715 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14722 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14740 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14773 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14774 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14775 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14778 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14779 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14780 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14781 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14782 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14783 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14784 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14795 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14796 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14797 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14800 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14801 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14802 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14803 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14804 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14805 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14806 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14807 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14808 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14809 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14812 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14814 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14841 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14842 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14843 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14852 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14853 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14869 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14870 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14875 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14881 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14885 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14923 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14940 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14951 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14970 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14971 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14972 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14975 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14976 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14980 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14981 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14985 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14986 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14987 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14988 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14989 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14990 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14991 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14992 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14993 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14995 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14996 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14997 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14998 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:14999 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15001 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15002 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15003 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15014 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15015 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15016 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15017 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15021 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15023 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15026 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15027 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15033 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15034 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15035 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15036 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15037 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15038 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15042 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15043 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15045 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15046 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15047 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15048 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15049 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15050 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15052 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15053 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15062 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15064 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15068 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15071 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15073 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15074 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15075 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15076 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15077 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15078 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15079 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15080 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15081 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15082 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15083 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15084 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15086 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15092 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15093 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15094 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15097 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15099 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15114 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15121 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15122 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15189 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15193 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15194 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15195 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15196 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15197 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15198 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15199 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15201 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15202 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15203 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15217 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15218 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15219 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15220 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15221 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15222 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15223 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15224 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15225 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15226 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15227 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15228 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15229 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15230 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15231 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15232 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15233 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15234 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15235 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15236 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15237 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15238 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15239 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15240 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15241 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15242 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15244 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15245 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15248 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15249 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15250 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15251 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15252 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15254 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15255 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15256 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15258 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15259 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15260 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15261 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15262 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15263 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15265 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15266 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15267 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15268 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15269 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15270 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15271 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15273 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15274 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15275 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15276 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15277 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15278 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15279 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15280 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15281 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15283 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15284 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15285 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15286 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15287 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15288 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15289 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15290 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15291 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15292 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15293 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15294 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15295 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15296 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15297 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15298 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15299 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15300 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15301 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15302 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15303 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15304 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15305 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15306 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15307 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15308 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15309 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15310 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15311 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15312 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15313 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15314 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15315 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15316 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15317 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15318 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15319 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15320 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15321 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15322 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15323 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15324 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15325 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15326 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15327 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15328 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15329 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15330 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15331 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15332 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15333 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15334 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15335 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15336 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15337 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15338 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15339 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15340 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15341 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15342 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15343 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15344 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15345 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15346 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15355 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15356 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15383 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15384 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15385 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15386 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15391 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15392 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15394 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15395 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15397 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15398 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15399 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15400 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15401 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15404 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15405 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15406 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15407 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15409 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15410 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15411 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15412 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15414 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15415 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15416 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15419 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15420 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15421 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15422 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15423 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15424 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15425 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15426 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15427 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15428 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15429 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15439 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15443 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15448 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15449 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15450 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15451 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15492 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15493 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15495 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15496 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15500 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15501 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15505 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15506 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15509 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15515 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15520 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15538 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15539 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15540 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15554 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15571 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15576 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15577 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15579 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15581 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15582 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15583 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15584 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15587 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15597 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15601 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15602 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15617 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15620 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15621 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15622 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15623 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15624 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15625 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15628 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15629 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15630 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15631 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15632 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15633 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15634 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15635 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15636 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15637 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15638 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15639 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15640 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15641 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15642 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15643 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15646 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15648 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15653 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15654 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15731 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15751 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15753 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15758 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15759 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15786 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15806 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15807 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15808 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15828 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15839 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15841 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15842 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15843 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15844 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15848 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15854 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15855 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15860 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15861 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15864 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15865 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15866 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15867 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15868 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15871 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15875 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15926 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15930 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15934 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15935 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15936 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15937 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15942 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15952 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15958 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15959 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15960 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15961 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15962 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15963 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15964 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15965 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15968 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15969 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15970 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15971 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15983 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15989 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15992 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15993 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15994 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15995 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15996 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15997 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15998 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:15999 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16000 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16001 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16003 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16007 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16008 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16009 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16010 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16013 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16020 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16029 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16045 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16083 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16090 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16091 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16092 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16093 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16094 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16095 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16096 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16097 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16098 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16099 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16100 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16101 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16102 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16103 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16104 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16105 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16106 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16107 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16108 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16109 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16110 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16111 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16112 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16113 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16114 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16115 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16116 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16117 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16118 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16119 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16120 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16121 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16122 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16124 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16125 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16126 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16127 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16128 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16129 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16130 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16131 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16132 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16133 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16134 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16135 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16136 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16137 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16138 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16139 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16140 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16141 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16142 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16143 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16144 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16145 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16146 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16147 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16148 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16149 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16150 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16151 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16152 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16153 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16154 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16155 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16156 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16157 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16158 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16159 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16160 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16161 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16162 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16163 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16164 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16165 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16166 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16167 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16168 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16169 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16170 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16171 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16172 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16173 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16174 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16175 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16176 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16177 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16178 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16179 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16180 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16181 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16182 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16183 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16184 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16185 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16186 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16187 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16188 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16189 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16190 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16191 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16192 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16193 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16194 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16195 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16196 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16197 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16198 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16199 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16201 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16202 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16203 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16204 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16205 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16207 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16208 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16209 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16210 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16211 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16212 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16213 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16214 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16215 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16216 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16217 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16218 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16219 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16220 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16221 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16222 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16223 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16224 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16225 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16226 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16227 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16228 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16229 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16230 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16231 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16232 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16233 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16234 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16235 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16236 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16237 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16238 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16239 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16240 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16241 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16242 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16244 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16245 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16248 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16249 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16250 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16251 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16252 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16254 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16255 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16256 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16258 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16259 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16260 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16261 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16262 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16263 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16265 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16266 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16267 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16268 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16269 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16270 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16271 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16273 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16274 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16275 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16276 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16277 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16278 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16279 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16280 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16281 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16282 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16283 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16284 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16285 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16286 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16287 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16288 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16289 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16290 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16291 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16292 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16293 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16294 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16295 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16296 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16297 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16298 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16299 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16300 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16301 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16302 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16303 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16304 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16305 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16306 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16307 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16308 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16309 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16322 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16323 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16324 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16325 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16326 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16327 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16328 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16329 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16338 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16339 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16340 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16341 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16346 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16347 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16348 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16349 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16350 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16351 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16352 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16353 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16354 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16355 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16356 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16357 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16370 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16371 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16374 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16375 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16376 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16377 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16386 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16394 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16395 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16398 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16399 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16404 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16405 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16406 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16407 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16408 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16409 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16410 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16411 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16412 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16413 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16414 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16415 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16416 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16419 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16420 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16421 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16422 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16423 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16424 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16425 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16426 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16427 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16432 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16433 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16434 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16436 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16438 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16440 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16442 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16443 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16444 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16448 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16449 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16450 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16451 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16452 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16453 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16473 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16488 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16489 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16490 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16502 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16505 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16506 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16507 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16508 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16509 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16510 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16511 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16512 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16513 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16514 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16515 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16516 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16517 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16518 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16519 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16520 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16521 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16522 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16523 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16524 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16525 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16526 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16527 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16528 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16529 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16530 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16531 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16532 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16533 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16534 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16535 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16536 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16537 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16538 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16539 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16540 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16541 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16542 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16543 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16544 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16545 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16546 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16547 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16548 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16549 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16550 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16551 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16552 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16553 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16554 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16555 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16556 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16557 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16558 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16559 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16560 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16561 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16562 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16563 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16564 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16565 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16566 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16567 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16568 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16572 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16574 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16575 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16576 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16577 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16603 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16609 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16638 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16639 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16642 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16647 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16648 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16649 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16650 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16651 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16652 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16653 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16658 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16659 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16660 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16661 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16662 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16665 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16666 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16672 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16673 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16674 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16675 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16676 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16677 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16678 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16679 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16680 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16681 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16682 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16683 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16693 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16694 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16695 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16696 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16697 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16698 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16725 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16726 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16728 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16729 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16730 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16731 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16732 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16733 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16734 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16735 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16736 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16737 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16738 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16739 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16740 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16741 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16742 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16743 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16744 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16745 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16746 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16747 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16748 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16749 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16751 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16752 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16753 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16754 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16755 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16756 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16757 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16758 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16759 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16760 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16761 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16762 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16763 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16764 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16765 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16770 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16773 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16774 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16775 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16777 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16778 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16779 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16780 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16781 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16782 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16783 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16784 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16785 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16786 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16787 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16788 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16789 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16790 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16791 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16792 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16793 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16794 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16795 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16796 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16797 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16798 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16799 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16800 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16801 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16802 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16803 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16804 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16805 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16806 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16807 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16808 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16809 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16810 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16811 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16812 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16813 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16814 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16815 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16816 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16817 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16818 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16819 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16820 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16821 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16822 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16823 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16824 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16825 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16826 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16827 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16828 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16829 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16830 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16831 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16832 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16833 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16834 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16835 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16836 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16837 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16838 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16839 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16840 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16841 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16842 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16843 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16844 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16845 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16846 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16847 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16848 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16849 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16850 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16851 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16852 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16853 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16854 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16855 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16856 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16857 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16858 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16859 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16860 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16861 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16862 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16863 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16864 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16865 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16866 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16867 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16868 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16869 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16870 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16871 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16872 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16873 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16874 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16875 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16876 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16877 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16878 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16879 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16880 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16881 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16882 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16883 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16884 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16885 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16886 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16887 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16888 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16889 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16890 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16891 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16892 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16893 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16894 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16895 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16896 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16897 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16898 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16899 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16900 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16901 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16902 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16903 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16904 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16905 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16906 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16907 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16908 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16909 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16910 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16911 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16912 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16913 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16914 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16915 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16916 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16917 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16918 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16919 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16920 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16921 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16922 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16923 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16924 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16925 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16926 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16927 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16928 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16929 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16930 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16931 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16932 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16933 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16934 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16935 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16936 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16937 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16938 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16939 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16940 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16941 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16942 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16943 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16944 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16945 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16946 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16947 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16948 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16949 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16950 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16951 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16952 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16953 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16954 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16955 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16956 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16957 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16958 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16959 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16960 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16961 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16962 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16963 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16964 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16965 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16966 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16967 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16968 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16969 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16970 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16971 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16972 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16973 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16974 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16975 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16976 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16977 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16978 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16979 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16980 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16981 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16982 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16983 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16984 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16985 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16986 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16987 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16988 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16989 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16990 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16991 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16992 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16993 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16994 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16995 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16996 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16997 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16998 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:16999 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17000 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17001 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17002 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17003 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17004 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17005 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17006 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17007 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17008 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17009 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17010 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17011 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17012 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17013 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17014 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17015 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17016 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17017 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17018 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17019 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17020 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17021 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17022 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17023 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17024 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17025 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17026 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17027 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17028 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17029 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17030 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17031 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17032 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17033 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17034 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17035 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17036 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17037 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17038 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17039 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17040 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17041 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17042 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17043 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17044 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17045 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17046 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17047 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17048 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17049 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17050 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17051 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17052 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17053 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17054 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17055 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17056 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17057 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17058 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17059 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17060 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17061 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17062 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17063 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17064 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17065 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17066 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17067 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17068 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17069 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17070 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17071 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17072 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17073 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17074 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17075 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17076 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17077 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17078 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17079 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17080 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17081 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17082 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17083 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17084 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17085 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17086 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17087 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17088 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17089 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17090 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17091 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17092 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17093 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17094 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17095 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17096 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17097 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17098 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17099 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17100 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17101 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17102 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17103 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17104 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17105 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17106 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17107 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17108 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17109 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17110 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17111 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17112 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17113 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17114 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17115 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17116 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17117 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17118 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17119 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17120 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17121 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17122 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17124 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17125 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17126 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17127 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17128 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17129 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17130 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17131 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17132 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17133 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17134 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17135 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17136 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17137 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17138 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17139 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17140 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17141 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17142 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17143 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17144 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17145 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17146 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17147 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17148 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17149 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17150 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17151 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17152 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17153 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17154 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17155 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17156 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17157 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17158 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17159 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17160 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17161 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17162 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17163 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17164 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17165 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17166 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17167 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17168 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17169 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17170 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17171 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17172 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17173 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17174 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17175 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17176 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17177 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17178 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17179 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17180 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17181 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17182 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17183 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17184 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17185 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17186 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17187 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17188 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17189 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17190 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17191 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17192 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17193 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17194 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17195 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17196 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17197 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17198 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17199 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17201 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17202 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17203 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17204 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17205 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17207 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17208 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17209 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17210 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17211 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17212 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17213 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17214 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17215 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17216 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17217 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17218 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17219 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17220 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17221 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17222 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17223 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17224 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17225 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17226 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17227 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17228 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17229 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17230 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17231 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17232 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17233 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17234 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17235 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17236 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17237 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17238 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17239 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17240 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17241 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17242 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17244 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17245 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17248 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17249 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17250 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17251 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17252 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17254 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17255 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17256 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17258 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17259 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17260 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17261 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17262 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17263 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17265 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17266 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17267 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17268 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17269 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17270 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17271 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17273 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17274 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17275 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17276 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17277 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17278 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17279 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17280 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17281 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17282 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17283 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17284 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17285 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17286 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17287 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17288 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17289 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17290 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17291 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17292 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17293 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17294 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17295 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17296 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17297 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17298 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17299 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17300 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17301 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17302 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17303 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17304 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17305 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17306 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17307 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17308 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17309 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17310 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17311 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17312 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17313 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17314 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17315 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17316 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17317 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17318 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17319 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17320 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17321 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17322 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17323 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17324 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17325 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17326 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17327 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17328 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17329 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17330 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17331 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17332 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17333 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17334 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17335 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17336 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17337 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17338 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17339 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17340 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17341 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17342 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17343 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17344 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17345 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17346 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17347 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17348 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17349 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17350 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17351 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17352 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17353 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17354 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17355 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17356 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17357 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17358 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17359 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17360 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17361 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17362 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17363 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17364 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17365 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17366 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17367 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17368 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17369 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17370 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17371 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17374 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17375 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17376 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17377 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17378 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17379 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17380 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17381 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17382 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17383 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17384 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17385 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17386 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17391 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17392 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17394 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17395 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17396 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17397 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17398 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17399 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17400 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17401 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17402 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17403 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17404 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17405 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17406 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17407 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17408 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17409 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17410 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17411 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17412 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17413 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17414 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17415 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17416 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17419 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17420 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17421 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17422 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17423 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17424 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17425 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17426 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17427 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17428 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17429 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17430 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17431 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17432 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17433 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17434 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17435 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17436 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17437 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17438 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17439 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17440 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17441 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17442 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17443 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17444 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17448 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17449 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17450 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17451 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17452 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17453 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17454 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17455 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17456 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17457 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17458 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17459 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17460 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17461 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17462 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17463 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17464 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17465 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17466 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17467 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17468 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17469 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17470 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17471 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17472 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17473 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17474 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17475 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17476 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17477 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17479 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17480 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17481 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17482 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17483 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17484 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17485 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17486 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17487 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17488 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17489 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17490 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17491 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17492 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17493 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17494 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17495 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17496 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17497 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17498 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17499 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17500 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17501 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17502 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17503 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17504 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17505 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17506 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17507 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17508 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17509 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17510 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17511 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17512 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17513 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17514 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17515 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17516 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17517 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17518 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17519 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17520 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17521 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17522 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17523 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17524 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17525 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17526 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17527 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17528 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17529 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17530 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17531 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17532 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17533 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17534 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17535 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17536 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17537 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17538 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17539 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17540 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17541 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17542 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17543 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17544 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17545 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17546 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17547 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17548 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17549 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17550 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17551 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17552 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17553 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17554 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17555 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17556 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17557 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17558 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17559 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17560 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17561 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17562 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17563 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17564 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17565 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17566 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17567 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17568 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17569 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17570 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17571 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17572 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17573 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17574 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17575 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17576 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17577 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17578 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17579 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17580 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17581 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17582 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17583 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17584 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17585 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17586 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17587 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17588 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17589 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17590 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17591 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17592 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17593 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17595 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17596 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17597 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17598 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17599 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17600 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17601 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17602 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17603 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17604 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17605 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17606 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17607 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17608 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17609 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17610 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17611 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17612 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17613 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17614 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17615 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17616 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17617 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17618 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17619 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17620 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17621 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17622 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17623 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17624 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17625 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17626 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17627 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17628 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17629 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17630 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17631 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17632 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17633 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17634 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17635 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17636 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17637 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17638 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17639 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17640 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17641 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17642 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17643 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17644 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17645 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17646 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17647 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17648 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17649 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17650 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17651 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17652 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17653 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17654 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17655 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17656 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17657 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17658 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17659 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17660 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17661 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17662 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17663 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17664 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17665 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17666 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17667 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17668 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17669 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17670 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17671 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17672 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17673 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17674 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17675 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17676 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17677 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17678 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17679 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17680 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17681 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17682 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17683 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17684 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17685 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17686 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17687 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17688 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17689 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17690 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17691 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17692 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17693 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17694 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17695 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17696 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17697 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17698 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17699 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17700 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17701 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17702 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17703 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17704 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17705 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17706 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17707 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17708 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17709 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17710 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17711 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17712 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17713 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17714 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17715 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17716 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17718 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17719 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17720 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17721 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17722 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17723 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17724 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17725 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17726 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17727 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17728 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17729 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17730 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17731 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17732 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17733 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17734 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17735 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17736 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17737 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17738 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17739 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17740 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17741 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17742 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17743 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17744 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17745 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17746 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17747 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17748 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17749 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17751 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17752 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17753 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17754 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17755 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17756 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17757 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17758 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17759 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17760 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17761 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17762 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17763 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17764 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17765 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17770 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17773 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17774 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17775 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17777 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17778 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17779 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17780 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17781 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17782 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17783 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17784 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17785 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17786 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17787 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17788 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17789 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17790 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17791 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17792 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17793 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17794 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17795 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17796 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17797 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17798 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17799 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17800 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17801 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17802 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17803 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17804 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17805 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17806 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17807 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17808 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17809 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17810 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17811 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17812 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17813 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17814 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17815 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17816 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17817 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17818 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17819 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17820 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17821 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17822 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17823 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17824 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17825 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17826 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17827 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17828 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17829 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17830 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17831 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17832 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17833 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17834 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17835 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17836 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17837 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17838 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17839 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17840 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17841 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17842 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17843 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17844 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17845 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17846 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17847 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17848 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17849 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17850 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17851 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17852 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17853 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17854 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17855 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17856 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17857 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17858 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17859 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17860 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17861 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17862 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17863 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17864 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17865 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17866 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17867 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17868 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17869 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17870 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17871 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17872 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17873 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17874 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17875 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17876 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17877 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17878 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17879 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17880 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17881 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17882 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17883 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17884 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17885 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17886 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17887 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17888 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17889 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17890 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17891 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17892 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17893 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17894 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17895 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17896 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17897 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17898 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17899 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17900 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17901 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17902 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17903 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17904 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17905 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17906 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17907 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17908 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17909 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17910 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17911 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17912 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17913 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17914 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17915 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17916 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17917 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17918 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17919 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17920 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17921 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17922 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17923 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17924 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17925 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17926 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17927 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17928 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17929 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17930 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17931 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17932 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17933 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17934 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17935 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17936 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17937 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17938 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17939 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17940 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17941 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17942 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17943 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17944 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17945 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17946 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17947 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17948 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17949 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17950 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17951 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17952 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17953 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17954 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17955 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17956 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17957 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17958 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17959 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17960 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17961 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17962 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17963 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17964 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17965 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17966 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17967 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17968 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17969 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17970 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17971 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17972 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17973 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17974 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17975 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17976 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17977 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17978 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17979 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17980 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17981 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17982 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17983 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17984 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17985 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17986 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17987 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17988 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17989 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17990 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17991 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17992 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17993 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17994 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17995 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17996 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17997 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17998 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:17999 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18000 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18001 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18002 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18003 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18004 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18005 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18006 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18007 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18008 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18009 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18010 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18011 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18012 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18013 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18014 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18015 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18016 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18017 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18018 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18019 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18020 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18021 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18022 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18023 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18024 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18025 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18026 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18027 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18028 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18029 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18030 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18031 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18032 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18033 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18034 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18035 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18036 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18037 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18038 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18039 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18040 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18041 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18042 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18043 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18044 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18045 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18046 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18047 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18048 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18049 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18050 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18051 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18052 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18053 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18054 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18055 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18056 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18057 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18058 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18059 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18060 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18061 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18062 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18063 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18064 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18065 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18066 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18067 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18068 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18069 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18070 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18071 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18072 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18073 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18074 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18075 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18076 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18077 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18078 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18079 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18080 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18081 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18082 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18084 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18086 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18087 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18088 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18089 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18090 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18091 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18094 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18095 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18096 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18097 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18100 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18101 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18102 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18103 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18104 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18105 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18106 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18107 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18108 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18109 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18112 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18113 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18114 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18115 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18116 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18117 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18118 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18121 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18122 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18124 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18125 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18126 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18127 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18130 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18131 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18132 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18133 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18134 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18135 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18139 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18140 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18141 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18142 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18143 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18144 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18145 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18146 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18148 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18149 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18150 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18151 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18152 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18153 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18154 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18155 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18156 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18157 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18158 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18159 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18160 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18161 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18162 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18163 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18164 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18165 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18166 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18167 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18168 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18169 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18170 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18171 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18172 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18173 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18174 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18175 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18176 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18177 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18178 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18179 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18180 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18181 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18182 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18183 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18184 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18185 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18186 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18187 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18188 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18189 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18190 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18191 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18192 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18193 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18194 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18195 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18196 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18197 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18198 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18199 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18201 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18202 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18203 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18204 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18205 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18207 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18208 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18209 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18210 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18211 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18212 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18213 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18214 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18215 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18216 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18217 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18218 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18219 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18220 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18221 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18222 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18223 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18224 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18225 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18226 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18227 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18228 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18229 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18230 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18231 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18232 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18233 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18234 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18235 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18236 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18237 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18238 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18239 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18240 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18241 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18242 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18244 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18245 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18248 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18249 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18250 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18251 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18252 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18254 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18255 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18256 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18258 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18259 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18260 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18261 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18262 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18263 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18265 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18266 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18267 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18268 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18270 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18271 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18273 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18274 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18275 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18276 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18277 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18278 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18279 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18280 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18281 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18282 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18283 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18284 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18285 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18286 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18287 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18288 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18289 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18290 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18291 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18292 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18293 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18294 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18295 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18296 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18297 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18298 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18299 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18300 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18301 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18302 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18303 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18304 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18305 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18306 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18307 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18308 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18309 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18310 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18311 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18312 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18313 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18314 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18315 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18316 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18317 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18318 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18319 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18320 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18321 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18322 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18323 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18324 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18325 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18326 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18359 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18360 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18361 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18362 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18363 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18364 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18365 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18366 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18367 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18368 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18369 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18370 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18371 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18374 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18375 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18376 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18377 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18378 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18379 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18380 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18381 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18382 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18383 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18384 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18385 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18386 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18391 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18392 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18394 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18395 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18396 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18397 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18398 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18399 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18400 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18401 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18402 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18403 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18404 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18405 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18406 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18407 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18408 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18409 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18410 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18411 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18412 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18413 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18414 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18415 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18416 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18419 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18420 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18421 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18422 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18423 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18424 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18425 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18426 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18427 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18428 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18429 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18430 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18431 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18432 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18433 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18434 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18435 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18436 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18437 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18438 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18439 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18440 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18441 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18442 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18443 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18444 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18448 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18449 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18450 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18451 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18452 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18453 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18454 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18455 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18456 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18457 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18458 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18459 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18460 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18461 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18462 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18463 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18464 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18465 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18466 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18467 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18468 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18469 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18470 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18471 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18472 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18473 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18474 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18475 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18476 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18477 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18479 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18480 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18481 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18482 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18483 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18484 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18485 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18486 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18487 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18488 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18489 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18490 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18491 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18492 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18493 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18494 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18495 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18496 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18497 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18498 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18499 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18500 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18501 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18502 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18503 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18504 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18505 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18506 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18507 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18508 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18509 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18510 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18511 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18512 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18513 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18514 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18515 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18516 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18517 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18518 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18519 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18520 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18521 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18522 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18523 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18524 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18525 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18526 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18527 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18528 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18529 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18530 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18531 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18536 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18537 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18538 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18539 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18540 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18541 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18542 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18543 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18544 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18748 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18749 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18751 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18752 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18753 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18754 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18755 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18756 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18764 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18765 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18766 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18770 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18773 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18774 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18775 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18777 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18778 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18779 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18780 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18781 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18783 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18784 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18785 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18786 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18788 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18789 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18806 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18807 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18808 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18809 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18810 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18821 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18822 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18823 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18824 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18825 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18826 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18866 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18870 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18888 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18889 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18890 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18891 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18892 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18893 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18894 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18900 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18917 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18918 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18919 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18920 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18922 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18943 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18944 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18950 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18951 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18952 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18954 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18955 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18956 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18957 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18958 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18959 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18975 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18978 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18979 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18980 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18981 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18983 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:18984 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19000 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19004 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19005 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19006 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19007 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19011 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19012 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19060 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19070 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19071 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19080 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19081 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19082 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19083 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19084 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19085 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19086 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19087 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19088 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19089 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19114 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19115 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19127 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19147 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19148 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19149 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19150 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19151 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19152 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19153 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19154 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19155 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19156 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19157 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19158 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19159 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19160 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19161 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19162 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19163 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19164 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19165 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19166 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19167 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19168 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19169 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19170 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19175 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19179 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19199 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19205 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19206 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19207 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19240 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19242 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19244 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19245 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19246 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19247 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19248 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19249 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19250 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19251 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19252 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19254 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19255 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19256 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19258 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19259 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19260 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19261 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19262 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19263 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19264 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19265 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19266 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19267 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19268 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19271 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19274 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19275 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19276 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19277 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19278 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19279 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19280 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19281 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19282 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19292 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19293 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19294 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19295 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19322 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19323 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19325 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19329 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19334 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19337 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19338 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19339 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19340 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19341 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19342 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19343 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19344 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19345 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19349 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19351 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19354 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19357 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19358 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19359 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19361 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19362 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19363 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19367 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19449 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19456 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19499 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19500 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19501 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19502 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19504 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19505 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19506 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19544 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19545 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19546 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19547 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19548 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19550 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19552 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19554 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19555 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19556 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19557 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19558 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19559 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19560 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19561 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19562 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19563 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19564 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19565 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19566 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19567 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19568 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19569 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19570 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19571 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19572 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19573 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19574 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19575 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19576 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19577 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19578 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19579 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19580 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19581 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19582 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19583 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19584 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19585 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19674 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19675 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19676 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19677 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19678 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19679 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19680 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19681 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19682 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19683 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19684 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19685 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19686 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19687 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19688 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19689 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19690 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19691 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19692 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19693 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19694 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19695 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19696 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19697 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19698 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19699 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19700 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19701 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19702 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19703 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19704 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19705 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19706 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19707 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19708 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19709 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19710 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19711 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19712 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19713 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19714 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19715 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19716 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19718 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19719 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19720 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19721 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19722 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19723 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19724 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19725 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19726 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19727 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19728 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19729 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19730 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19731 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19732 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19733 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19734 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19735 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19743 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19744 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19745 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19746 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19751 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19834 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19835 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19836 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19837 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19838 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19839 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19840 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19841 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19842 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19843 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19844 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19845 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19846 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19847 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19848 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19849 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19850 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19851 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19852 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19853 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19854 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19855 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19856 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19857 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19858 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19859 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19860 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19861 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19862 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19863 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19864 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19865 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19866 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19867 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19868 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19869 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19900 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19943 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19948 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19949 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19950 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19951 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19955 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19956 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19959 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19960 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19961 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19962 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19963 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:19992 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20015 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20072 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20074 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20075 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20076 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20079 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20080 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20081 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20082 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20083 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20084 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20085 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20094 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20095 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20108 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20149 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20151 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20158 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20159 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20168 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20169 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20211 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20271 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20272 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20277 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20288 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20294 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20302 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20303 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20304 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20305 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20306 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20308 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20309 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20310 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20311 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20312 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20313 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20314 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20315 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20329 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20359 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20362 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20363 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20364 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20365 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20366 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20367 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20368 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20369 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20370 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20371 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20374 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20375 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20376 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20377 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20378 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20379 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20380 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20381 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20382 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20383 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20384 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20386 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20387 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20388 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20389 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20391 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20392 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20394 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20395 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20403 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20429 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20430 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20431 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20432 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20433 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20434 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20435 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20436 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20437 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20438 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20439 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20440 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20441 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20442 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20499 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20500 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20501 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20510 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20511 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20512 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20513 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20518 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20519 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20521 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20522 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20567 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20568 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20569 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20570 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20571 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20572 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20577 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20578 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20582 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20583 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20584 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20585 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20586 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20592 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20595 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20597 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20631 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20633 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20637 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20638 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20640 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20665 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20666 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20668 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20669 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20680 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20684 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20686 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20687 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20701 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20704 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20705 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20706 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20707 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20708 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20709 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20711 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20712 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20713 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20714 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20715 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20718 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20719 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20720 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20721 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20722 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20726 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20742 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20745 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20746 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20750 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20752 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20753 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20754 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20755 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20756 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20757 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20758 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20760 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20761 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20762 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20763 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20765 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20767 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20768 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20769 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20771 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20772 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20776 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20777 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20784 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20785 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20786 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20787 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20788 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20789 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20790 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20791 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20792 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20803 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20818 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20819 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20820 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20821 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20836 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20852 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20853 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20854 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20855 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20856 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20862 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20882 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20883 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20884 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20885 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20889 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20890 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20891 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20892 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20893 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20894 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20895 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20896 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20897 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20899 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20900 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20902 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20903 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20907 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20909 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20910 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20912 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20913 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20919 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20925 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20926 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20929 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20937 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20943 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20948 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20949 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20953 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20954 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20972 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20974 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20975 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20977 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:20995 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21002 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21007 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21008 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21009 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21011 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21012 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21013 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21015 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21019 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21020 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21027 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21028 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21029 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21030 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21032 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21034 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21036 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21037 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21038 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21039 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21041 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21045 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21068 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21069 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21070 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21071 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21107 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21112 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21113 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21124 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21125 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21126 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21127 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21143 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21154 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21175 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21178 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21186 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21188 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21189 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21190 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21192 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21193 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21196 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21197 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21200 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21201 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21209 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21233 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21237 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21238 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21239 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21242 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21243 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21253 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21254 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21256 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21257 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21258 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21260 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21297 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21298 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21300 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21301 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21302 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21303 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21304 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21305 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21306 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21307 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21308 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21309 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21310 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21311 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21312 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21313 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21314 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21315 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21316 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21317 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21318 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21319 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21327 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21335 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21336 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21338 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21339 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21340 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21341 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21343 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21344 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21346 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21347 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21348 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21350 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21355 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21362 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21363 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21370 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21372 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21373 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21380 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21381 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21382 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21383 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21384 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21390 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21393 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21395 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21414 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21415 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21416 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21419 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21423 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21424 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21445 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21446 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21447 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21448 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21449 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21450 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21451 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21452 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21453 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21454 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21463 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21464 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21465 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21466 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21467 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21469 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21473 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21476 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Load Chest ID:21477 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Maple Grove Township" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Pallet Town (courtneyy)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Maple Grove Reserve" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Panda Plantation (FullMetalPanda)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Hole (redreg)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Pinatopia (moltensteel)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Maple Grove Wildlife Refuge" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Maple Grove Expansion" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Maple Grove State Park" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Avalon (cool1blues)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Indigo Falls (sacredskeleton)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Crown City" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Pandora(Fen77)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Graph Lot (Graphx)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Minxs Estate - Minxie91" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Fen Mountain (Fen77)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Kukiland (Kuki86)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Red Dragon Pointe (RedElectricDragon)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Mountain View (wvfarmer)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Baoccas Palace (Boacca)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Admin Island" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Meow and Traps Palace (meowxdrawr and TrapLord)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Graveyard Getaway (Judas_Priestess)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Minty Ville (Mintard)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Florin (WestleyRoberts)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Cave (PapaBinks)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "magicalPotatoLand (Furious_B and smaakak)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "John and Chevys Farm (ChevyMan and john1213)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Island (shark199328)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Widow Walk Manor (dinosaurwallace)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Doggiecz (doggiecz)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Finicky Forest (RIGRECKER)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Smart (smart)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Bjoerns Land (Bjoern)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Kat Landing (WVKRAZYKATLADY)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Everton (Stager83)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "DebraLand (DebraJean)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Resource Depository I" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Atlantis (Armaggus)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Willow Creek" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Willow Creek -1" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Happy Valley Mining Company (Satior)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Akrils Humble Abode (Akril)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Daes Land (DaeBossio)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Dylans Land (DylanChap)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Pine Island (Avisson)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Weymouth (southuk29)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Anasazi (Anasazi10)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Mischievio Land (Mischievio)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Crown City" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Lanzarote (MykoFk)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Big Sky (Jere)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Butterfly Wing Pass (TheBerric)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Fuzzy Paws Hideaway (WorldWarDeath)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Shimmer Industries (Glenos)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Big Manly Empire (Toastys)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Firesprings (WraithGuy)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Hidden Valley Ranch (Pandorie)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Quail Tail Quarry (Delanious)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Welcome to Rosalia" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Serpentinas Land (Serpentina)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Block Island (mcburress)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Orions Fields (stephamoe)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "ID Homestead (Danny91203 and Iron1)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Jail Cell A" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Giant Bulbul (Narfiuse)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Zircon Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Tourmaline Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Pilbara Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Sunstone Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Sapphire Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Turquoise Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Chryoprase Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Melanite Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Diamond Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Emerald Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Bismuth Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Amber Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area " The Bloodstone Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Morganite Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Ametrine Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Chalcedony Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Larimar Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Jade Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Opal Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Kunzite Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Beryl Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Rose Quartz Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Musgravite Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Moonstone Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Kyanite Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Ruby Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Malachite Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Aquamarine Depository" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Chappersville ( chapper )" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Skye (Aridon)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Daniels Farm (Daniel007)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "CWY (Tawo)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Ark Hollow (archten)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Land of Many Tacos (DaBoiye)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Stone Heights (J0ni2103)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Stokmars Castle (Stokmar)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Home Sted (Fen77)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Porkchop Hill (porkchop123)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Perturbed Oasis (PerturbedTuna)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "D1" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Valley of the Sun (Hogar) (Deirdre)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Eletons Reich (Eleton)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "WV B and B (wvfarmer)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "DiXiEs Claim (DiXiE)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Meridian City (Avatus)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "MountianView (Dare0)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Greenvalley (samskirim97)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "OlegKozarev (OlegKozarev)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Gap (Aroewia)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "EgorPrimes Land (EgorPrime)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Arbor" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Mountain Sanctuary (Ishaya)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "danaland (FarmerMiller)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Factory" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Paradise Lost (Tabata)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Falco Home (falco85s)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Thavtopia (Thavock)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Kayle Cliff (Kayle)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "temp" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Fire Land (FlintandSteel)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Maple Rural Retreat (Maple_Leaf)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Arbor" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Glinishmore (SirDanforth)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Tourmaline Way" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Pineapplepen (GrosTony)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Sunlake Valley (SergioTheGreate) " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Demondim (Demonica666)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Forest of Amber (EllaFrizGerald)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Emre39 Contact Admin Please" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Homeland 1 (timbo255) " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Viert (Minotorious)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "peacejo25 (peacejo25 and Reaper674)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Constuction Zone A (Fen77)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Billboard" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Long Live the Poster" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Kaya (Explodinox and Mr_Sin)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Kjells Land (Kjell)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Rizzo Plantation (FRANK_RIZZO)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Gear Works (sprocket)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Shen An (senan1121)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Silvercrest (EllaFrizGerald) " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Palme Lodge (Palme)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Moonlight Island (Niara)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Sanddusky (moltensteel)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Akihavara Village (kagami71)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Shitty Little PNB Bridge" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Cuncimano (Petrova and Ravasak)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Dead Mans Cove (Grongi)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Yet Another PnB Bridge" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Staff Hell (Staff)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Hellstone Keep 1st floor holding (staff)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Hellstone Keep 2nd floor isolation" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Hellstone Keep 3rd floor holding (staff)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area " Pilot Shark (sharkbitefischer)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Peaceful Valley (Gigaplayer62)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Rooster Booster Ranch (Delanious)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Kiltshire Cottage (rattigan929)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "New Rosalia" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Oakmont (EllaFrizGerald)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Santa Cruz (DiggingForWater)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Kaffeeland (Kaffeejunkie and JohnDiablo and Felo)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Aurora Luminous (RaevynNocturne)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Clear View" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Morewell Way." successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Crown City North Lumber Mill" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "cintrikz (cintrikz)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Vegas (bsean72)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Lycans (LordwolF76)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Sharkytun (sharkbitefischer)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Chalet M&M (Puremist)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Sharkytun City Hall (sharkbitefischer)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Bunny Ranch (Kelsa & Flawless)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Sharkytun Millworks (sharkbitefischer)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Sharkytun Chaple (sharkbitefischer)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Willows place (Willow26)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "kagamis Oasis (kagami71)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "gandhis palace (gandhi)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Kitty Kins" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Cape Canaveral" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Minerva (TheFragile)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Moonwillow Bridge (Moonwillow)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Moonwillows Island (Moonwillow)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Labrynth (sharkbitefischer)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Johnathans Abode (Johnathan)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Formulas Fatal To The Flesh (Sangahyando)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Okamats Corner (Okamat)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "GeGees Place (GeGee)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Whightys (Whighty)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "House Of Mass (Massacror_1st" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Alpagino (alpagino5039)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Dovetale (Glenos)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Mexems Place (Mexem)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "challet de ryanbruno (ryanbruno)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Barretts Privateers Bay (Maple_Leaf)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Shadoland (Shadomane)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "SunRuthers (Khodeeakh & Banditto)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Fen Peaks (Fen77)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Shazza & pocket (ShazzaGalore & pocketdeath1)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Ninth Circle (fortunequacker)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Other Place (DaBoiye)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Adims Paridise (LordSugarbaby)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Harmony Valley (Maple_Leaf)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Daves Farm (darobbins)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Bow of The Sharky (sharkbitefischer)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "burnapalis (ranfy12 & branitad)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Moons Lumberyard (Moonwillow)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Jizztastic (drizzy10)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Cave (CaveManNL)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Duress (Mburk5)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Drownd Sailors Bay Train Depot and Sea Port" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Drownd Sailors Bay Lane" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Isle Of Pax (When)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "jags place (jagess338)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Western Solar Farm" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Big Thirsty Air and Freight" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Big Thirsty Run Way" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Mikes Ranch (Mike57912)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Fey Lake Buss Depot" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Beyond Naria (Gilema)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "High Times (Glimia)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Fishermans Retreat" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Amethyst Farms" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area " Geotopia (LadyGeo)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Christmass Tree Cage" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Wolfprince Manor (Wolfprince_III)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Northern Valley (psix141)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Hunters Retreat" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "End Of The Day " successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Lonely Marsh (Rudolf)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Haven (40miner)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Compass Rose" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Obsidian Tannery and Hides" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Lakefront Dining" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Warduke (Warduke)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Peyton Place (rans64)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "New Utopia (Ghostwhip)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Loriax Land (Loriax1)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Hook, Line, and Sinker" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Spawn Portal Depot" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Fens Condo" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "elevator room" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Edgewater (bradykolson)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Santas Massacree" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "ProtectedByAdmin" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Nuttcracker Village (MaggsinRaggs)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Christmass Depot (When)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Miners Place (Jon_Miner)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area " Maggs Haven (MaggsinRaggs)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Farmers Market" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Farmers Market" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Mountain Reserve (LordKhil)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Foot Hills (william08)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Birch Shores" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Tranks Land (Trankleizor)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Kindom Of Ariania (loverman456)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "yahgiggles estate (yahgiggle)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Little Forest (mini440)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Worrins Place (Worrin)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Chris Island (morsechris)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Crazy House (MadBlackGuy)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Town of Bodjani (Thorholy)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Potato Patch (Tater_Tots)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Sharpes (sharpespur)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Cosy Corner (Notnumbersix)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Land Of Aus (ausvampire)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "The Fort (Amp3d)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Krazykat Alley (WVKRAZYKATLADY)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Doverware (rojoys)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Aurora (Spike811 & Tammiv)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Maple Cove (RHunter)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Rogiland (Rogil)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Dustys Island (graphiclamb)" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Crown City Bowl" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Rosalia Industrial Park" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Mephistopheles Health Resort" successfully [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] Loaded area "Hilltop (Donal_Graeme)" successfully CLASSLOADER addURL: file:/C:/TCAFiles/Users/rischFisch/52677/server.jar - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: AnimalBreedMaster * Version: 0.41.0 * Author: Carsten * Description: A simple facility to keep and breed animals including a small reward system ADD PLUGIN: 0 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: com.vms.Bank * Version: 0.2.0 * Author: Maurizio M. Gavioli aka Miwarre * Team: VistaMare Software * Description: A back-end plug-in to manage player money, with a few user-accessible functions. Primarily intended for use by other plug-ins. * License: Creative Common by-sa * Website: http://www.vistamaresoft.com ADD PLUGIN: 1 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: BlockPlacer * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: Yahgiggle * Team: Rising-Citys * Description: plugin for Placing Blocks * License: MIT * Website: https://www.rising-world.net ADD PLUGIN: 2 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: FurnaceProtection * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: Deon Hamilton knowin as yahgiggle * Team: Rising-Citys * Description: plugin for Furnace ownership and Protection * License: MIT * Website: https://www.rising-world.net ADD PLUGIN: 3 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: GPS * Version: 1.3.1 * Author: Maurizio M. Gavioli aka Miwarre * Team: VistaMare Software * Description: To aid the player in world navigation and positioning. Allows to set a home point and up to 15 waypoints; displays current player position and optionally distance and radial to home/waypoint. * License: Creative Common by-sa * Website: http://www.vistamaresoft.com ADD PLUGIN: 4 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: LastOnline * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: Minotorious * Team: * Description: Displays the last date a player was on the server * License: * Website: ADD PLUGIN: 5 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: MailingSystem * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: Minotorious * Team: * Description: Mailing System plugin * License: * Website: ADD PLUGIN: 6 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: ObjectProtection * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: Yahgiggle * Team: Rising-Citys * Description: plugin for protecting Objects * License: MIT * Website: https://www.rising-world.net ADD PLUGIN: 7 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: com.vms.PlanksAndBeams * Version: 0.4.1b * Author: Maurizio M. Gavioli aka Miwarre * Team: VistaMare Software * Description: To provide players with non-standard planks and beams. Note by JIW: Added temporary workaround in order to make this plugin compatible with 0.9 * License: Creative Common by-sa * Website: http://www.vistamaresoft.com ADD PLUGIN: 8 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: Portals * Version: 1.0.0 * Author: Minotorious * Team: * Description: Portals plugin * License: * Website: ADD PLUGIN: 9 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: com.vms.RWGUI * Version: 0.5.0 * Author: Maurizio M. Gavioli aka Miwarre * Team: VistaMare Software * Description: A back-end plug-in providing some GUI ready-made controls for other plug-ins to use. * License: Creative Common by-sa * Website: http://www.vistamaresoft.com ADD PLUGIN: 10 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: ServerTools * Version: 1.1.0 * Author: Minotorious * Team: * Description: Server Tools plugin for ultimate server control * License: * Website: ADD PLUGIN: 11 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: com.vms.UPS * Version: 0.2.1 * Author: Maurizio M. Gavioli aka Miwarre * Team: VistaMare Software * Description: A plug-in to send items to other users. * License: Creative Common by-sa * Website: http://www.vistamaresoft.com ADD PLUGIN: 12 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\animalbreedmaster\data\abm_The Village of Rosalia.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class carsten.risingworld.abm.AnimalBreedMaster Add onAnimalSleepEvent Add onPlayerInsufficientPointsEvent Add onAnimalFollowEvent Add onPlayerAnimalLimitReachedEvent Add onAnimalOwnerChangedEvent Add onAnimalPregnantEvent Add onPlayerGuiInputEvent Add onPlayerConnectEvent Add onAnimalBornEvent Add onAnimalRewardEvent Add onPlayerDisconnectEvent Add onAnimalProlificEvent Add onAnimalRenamedEvent Add onPlayerSpawnEvent Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerKeyEvent SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\bank/bank-The Village of Rosalia.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.bank.Bank Add onConnect Add onCommand BANK 0.2.0 loaded successfully! API: REGISTER LISTENER class blockplacer.BlockPlacer Add onPlayerSpawnEvent Add onPlayerCommand BlockPlacer plugin loaded successfully! API: REGISTER LISTENER class furnaceprotection.FurnaceProtection Plugin FurnaceProtection: Missing @EventMethod annotation for method onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerSpawnEvent Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerRemoveObject Add onPlayerObjectInteraction Add onPlayerPlaceObject Add onPlayerDestroyObject Plugin FurnaceProtection: Missing @EventMethod annotation for method onPlayerEnterWorldpartEvent Furnace Protection plugin loaded successfully! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\gps/gps-The Village of Rosalia.db GPS 1.3.1 enabled successfully! API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.gps.Gps Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerChangePosition Add onPlayerConnect Add onPlayerSpawn API: REGISTER LISTENER class LastOnline.LastOnline Add onCommand API: REGISTER LISTENER class MailingSystem.MailingSystem Add onPlayerSpawn Add onCommand SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\Mailing_System/assets/mail.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class objectprotection.ObjectProtection Plugin ObjectProtection: Missing @EventMethod annotation for method onPlayerConnectEvent Add onPlayerSpawnEvent Add onPlayerCommand Add onPlayerRemoveObject Add onPlayerObjectInteraction Add onPlayerPlaceObject Add onPlayerDestroyObject Plugin ObjectProtection: Missing @EventMethod annotation for method onPlayerEnterWorldpartEvent Object Protection plugin loaded successfully! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Planks 'n Beams 0.4.1 loaded successfully! API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.PlanksAndBeams Add onPlayerCommand API: REGISTER LISTENER class Portals.Portals Add onAreaEnter Add onCommand SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\Portals/assets/portals_The Village of Rosalia.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.RWGui Add onConnect RWGui 0.5.0 enabled successfully! API: REGISTER LISTENER class ServerTools.ServerTools Add onItemPickUpFromChest Add onChat Add onItemPickUp Add onPlayerConnect Add onPlayerSpawn Add onCommand SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\ups/ups-The Village of Rosalia.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.ups.Ups Add onPlayerCommand UPS 0.2.1 enabled successfully! 2018/02/04 06:01 AM JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,253 Type:TCP Index:0 RCON Server bind to IP: HTTP Server bind to IP: WIN-NQAOA31UK9S:4254 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2408086 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@747e9845 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5d18933a PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@11b5c9d7 PORT:4258 CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 06:05 AM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT Maple_Leaf PLAYER CONNECT: Maple_Leaf LOADPLAYER: Maple_Leaf serverPlayerListener -> Survival Load WorldPartSQLite 1 -5... Return WorldPartSQLite 1 -5 Load WorldPartSQLite 0 -5... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 -5 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - -3 (5ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - -5 (117ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 1 - -5 (106ms) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 3) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (6, 3) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (6, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (5, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 clear temporary lod maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:15648 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:15983 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 179396 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 179397 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 179398 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 179399 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 179400 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 179401 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 179402 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 179403 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 179404 Regrowing vegetation (type 510) has been planted: 179405 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 3 (3) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:15587 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:15648 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db remove item by group treelog x25 - remove treelogspruce x25 - remove treelogbirch x25 - remove treelogwillow x25 - remove treelogmaple x25 - - count is null, return SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:15648 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:15648 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 3 (3) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 60 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 62 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 62 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 60 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6c9b0e2e PORT:4255 / CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@62d5b67a PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@12e26cd2 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2e29442b PORT:4258 CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 06:44 AM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 2 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT graphiclamb PLAYER CONNECT: graphiclamb LOADPLAYER: graphiclamb serverPlayerListener -> Survival Load WorldPartSQLite 4 -1... Return WorldPartSQLite 4 -1 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 2 - -1 (3ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 4 - -1 (82ms) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 0) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 0) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 1) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 1) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 2) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 2) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Load WorldPartSQLite 4 0... Return WorldPartSQLite 4 0 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 2 - 0 (4ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 4 - 0 (96ms) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 3) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 3) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 4) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 4) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 5) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 5) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 60 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 60 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -3... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -3 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 60 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 60 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 2 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9c851322 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@382d177c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@760b21ae SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 7 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@46a2ffcf SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 8 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@c9258302 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 9 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@76310cad SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 10 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@42cd8f68 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 11 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@cd0f069b SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 12 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@cefeb875 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 13 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2ffe106a SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 14 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@af6e062d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 15 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@4afc504c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 16 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a4cd9957 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 17 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@c487db3a SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 18 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@8098b6ba SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 19 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@b3ad5a4c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 20 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9b5a9fe6 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 21 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@55336b22 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 22 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2aa7e71e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 23 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@4eb1def7 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 24 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@7976f8ef SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 25 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2c05e24 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 26 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@81c1fdf0 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 27 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2de93f91 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 28 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a91d815b SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 29 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@931e8140 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 30 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d16ae977 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 31 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@79e60207 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 32 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d6cdb16b SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 33 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@98b80498 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 34 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a9a74e03 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 35 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@cdb59fed SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 36 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@b0b05126 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 37 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@ba93ba28 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 38 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@7b728130 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 39 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@5972534d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 40 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@75ad9c26 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 41 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@ace735e0 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 42 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@15689c59 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 43 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1795d0b4 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 44 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@325604aa SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 45 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@5f357316 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 46 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@3c156222 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 47 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@7ea93b5e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 48 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@f6deb0a6 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 49 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a628b693 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 50 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@cc2c0390 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 51 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a8a0eacb SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 52 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@26a49a63 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 53 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9f7459f8 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 54 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@3a21bb17 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 55 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@8c1f1918 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 56 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@808b1bc3 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 57 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@faaa76bd SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 58 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@14169706 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 59 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@273fd83 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 60 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@8dd3800f SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 4 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@222f57ef SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 3 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@f10968d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 3 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@f10968d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 3 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@f10968d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 3 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@f10968d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 5 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@7f585ba7 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 6 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2fcaeb6c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 61 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@3c3d603b SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 62 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@bcaf34e1 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 63 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@c47da69 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 64 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@bee8a7ad SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 65 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1fea86f2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 66 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@4c98b688 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 67 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a1b6173a SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 68 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@df6f58aa SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 69 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@3120c621 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 70 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@4db524af SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 71 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@52b99c36 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 72 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@132a170 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 73 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@e7044d3d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 74 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@80fc6f3a SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 75 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@e851ff6 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 76 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d766561c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 77 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@519d7179 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 78 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@4bf100f2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 79 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@ff31643e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 80 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@7f78d731 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 81 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1f5492c9 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 82 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1df160e2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 83 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a2f9076f SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 84 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@dab9d7d2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 85 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@550fdf9c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 86 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1aa63af4 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 87 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@83a04451 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 88 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@b8a43aa4 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 89 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a46b80c0 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 90 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@6dd436d3 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 91 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@6a55fd12 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 92 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@6a7b262d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 93 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@390df98a SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 94 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@527f8276 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 95 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@51ee9705 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 96 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@c3774d18 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 97 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@7bd2e88e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 98 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@f665d3e6 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 99 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2cd7c7f4 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 100 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@65852405 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 101 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@c3f2eaa0 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 102 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d67acb64 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 103 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1e153ce8 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 104 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@65ec6b12 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 105 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@59c1bc49 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 106 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@27697a38 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 107 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@65c04fe1 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 108 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@4791ae86 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 109 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@6fdec00b SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 110 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@5e59e11b SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 111 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@b75af9cf SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 112 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@e2444ea4 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 113 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@33672fee SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 114 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@e457d867 ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 115 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@c6abb273 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 116 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@cce652a6 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 117 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@47ccf5df SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 118 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@c796177c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 119 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@6850e1f1 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 120 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@98d9021f SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 121 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@94bb624 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 122 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@40d6eb3e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 123 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@4d30c9ad SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 124 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d4adac5f SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 125 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@16853409 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 126 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@c3e5edfa SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 127 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@39cda4ed SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 128 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@bec66dfe SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 129 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@ee836752 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 130 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@19d84dd6 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 131 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@4b6b025a SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 132 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@c298740d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 133 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@87bee3cf SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 134 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@5223e7f5 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 135 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@3ae4cae1 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 136 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@b53bf6f2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 137 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@57bdee66 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 138 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@c2fd0232 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 139 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2d455e4d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 140 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@f69d80e6 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 141 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@bc38513c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 142 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@52fb1704 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 143 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@dfce0c65 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 144 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@5bf16c16 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 145 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d62f7c27 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 146 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@b7b3ea8a SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 147 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@eefd3700 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 148 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@91e8dd2e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 149 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@f68b5d9b SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 150 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@7b4f7199 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 151 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@eac84b14 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 152 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@603a15e8 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 153 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@62a821d8 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 154 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@f499b2c2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 155 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@65aa1c95 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 156 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@75046e60 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 157 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@e1008ccf SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 158 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d4613827 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 159 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@e3506056 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 160 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@49c8b998 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 161 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@4deb25a5 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 162 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d82fb964 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 163 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@5e1b1a7d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 164 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@41ae9439 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 165 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a6b2f59c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 166 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@e74cbe17 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 167 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@fc630176 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 168 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@fbab0f69 API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 169 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@aa780855 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 170 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@6003ded7 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 171 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1dc84ab9 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 172 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@f7da0da1 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 173 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@8322bbc0 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 174 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d978809b SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 175 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2a4f0676 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 176 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@36cc4147 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 177 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@750b12df SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 178 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@911f2bd1 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 179 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2f7a1eda SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 180 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@e73f7a57 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 181 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@e4234c01 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 182 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1d88704b SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 183 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@700e289 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 184 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@c714ece7 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 185 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@e2a606db SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 186 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@cd30c903 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 187 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@52474b08 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 188 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@43d81ec2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 189 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d08132ef SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 190 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9346d2e0 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 191 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@585c5c79 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 188 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@43d81ec2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 192 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a8c6670b SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 193 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@446fce4 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 194 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@7e56ff6a SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 195 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@308cc5fa SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 196 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@8be632c7 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 197 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@3d40b0d9 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 198 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@dfb4180e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 199 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@df773682 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 200 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@55e55c74 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 201 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@6c785319 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 202 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@fad5d487 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 203 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@acd2c8dd ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick clear temporary lod maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick clear temporary voxel maps API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 3 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent clear temporary lod maps ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [07:07] graphiclamb: [#FFFFFF]didn't realize anyone was on. rude of me. good morning ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (5, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 clear temporary lod maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (6, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps clear temporary lod maps ... (6, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (5, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 9 ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 3) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 9 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.GuiMessageBox Add onClick Add onTextEntry API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMessageBox - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.Gui Add onTextEntry Add onClick API: UNREGISTER LISTENER Gui - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21355 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 5 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:20668 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 50 (50) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 100 (100) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 50 (50) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 100 (100) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 50 (50) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 100 (100) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 50 (50) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 100 (100) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 50 (50) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 100 (100) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 50 (50) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 100 (100) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 50 (50) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 100 (100) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 50 (50) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 100 (100) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 310 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:20669 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 2 (2) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 3 (3) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) 2018/02/04 07:39 AM server.a WARNING: Unable to change objectstatus, n: 0 o: 0 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary lod maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 2 (2) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 3 (3) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 313 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 61 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 61 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 61 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 1 clear temporary voxel maps ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 120 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 49 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) clear temporary lod maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 49 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21178 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 120 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 49 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21178 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary lod maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 120 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 49 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 120 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 49 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:20717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:20717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:20717 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:20717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:20717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:20717 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:20717 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 49 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) clear temporary lod maps ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 120 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 49 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 120 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 49 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21123 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21338 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 49 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 120 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 49 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 120 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21383 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21383 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 6) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 6) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 7) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 7) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 8) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 8) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 9) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 9) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 10) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 10) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 11) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 11) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 12) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 12) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 102 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 222 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:1 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@2fb9bb5d - 1 - 1 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 08:08 AM [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / F.f[TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@19d4a86a PORT:4255 / CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3f914c7f PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@73c8f5ca PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6fcbf77 PORT:4258 CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 08:13 AM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 3 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT cucurbitapepo PLAYER CONNECT: cucurbitapepo CREATEPLAYER: cucurbitapepo LOADPLAYER: cucurbitapepo serverPlayerListener -> Survival Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -1... Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -1... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -1 Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -1 Load WorldPartSQLite -1 0... Load WorldPartSQLite -1 0... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 0 Return WorldPartSQLite -1 0 Worldpart generating... Load WorldPartSQLite 0 -1... Biomepart generating... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 -1 Load WorldPartSQLite 0 0... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - 0 (4ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - 0 (94ms) Load WorldPartSQLite 0 0... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 0 Return WorldPartSQLite 0 0 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - -1 (5ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - -1 (94ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - -1 (5ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - -1 (101ms) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:3 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:3 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:3 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:3 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:3 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:3 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:3 ch: 6 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Reconnecting cucurbitapepo is losing connection (4257, TCP)... SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 227 cucurbitapepo timed out! CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: Reconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@5ae029b2 - 3 - [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 1 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM F.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 3 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [UdpSessionHandler] Unable to find ClientConnection for null [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@315344e8 PORT:4255 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@d287378 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@372ff6a7 PORT:4258 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@dc53eca PORT:4255 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@b0221a2 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5392050 PORT:4258 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@12a01596 PORT:4255 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2ae9831d PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@77757e84 PORT:4258 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1c983a8 PORT:4255 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6e7809b7 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@cc42b90 PORT:4258 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 08:15 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 13) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 13) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 14) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 14) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 15) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 15) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary lod maps ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary voxel maps ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary lod maps ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 72 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 16) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 16) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 17) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 17) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 1 - -1 (4ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 3 - -1 (97ms) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Load WorldPartSQLite 3 -1... Return WorldPartSQLite 3 -1 Load WorldPartSQLite 3 0... Return WorldPartSQLite 3 0 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 1 - 0 (6ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 3 - 0 (115ms) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 18) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 18) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 19) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 19) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 20) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 20) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 21) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 21) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 22) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 22) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 23) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 23) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 24) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 24) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 25) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 25) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 26) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 26) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179413 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179414 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179415 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179416 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179418 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179419 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179420 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179421 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179422 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179423 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179424 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179425 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179426 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179427 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179428 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179429 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179430 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179431 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179432 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179433 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179434 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179435 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179436 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179437 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179438 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179439 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179440 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179441 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179442 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179443 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179444 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179445 RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 27) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 27) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179446 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179447 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179448 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179449 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179450 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179451 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179452 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179453 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179454 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return remove item by group treelog x1 - remove treelogspruce x1 - remove treelogbirch x1 - - count is null, return SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 13 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 28) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 28) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179459 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179460 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179461 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179462 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179463 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179464 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179465 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179466 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179467 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179468 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179469 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179470 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179471 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179472 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179473 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179474 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179475 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179476 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179477 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179478 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179479 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179480 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179481 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179482 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179483 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179484 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179485 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179486 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179487 Regrowing vegetation (type 128) has been planted: 179488 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 29) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 29) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 3 (3) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1454 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1494 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1532 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1572 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1612 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1652 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1692 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1730 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1770 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1810 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1850 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1890 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1928 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1968 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 2 (2) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@66c0fe0b PORT:4255 / CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5a6fb038 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@50ad8e88 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@435f26d5 PORT:4258 CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 09:42 AM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 4 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT J0ni2103 PLAYER CONNECT: J0ni2103 LOADPLAYER: J0ni2103 serverPlayerListener -> Survival Load WorldPartSQLite -3 1... Return WorldPartSQLite -3 1 Load WorldPartSQLite -3 0... Return WorldPartSQLite -3 0 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -2 - 0 (5ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -3 - 0 (109ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -3 - 1 (102ms) Load WorldPartSQLite -2 0... Worldpart generating... Return WorldPartSQLite -2 0 Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -2 - 0 (175ms) Load WorldPartSQLite -2 1... Worldpart generating... Return WorldPartSQLite -2 1 Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -2 - 1 (96ms) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [09:43] J0ni2103: [#FFFFFF]o hey [09:43] J0ni2103: [#FFFFFF]how are you doing ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 19 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 19 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 6 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:4 ch: 6 [09:46] graphiclamb: [#FFFFFF]hi Joni. was afk a bit [09:46] graphiclamb: [#FFFFFF]how are you? RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 30) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 30) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@607dbae6 - 4 - 1 2018/02/04 09:48 AM[TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / F.f[TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / Delete Client ID: 4 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 31) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 31) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 32) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 32) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 33) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 33) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 34) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 34) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 35) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 35) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 36) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 36) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 37) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 37) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 38) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 38) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 39) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 39) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! remove item by group treelog x64 - remove treelogspruce x64 - remove treelogbirch x64 - - count is null, return SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 40) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 40) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 41) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 41) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 42) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 42) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 43) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 43) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 44) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 44) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 45) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 45) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 46) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 46) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 47) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 47) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 48) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 48) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 49) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 49) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 50) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 50) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 51) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 51) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 52) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 52) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 53) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 53) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 54) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 54) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 55) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 55) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@389ce6fd PORT:4255 / CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1fc081b9 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@65268b73 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5dea01fc PORT:4258 CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 10:14 AM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 5 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT chappers PLAYER CONNECT: chappers LOADPLAYER: chappers serverPlayerListener -> Survival SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 Load WorldPartSQLite 0 -3... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 -3 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - -2 (10ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - -3 (208ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - -2 (5ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - -3 (102ms) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 314 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 3 (3) ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1536 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1576 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1616 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1656 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1696 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1734 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1774 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1814 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1854 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1894 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1932 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1972 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 56) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 56) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 57) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 57) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 58) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 58) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 59) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 59) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 60) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 60) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 61) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 61) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 62) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 62) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 63) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 63) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 314 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 314 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 64) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 64) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 65) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 65) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 66) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 66) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 67) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 67) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21419 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21419 clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 68) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 68) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 69) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 69) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 70) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 70) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 314 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 71) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 71) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 314 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 72) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 72) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 73) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 73) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 103 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Refuel furnace (1037) - current fuel: 68 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 clear temporary voxel maps ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! Refuel furnace (1037) - current fuel: 74 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 74) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 74) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 75) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 75) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 76) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 76) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 77) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 77) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 78) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 78) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 314 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - -2 (144ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - -2 (111ms) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179489 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179490 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179491 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179492 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179493 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179494 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179495 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179496 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179497 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179498 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179499 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179500 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179501 Regrowing vegetation (type 504) has been planted: 179502 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db remove item by group treelog x40 - remove treelogspruce x40 - remove treelogbirch x40 - - count is null, return ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 79) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 79) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 80) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 80) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 81) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 81) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps clear temporary lod maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 82) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 82) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 83) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 83) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 84) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 84) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 3 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 85) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 85) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [10:48] graphiclamb: [#FFFFFF]t ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 86) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 86) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 87) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 87) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 88) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 88) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 89) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 89) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 3 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 90) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 90) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 91) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 91) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 213 ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 314 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 3 (3) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1490 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1528 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1568 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1608 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1648 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1688 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1726 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1766 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1806 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1846 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1886 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1924 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1964 remove item by group treelog x5 - remove treelogspruce x5 - remove treelogbirch x5 - - count is null, return SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 2 (2) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectDestroy: 41 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 314 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 92) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 92) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 93) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 93) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 94) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 94) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 95) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 95) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 96) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 96) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 remove item by group treelog x50 - remove treelogspruce x50 - remove treelogbirch x50 - - count is null, return ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (3, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2ada6cae PORT:4253 / ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@b51ce2e PORT:4255 / CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@26ba3e9d PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6833e4cc PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@25b1510f PORT:4258 CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 11:22 AM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 6 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT RaevynNocturne PLAYER CONNECT: RaevynNocturne LOADPLAYER: RaevynNocturne serverPlayerListener -> Survival Load WorldPartSQLite 1 -1... Return WorldPartSQLite 1 -1 Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 1 - -1 (108ms) Load WorldPartSQLite 1 0... Return WorldPartSQLite 1 0 Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 1 - 0 (103ms) ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 6 ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCON CHAT: all working ok this morn? [11:24] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]so far [11:24] graphiclamb: [#FFFFFF]been fine so far RCON CHAT: great RCON CHAT: we are back on the hive SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [11:25] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]oh great, back on the zombie servers, lol! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 RCON CHAT: lol [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (6, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 [11:25] graphiclamb: [#FFFFFF]idk what it means, but congrats [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [11:26] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]Resident Evil, the area that the first movie shows them at is called the Hive RCON CHAT: I put us back on after everybody signed off last night [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21071 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 6 RCON CHAT: lol I remember that ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerBlockDestroy: 123 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:13594 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Chest (13594) deleted from DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (12, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCON CHAT: has chappers got a claim yet raev? [11:27] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]as for the game, RW uses something called "Hive Identification", although I'm not sure if that's steam only or not ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Chest (21480) deleted from DB! RCON CHAT: it verrifies you own the game I believe ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [11:28] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]so it';s RW specific? SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [11:28] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]not Steam related? ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Chest (21482) deleted from DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCON CHAT: combination I think SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 6 RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 97) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 97) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) [11:28] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]ah. interesting RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 98) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 98) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCON CHAT: from what I gather it is an anticheet thing [11:28] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]hey shark, do you know how to use the F7 function? RCON CHAT: tyes [11:29] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]would you mind pm'in me in discord to explain how to get it to work, please? RCON CHAT: tmke area around stuff you want gone ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 99) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 99) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 100) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 100) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) [11:29] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]did that RCON CHAT: pick the material you want gone. press delete ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [11:29] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]did that, didn't work ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! RCON CHAT: what were you tryingto delete ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [11:30] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]land ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:6 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db RCON CHAT: tuse delete all clear temporary voxel maps ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [11:30] RaevynNocturne: [#FFFFFF]I am, still not doing anything RCON CHAT: 1 sec ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Reconnecting RaevynNocturne is losing connection (4255, TCP)... 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler] Unable to find ClientConnection for / ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler] Unable to find ClientConnection for / RaevynNocturne timed out! CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: Reconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@b874dc2 - 6 - [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM F.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 6 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@20d59222 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@399f97aa PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@44b51c11 PORT:4258 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@11070ec4 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5690dfe8 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@7b53f70f PORT:4258 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@16848454 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6415a521 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@58b835fa PORT:4258 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@52a59eaf PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6c6a982c PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@7a724d6b PORT:4258 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:31 AM JIW-Network WARNING: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] Unable to find ClientConnection for / ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@40390765 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 7 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1888fb4c PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@16fd9a7a PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@20aab55a PORT:4258 CLIENT 7 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 7 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 11:31 AM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 7 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT sharkbitefischer PLAYER CONNECT: sharkbitefischer LOADPLAYER: sharkbitefischer serverPlayerListener -> Survival RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 101) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 101) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 102) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 102) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 103) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 103) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 3 (3) Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1610 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1650 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1690 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1730 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1770 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1808 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1848 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1888 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1928 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1968 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 201 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 6 ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! [11:34] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]teleport is not working ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [11:34] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]oh raev isn't here ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectDestroy: 41 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:7 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 41 ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! CLIENT 7 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 7 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@2260be32 - 7 - 2 2018/02/04 11:38 AM [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / INFO: Delete Client ID: 7 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 149 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 10 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 104) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 104) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectPlace: 111 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:5 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@34061083 - 5 - [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 1 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 2018/02/04 11:45 AM F.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 5 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5cbf3804 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 8 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@193664a5 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1414493 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@68d500d3 PORT:4258 CLIENT 8 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 8 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 11:55 AM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 8 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT sharkbitefischer PLAYER CONNECT: sharkbitefischer LOADPLAYER: sharkbitefischer serverPlayerListener -> Survival RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 105) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 105) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 106) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 106) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 107) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 107) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! CLIENT 8 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 8 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@6d9a395c - 8 - [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 1 2018/02/04 11:56 AM F.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 8 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 108) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 108) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 109) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 109) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 110) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 110) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 111) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 111) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 112) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 112) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 113) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 113) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 114) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 114) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 3 (3) Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1370 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1410 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1448 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1488 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1528 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1568 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1608 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1646 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1686 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1726 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1766 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1806 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1844 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1884 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1924 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1964 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 2 (2) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 115) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 115) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 116) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 116) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 117) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 117) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 118) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 118) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 119) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 119) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 120) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 120) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 121) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 121) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 122) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 122) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 123) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 123) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 124) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 124) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 125) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 125) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 126) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 126) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 127) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 127) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 128) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 128) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 129) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 129) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 130) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 130) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21418 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 131) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 131) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 132) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 132) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 133) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 133) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 134) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 134) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 135) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 135) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 136) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 136) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 137) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 137) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 138) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 138) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 139) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 139) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 140) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 140) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 141) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 141) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 3 (3) Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1396 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1436 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1476 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1514 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1554 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1594 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1634 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1674 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1712 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1752 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1792 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1832 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1872 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1910 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1950 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 142) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 142) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 143) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 143) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 144) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 144) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 145) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 145) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 146) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 146) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 147) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 147) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 148) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 148) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 149) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 149) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2695ef97 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 9 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@27d774b2 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@39d2176f PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@20e18582 PORT:4258 CLIENT 9 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 9 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 01:45 PM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 9 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT J0ni2103 PLAYER CONNECT: J0ni2103 LOADPLAYER: J0ni2103 serverPlayerListener -> Survival SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [13:45] graphiclamb: [#FFFFFF]hi Joni [13:46] graphiclamb: [#FFFFFF]sorry i missed you earlier [13:46] J0ni2103: [#FFFFFF]hey [13:46] J0ni2103: [#FFFFFF]no problem SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCON CHAT: hey you 2 how are things working? [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 [13:47] graphiclamb: [#FFFFFF]seems to be fine [13:47] J0ni2103: [#FFFFFF]good ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCON CHAT: :) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 223 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:9 ch: 6 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! CLIENT 9 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 9 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@3a5d61da - 9 - [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 1 2018/02/04 01:49 PM F.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 9 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 150) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 150) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 151) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 151) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3017ac3f PORT:4255 / CLIENT 10 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@dee3fa1 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@26c5a0fa PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2b9c02a4 PORT:4258 CLIENT 10 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 10 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 01:51 PMSERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT LongLocal F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 10 IP: PLAYER CONNECT: LongLocal CREATEPLAYER: LongLocal LOADPLAYER: LongLocal serverPlayerListener -> Survival SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 152) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 152) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5149e2c9 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 11 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1f26d74c PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@70e4c2e8 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1f99c5f2 PORT:4258 CLIENT 11 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 11 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 01:57 PM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 11 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT sharkbitefischer PLAYER CONNECT: sharkbitefischer LOADPLAYER: sharkbitefischer serverPlayerListener -> Survival RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 153) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 153) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 154) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 154) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 155) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 155) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 224 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 224 Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -6... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -6 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - -3 (9ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - -6 (173ms) Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -5... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -5 Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - -5 (168ms) Load WorldPartSQLite 0 -6... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 -6 Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - -6 (74ms) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 server: replace clothing 2 server: replace clothing 1 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 156) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 156) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 157) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 157) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [14:02] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]hey long [14:02] LongLocal: [#FFFFFF]hy [14:02] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]use /showareas in chat SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 [14:02] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]those squares are other people's claims [14:02] LongLocal: [#FFFFFF]i have....but i read the journal [14:02] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]find an open spot and I will set you a claim [14:03] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]take your time the place is verry big [14:03] LongLocal: [#FFFFFF]thanks.... i tell later [14:03] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]reading the journal is good but please dissreguard the economey stuff thei info is old and the plugin is not ready yet [14:04] LongLocal: [#FFFFFF]ok [14:04] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]I am in and out all the time so flag me down when you are ready to set a claim SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 [14:04] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]they start at 120x120x120 atm [14:04] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]get larger by biom [14:04] LongLocal: [#FFFFFF]oh.. [14:05] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]if you want an island it can be arrainged too [14:05] LongLocal: [#FFFFFF]i like in the middle of a forrest with a liitle mountain [14:06] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]alot of that around [14:06] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]take your time and give yourself room to breath SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 [14:06] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]remember where your portals are [14:06] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]the main hub is there at spawn RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 158) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 158) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 159) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 159) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) [14:07] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]the building with all the doors SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21478 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -37 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 160) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 68608) send rca part (id: 160) offset: 64000 len: 4608 (total: 68608) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 161) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 161) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 162) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 162) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 163) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 163) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.gps.GpsGUI Add onTextEntry Add onClick SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 2 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9c851322 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@382d177c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@760b21ae SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 204 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1ab6230e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 205 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2e3fd211 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 206 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@ea41dce2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 207 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@8181327d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 208 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2fd5af7c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 209 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@663ba7a3 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 211 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@7938167d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 212 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a9d0b0c5 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 213 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@11a11930 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 214 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9a1acd6c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 215 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@566d0502 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 216 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d5ff97ed SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 2 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9c851322 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@382d177c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@760b21ae SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 204 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1ab6230e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 205 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2e3fd211 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 206 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@ea41dce2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 207 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@8181327d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 208 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2fd5af7c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 209 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@663ba7a3 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 211 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@7938167d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 212 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a9d0b0c5 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 213 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@11a11930 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 214 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9a1acd6c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 215 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@566d0502 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 216 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d5ff97ed API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GpsGUI - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 2 - 0 (120ms) Load WorldPartSQLite 2 -1... Return WorldPartSQLite 2 -1 Worldpart generating... Load WorldPartSQLite 2 0... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 2 - -1 (108ms) Return WorldPartSQLite 2 0 RCA 190 -1 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 164) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 77059) send rca part (id: 164) offset: 64000 len: 13059 (total: 77059) ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Load WorldPartSQLite 1 -6... Load WorldPartSQLite 1 -6... Return WorldPartSQLite 1 -6 Return WorldPartSQLite 1 -6 Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 1 - -6 (136ms) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 165) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 165) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 166) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 166) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) clear temporary voxel maps Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - -4 (140ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 1 - -4 (100ms) Load WorldPartSQLite 0 -4... Load WorldPartSQLite 0 -4... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 -4 Return WorldPartSQLite 0 -4 Load WorldPartSQLite 1 -4... Load WorldPartSQLite 1 -4... Return WorldPartSQLite 1 -4 Return WorldPartSQLite 1 -4 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - -4 (97ms) RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 167) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 167) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -4... Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -4... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -4 Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -4 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@7a7acb2 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 12 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2b1a453 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@348d2d83 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@181f964f PORT:4258 CLIENT 12 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 12 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 02:15 PM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 12 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT TammiV PLAYER CONNECT: TammiV LOADPLAYER: TammiV serverPlayerListener -> Survival Load WorldPartSQLite -4 0... Return WorldPartSQLite -4 0 Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -4 - 0 (100ms) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [14:15] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]hey tammi [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 clear temporary voxel maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [14:16] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]the problem with object protection is fixed but there are new commands for it SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 6 [14:16] TammiV: [#FFFFFF]Ok What are the new ones? [14:16] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]please chech /op for the changes they are alot easer now [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [14:16] TammiV: [#FFFFFF]ok thanks [14:17] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]NP SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db clear temporary voxel maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 6 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! NPC (ID: 4635) deleted! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [14:20] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]also incase you are interested they are giveing classes on building with PNB on artisans server on fryday ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 6 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [14:20] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]we are frendly with them and they welcome us to the class and to make a claim and play there too if you wish RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 168) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 168) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 169) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 169) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) [14:21] TammiV: [#FFFFFF]I just placed a chest and tried to add Spike and it said Error object null is not your object ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [14:21] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]they are a creative server though ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps [14:21] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]1 sec be rt there ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Load WorldPartSQLite -4 1... Return WorldPartSQLite -4 1 Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -4 - 1 (118ms) NPC (ID: 4487) deleted! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 3 (3) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1226 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1266 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1306 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1346 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1386 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1424 Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -2... Load WorldPartSQLite -1 -2... Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -2 Return WorldPartSQLite -1 -2 Load WorldPartSQLite 0 -2... Load WorldPartSQLite 0 -2... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 -2 Return WorldPartSQLite 0 -2 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1464 Server: Fix borders -204 1 40 clear temporary voxel maps Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1504 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1544 Server: Fix borders -204 1 40 clear temporary voxel maps Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1584 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1622 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (125, 25) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 6 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1662 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1702 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1742 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1782 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1820 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1860 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [14:22] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]says you are owner Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1900 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1940 Refuel furnace (1055) - current fuel: 1980 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 111 ccat: newstatus 1 (1) [14:22] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]try again ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [14:23] TammiV: [#FFFFFF]gave me the same error [14:23] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]ok let me try something [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [14:24] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]it said it worked for me try opening my chest SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@23134482 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@254011e9 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@660f02a4 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@51e5a1a5 PORT:4258 CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 02:25 PM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 13 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT LadyGeo PLAYER CONNECT: LadyGeo LOADPLAYER: LadyGeo serverPlayerListener -> Survival Load WorldPartSQLite 0 1... Load WorldPartSQLite 0 2... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 2 Worldpart generating... Return WorldPartSQLite 0 1 Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - 1 (6ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - 2 (152ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - 1 (75ms) SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [14:25] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]ok the command is /op add name clear temporary lod maps ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [14:25] TammiV: [#FFFFFF]That is what I typed ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [14:25] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]try your's again SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [14:25] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]ok ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [14:25] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]maby spike needs to be on [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 clear temporary voxel maps ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [14:26] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]I don't know try to add me ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:12 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 6 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! CLIENT 12 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 12 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@6f7ae3a1 - 12 - 4 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 02:26 PM [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / INFO [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / : Delete Client ID: 12 [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / NPC (ID: 12992) deleted! clear temporary voxel maps ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@7f1f2596 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2cc65032 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3b0c373b PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@397c0afd PORT:4258 CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 2018/02/04 02:27 PM F.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 14 IP: SERVER START VERIFICATION OF CLIENT TammiV PLAYER CONNECT: TammiV LOADPLAYER: TammiV serverPlayerListener -> Survival SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 clear temporary lod maps ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [14:27] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]I can get into it anyway I am admin but you should be able to add me ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [14:27] TammiV: [#FFFFFF]My game froze up [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 2 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [14:27] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]it happens every now and then [14:27] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]NP ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! RCA 261 -38 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 170) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 79960) send rca part (id: 170) offset: 64000 len: 15960 (total: 79960) RCA 261 -39 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 171) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 114362) send rca part (id: 171) offset: 64000 len: 50362 (total: 114362) [14:28] TammiV: [#FFFFFF]still gives me the same error [14:28] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]now you reloged try adding spike SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 6 ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [14:28] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]ok weard ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [14:28] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]pick the chest up and reset please clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Chest (21485) deleted from DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerObjectStatusChange: 227 [14:29] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]now try again please SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! [14:29] TammiV: [#FFFFFF]same error [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] CHEST:21417 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [14:30] sharkbitefischer: [#E577A1]ok let me check my logs cause I am not seeing any errors but let me check SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db Chest (21487) deleted from DB! [14:30] TammiV: [#FFFFFF]ok ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 6 ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:2 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:10 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:11 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:13 ch: 6 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 0 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 1 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 2 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 3 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 4 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 5 SEND KeepaliveMessage Conn:14 ch: 6 SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (8, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (6, 0) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! RCON CHAT: ok got the log and I see the errors you mentioned I thing. I will send this to yahgiggle for him to fix [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0] PlayerConstructionPlace: 2 ... (8, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [14:33] TammiV: [#FFFFFF]Ok Thanks SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\furnace_protectioin/database.db SQLite: C:\TCAFiles\Users\rischFisch\52677\plugins\object_protection/database.db ... (6, 4) Chunks saved to DB! Load WorldPartSQLite -2 -1... Return WorldPartSQLite -2 -1 Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -2 - -1 (87ms) RCA -99 -3 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 172) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 162422) send rca part (id: 172) offset: 64000 len: 64000 (total: 162422) send rca part (id: 172) offset: 128000 len: 34422 (total: 162422) RCA -98 0 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 173) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 69155) send rca part (id: 173) offset: 64000 len: 5155 (total: 69155) RCA -95 -3 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 174) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 66170) send rca part (id: 174) offset: 64000 len: 2170 (total: 66170) RCA -100 -1 MAX BYTES PER MESSAGE EXCEEDED! send rca part (id: 175) offset: 0 len: 64000 (total: 133024) send rca part (id: 175) offset: 64000 len: 64000 (total: 133024) send rca part (id: 175) offset: 128000 len: 5024 (total: 133024) ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB!